Greetings And Salutations!

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Greetings and Salutations!
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Posts: 123
By Mystluna 2010-04-11 17:19:43
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Hey Evertyone on Asura,

I just started playing a few days ago and wanted to introduce myself to the community.

My friend use to play the game but left for wow. I cant stand wow so I am trying out this game and LOVE IT! There is so much to do!

So my toons name on the server is Mystluna, she is a Mithra and I chose my home city as Windurst. It's been a real blast so far playing. I cant want to try out some party playing soon.

If you feel like saying hi please do so I look forward to making friends and playing with people.

Myst =^.^=
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Clinpachi
Posts: 2680
By Siren.Clinpachi 2010-04-11 17:21:55
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Best of luck and keep you're head up when times get rough (and believe me they will).

If you just started you will run into many many problems but a good high level friend or two can save the day for quite a while until you hit harder things.

Try to take time and learn the mechanics of the game and enjoy yourself first and foremost. Try to enjoy the job you pick too, don't let anyone talk you into anything.

You'll have your rough days believe me but as long as you stay a little care free and know it will get done eventually you'll be alright.

FFXI is not for the light hearted when it comes to the dedication it takes to get things done.

Best of luck
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Dalight
Posts: 5163
By Asura.Daleterrence 2010-04-11 17:41:42
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I'd move to a new server. XD
Kidding lol, welcome to FFXI, and welcome to Asura. Feel free to send me along a /tell if you need help with anything, I'm generally not doing anything.

General warning though, only one person off the top of my head I would say to avoid, and that would be Catfight.
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Akeda
Posts: 1698
By Kujata.Akeda 2010-04-11 17:46:51
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my toons name...
Please don't use the word 'cartoon' anymore. ;_;
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Clinpachi
Posts: 2680
By Siren.Clinpachi 2010-04-11 17:47:37
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Oh also you'll get a ton of people who say "quit don't bother wait until FF14 ect ect ect."

Ignore and don't mind them. I personally don't think it's ever too late to start FFXI if you enjoy it from the start, just know it takes LOTS of time and dedication to build yourself up.

And one last thing, when you think you found the job you enjoy... wikipedia the ***out of the guides and read/absorb all of the information out there.

It takes real dedication and partial study to not only play your job but actually become GOOD at it.

So many different things.

Anyhoo again /welcome and best of luck to you on Asura.

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Dalight
Posts: 5163
By Asura.Daleterrence 2010-04-11 17:49:51
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Siren.Clinpachi said:
Oh also you'll get a ton of people who say "quit don't bother wait until FF14 ect ect ect."

Ignore and don't mind them. I personally don't think it's ever too late to start FFXI if you enjoy it from the start, just know it takes LOTS of time and dedication to build yourself up.

And one last thing, when you think you found the job you enjoy... wikipedia the ***out of the guides and read/absorb all of the information out there.

It takes real dedication and partial study to not only play your job but actually become GOOD at it.

So many different things.

Anyhoo again /welcome and best of luck to you on Asura.


What he said. =P 11 still has plenty of life in it, and will for a long while yet. And yeah, the wiki is your friend.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2010-04-11 17:50:17
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Tips for Super FFXI Great Successful good times!

1) Constructive criticism is your friend. I'm not saying tolerate ***, but keep an open mind about mechanics.

2)If anyone claims to be a [GM] (Game Master) Ask them to appear in front of you. RMT attempt to fake (Poorly I might add, but some people fall for it) a GM tag to hack accounts by directing them to a fake site.

3) No matter how bad the game gets, you can always log off and fap, thus it can never conceivably beat you unless you let it.

4) Get a security token.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Parhelia
Posts: 485
By Asura.Despayn 2010-04-11 17:57:37
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Posts: 123
By Mystluna 2010-04-11 19:43:48
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Wow this is a bigger responce then I thought I would recieve minus the one person trolling.

I have started with a Red Mage because I want to get a feel for the different types of things and it looked like the best option for testing the waters.

I think my biggest problem will be deciding on what to play they all look like alot of fun. Well everything except the Puppet Masters. Dolls just creep me the hell out I couldn't play one.

I have found a few sites that I have been looking alot at the wiki one is my favorite so far it has great information.

Again thank you for the warm welcome and I will say hello if I see you online.

Myst =^.^=
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Ninian
Posts: 2596
By Leviathan.Niniann 2010-04-11 19:50:08
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Dancer is a fun job, play Dancer. /nods

In all seriousness Red Mage is a fantastic job, and you'll (probably) be very happy with it.
Posts: 3
By Khaos 2010-04-11 19:56:36
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Take care which FFXI related sites that you happen to use....I'm not sure about any others besides this one and Wiki, also under any circumstances do NOT use FFXI Atlus. It is a breeding ground for all kinds of viruses, trojans, who knows.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Clinpachi
Posts: 2680
By Siren.Clinpachi 2010-04-11 20:55:33
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Oh if you do RDM, you will not be disappointed. But beware the role of the job is not as it would seem.

You will be dedicated to refreshing, hasting, curing and debuffing. Even though at 75 you can solo/do many-a-great-thing with it, you will in no way play it in exp like you do as a hobby.

Just stick to wiki for the most part. Other so-so sites are killing ifrit and alakazham.

EDIT: Also you'll be pleased to know BRD and RDM are the two fastest invites in the game for parties.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Rocketpop
Posts: 11972
By Ramuh.Laffter 2010-04-11 22:12:44
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Siren.Clinpachi said:
Oh if you do RDM, you will not be disappointed. But beware the role of the job is not as it would seem.

You will be dedicated to refreshing, hasting, curing and debuffing. Even though at 75 you can solo/do many-a-great-thing with it, you will in no way play it in exp like you do as a hobby.

Just stick to wiki for the most part. Other so-so sites are killing ifrit and alakazham.

EDIT: Also you'll be pleased to know BRD and RDM are the two fastest invites in the game for parties.
After you gain Refresh, you mean. Before, good luck.
Posts: 123
By Mystluna 2010-04-11 23:01:14
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Odin.Zicdeh said:
Tips for Super FFXI Great Successful good times! 4) Get a security token.

What is that?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Tmuler
Posts: 1085
By Asura.Israfel 2010-04-11 23:19:19
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You can purchase a token from Playonline Viewer, basically if gives your account a one-time password to use so it 'should' lower the chances of you being hacked.
Welcome to Asura, and I second Dale when he says Stay away from Catfight (Also his alt Nuvi, not sure if Morrigon is his alt too but there was a rumor of that.)

If you need anything, feel free to hit me up, my character name is Israfel and I'm also a Windurst-Cat *handshakes*

Like Clinpa said, there's gonna be some people who are kinda elitist and will be all "Just quit and wait for 14", but ignore them! I am sure you will very much enjoy FFXI and the many things it has to offer~

As Ziceh said also; There have been people claiming to be [GM] please be wary of this. if it's a GM, the name should appear like:
[GM]Derpderpderp>> Howdy!
Asuhvdngn>> I am [GM] Asuhvdngn. Giv me ur account details plz becuz my english is b0rked and I'm out of rice.

Take care and maybe I'll bump into you ingame~!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shayka
Posts: 3254
By Asura.Shayka 2010-04-11 23:20:30
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Ahoy! /welcome to FFXI, I'm also usually around doing nothing, so you can send me a /tell in game too if you need any help or have questions.

*tosses something at Dale* You never say hi to me D:
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2010-04-11 23:27:29
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Mystluna said:
Odin.Zicdeh said:
Tips for Super FFXI Great Successful good times! 4) Get a security token.

What is that?

It's this little device that protects your account by generating a one-time password that expires in 30 seconds. While by no means hack-proof, it increases the difficulty to hack an account (And thus protects your account) by at least a hundredfold.

More importantly, it doubles your inventory by giving you access to the "Mog Sachel". For more information, check out the Token Sales page on the FFXI main page in Playonline (Just before you hit "Play" and are sent into the game).

Token will run you 9.99$(USD) Shipping and Tax are already included. Should arrive in 1-2 weeks, depending on when you order it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Xenophire
Posts: 2106
By Asura.Xenophire 2010-04-11 23:29:39
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Asura.Israfel said:
Asuhvdngn>> I am [GM] Asuhvdngn. Giv me ur account details plz becuz my english is b0rked and I'm out of rice.

Take care and maybe I'll bump into you ingame~!

i send /t to israfel n she nvr gave me my rice. wat hell?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-04-11 23:33:53
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Not on your server, but welcome to Vana'diel none the less!

My tip is to have fun whichever way you want and strive to always get better, there is always room for improvement no matter how small, and as long as you are trying no-one can ever fault you.

RDM is a cool job, never levelled it but seen lots of people who have, and they love it.

Don't get downhearted and make some good friends!

If you meet anyone like me, as soon as they party with you and see you haven't got a sub job or seem new they'll offer help, and that is a good thing. As long as you don't take advantage of people and just ask for gil (no-one likes beggers) most people will be happy to help with some of the mundane tasks that a newer player is forced to do.

Again, good luck and have fun in Vana'diel!
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Clinpachi
Posts: 2680
By Siren.Clinpachi 2010-04-11 23:59:29
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Lol I'm really amazed everyone here has been completely nice unlike the other thread's I've seen.

Posts: 123
By Mystluna 2010-04-12 00:00:05
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Asura.Israfel said:
[GM] please be wary of this. if it's a GM, the name should appear like: [GM]Derpderpderp>> Howdy! Not; Asuhvdngn>> I am [GM] Asuhvdngn. Giv me ur account details plz becuz my english is b0rked and I'm out of rice.

I loled so loud that one of my guests came out of the Library in the lobby to make sure I was ok when I read that.

I will have to get one of those thingies that gives the passwords double inventory space sounds wicked cool. I'm only level 10 so far but I can already see how it would be a good thing to have.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Tmuler
Posts: 1085
By Asura.Israfel 2010-04-12 00:23:27
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Asura.Xenophire said:
Asura.Israfel said:
Asuhvdngn>> I am [GM] Asuhvdngn. Giv me ur account details plz becuz my english is b0rked and I'm out of rice.

Take care and maybe I'll bump into you ingame~!

i send /t to israfel n she nvr gave me my rice. wat hell?

Yew can nawt haz rice! I keeps. For great justice!
Server: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Caiyuo
Posts: 6524
By Seraph.Caiyuo 2010-04-12 00:24:09
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Good luck, it's a jungle out there! Which reminds me, if you cant read the maps for any of the jungles in the game, it's not you, they're awful.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Parhelia
Posts: 485
By Asura.Despayn 2010-04-12 13:31:32
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My general advice is to worry about getting a job that is very wanted in end game scenarios (i.e, BLM RDM BRD WHM) so like that you can get involved in endgame from the get go. The most fun you'll have on this game is endgame, UNLESS you get involved in a LS that revolves around drama almost on a 24/7 basis (some people find this entertaining, however. I'll admit, I do too to some extent).

Also a job you'll be able to merit with reliably (BRD or COR comes to mind). Even if you don't find these jobs fun, I highly recommend you do this. As Ninian, DNC imo is a very fun job, and gets merit invites depending if the person who builds the party has half a brain. However, when it comes to endgame, it isn't as useful as other jobs, and DNC alone won't get you into any seasoned linkshell, unless you become friends with the right people.

tl;dr fun jobs come later.

Also, its better to start off with a job that'll allow you to get gear easier for the job you enjoy. The way I'd recommend you level, since you mentioned you enjoy THF.

THF --> 18
WAR or MNK --> 18 (depending on what weapon you use; personally I recommend H2H, while keeping your dagger leveled. WAR might be a better option, considering you'll use it as a sub for NIN later. If you want to level both, take MNK to 15. Up to you.)
THF --> 30
NIN --> 37 (getting this sub out of the way is very important. Don't worry about buying Utsusemi: Ni just yet, I doubt you'll find any use for it unless you fall in love with Ninja, which I recommend you don't do.)
THF --> 45

THF @45 gives you access to TH2, and there's a load of places where you can use this to your advantage and farm for gil. Things aren't as expensive as they use to be, so its fairly easy for someone new to make a crap ton of gil and live steadily. Afterwards, I recommend you unlock BRD or COR, and take one of these jobs to 75 first. Of course, you'll need a mage sub, but I'm sure using the pattern I provided you could follow a basic strat to get WHM leveled. No worries, WHM really isn't that bad, and its actually quite enjoyable to level.

Once COR or BRD is at 75, you can pretty much do anything at this point. Things I recommend you do as soon as possible.

*Keep up with promies! As soon as you're level 30, try to get these done. Waiting until 75 to do them can be a hassle, but its honestly up to you.

*Sky access! This use to be absolutely mandatory at level 60, but now you can make it to 75 no problem. I wouldn't worry about this until level 75, however, since ZMs are much easier than PMs.

*Expand your inventory/storage/safe/locker ASAP. One of the things you'll run into is limited inventory space. Eventually you will have to make a mule. Be smart about what you store and what you sell, could save you a lot of trouble in the long run.

*Do NOT throw away beastman/kindred's seals. Trust me, I wasn't the only one who threw these away thinking they had no purpose, and god damn how much money I lost doing this. BCNMs/KSNMs are one of the most popular ways of making money, and they make a lot of it.

*Know your jobs. Research your jobs and learn to absolute certainty what they're role in a party is. Don't be afraid to ask people for advice, and make sure you let people know you're new. You have no idea how annoying it is running into newbies who think they know how to play their jobs. Even when you think you've learned everything, you're missing so much.

*Rank up (by this I mean raise your Fame)-! Boyahda Moss quest in Selbina is the number one way to raise your ranks in Selbina/San d'Oria/Bastok/Rabao. Doesn't take much gil, but it does take time buying all that moss and trading it in. to learn how to obtain these outside of buying them from the AH. Also, wiki is going to be your number 1 source of information, so get acquainted with it.

*You'll probably end up getting invited to astral burns at 11~13 to be a level sync. Do this if you want. It'll get you to level 22 in at a very fast rate, but it'll gimp your skills (which aren't hard to cap at that level anyway). I recommend you get to Bastok as soon as you can and just astral burn to 22. Leveling in dunes is HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE, and Qufim is a gold mine for experience points. People will probably tell you not to burn, but like I said, its up to you.

*DO NOT sell scrolls unless you're 100% certain you'll never be a Mage. You'll thank me for this later. :)

*Get to rank 5 (nation) as soon as you can. Airship pass is so vital at a low level; can travel easily among nations at little cost. Also, get your Kazham keys as soon as you can. DO NOT waste gil buying an airship pass or kazham pass. Just deal with the hassle of getting the keys. I'd say anyone level 30+ can do this with little effort.

*Chocobo is also very important. The quest takes 6 hours to do if you do it in one sitting, so I recommend doing it in between Qufim parties. It involves trading 4 Gausebite grasses (refer to wiki for more information) to a chocobo once every Vana'diel Day, or once every real day hour.

*NEVER FORGET SIGNET! It's extremely important and makes leveling so much easier. Saves a ton of frustration.

*Start saving up Fields of Valor points. Start doing FoV from the get-go, don't procrastinate. FoV becomes important later if you want to augment. Its also an alternative to warping to your home nation. Not to mention it also makes leveling easier. I remember leveling SMN 1-10, and using the Refresh option. Lasts an hour, and made my Carbuncle virtually free, no MP cost.

*Don't be stubborn. If someone gives you advice, take it. After all, you just started playing this game.

*Get your teleport crystals. Another way to make transportation easier, along with Outpost warps. Very paramount to getting around, and saves so much frustration.

*Level BLM at least to 17 for free warps. I haven't even done this yet cause I'm lazy as ***, but its such great advice regardless D:

I'm sure I missed something, but I hit all the important points probably. Send me a tell ingame if you need moar advice.
Forum Moderator
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: dameshi
Posts: 29745
By Asura.Dameshi 2010-04-12 13:39:35
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I disagree Des. Level what you want to level. Find a group of friends who won't leave you out of events because they feel your job is gimped. The game is meant to be fun, so make sure to keep it that way.

The other tips are all really good pointers though. Also, I recommend you try out Blue Mage. It's a fun job that has a lot of versatility. You can really mold it to be what you want it to be. Plus, hunting for spells rather than buying scrolls is a nice change of pace ^^

Feel free to /tell me in game for advice as well.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: phafi
Posts: 298
By Lakshmi.Phaffi 2010-04-12 13:39:57
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Make sure you level Black Mage, get into an HNM linkshell, and continuously nuke while standing on Nidhogg's tail.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Parhelia
Posts: 485
By Asura.Despayn 2010-04-12 13:46:20
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Asura.Dameshi said:
I disagree Des. Level what you want to level. Find a group of friends who won't leave you out of events because they feel your job is gimped. The game is meant to be fun, so make sure to keep it that way.

The other tips are all really good pointers though. Also, I recommend you try out Blue Mage. It's a fun job that has a lot of versatility. You can really mold it to be what you want it to be. Plus, hunting for spells rather than buying scrolls is a nice change of pace ^^

Feel free to /tell me in game for advice as well.

This is what we all want to believe. And I hope Myst finds a nice group of friends like that, keeps the game fine. I won't argue with you, because you're 100% right. I'm just saying she'll find this game more enjoyable if she levels BRD COR or RDM first. This game is at a point where everyone at least needs a support or a mage job to be worth a damn anyway.

Personally though, COR is extremely fun, and very useful. I'd definitely recommend leveling it.

I'll disagree with you on leveling BLU, though. If you really want to level BLU, I'd recommend waiting until you have access to at least sea. From my understanding, there are spells that you learn there that are absolutely vital for BLU. Could be wrong though, I'm not a BLU.

Also I forgot to mention, KEEP YOUR MARKSMANSHIP LEVELED. Acid bolts rape every mob on this game, and they'll make your THF 200% better than any other DD at lower levels.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: miperich
Posts: 221
By Sylph.Vestal 2010-04-12 14:01:22
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Trust anything despayn says and you will be ok. Unless he tells you good things about oblisk. Then he's probly drunk.
Ninja edit.... Remeber when we first started? The advise back then would have been more along the lines of. Set your hp at the dunes outpost so you don't have to run back for the next 3 months. Amazing how fast you can just burn to endgame now.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Parhelia
Posts: 485
By Asura.Despayn 2010-04-12 14:03:51
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Sylph.Vestal said:
Trust anything despayn says and you will be ok. Unless he tells you good things about oblisk. Then he's probly drunk.

I want to upside-down 69 you.
Forum Moderator
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: dameshi
Posts: 29745
By Asura.Dameshi 2010-04-12 14:04:32
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Asura.Despayn said:
I'll disagree with you on leveling BLU, though. If you really want to level BLU, I'd recommend waiting until you have access to at least sea. From my understanding, there are spells that you learn there that are absolutely vital for BLU. Could be wrong though, I'm not a BLU.
You're correct. Sea and sky access are needed for some good BLU spells.
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