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In order to better serve our users please read the following before contacting us.
  • If you cannot gain access to your account because you changed your email address, please Create a New Account
  • Please look over the FAQ on our forum.
  • If you have any questions regarding the site, please post on the forum. Our community may be able to answer you quickly.
  • You cannot change your username.
  • If your charcter profile isn't updating, check your Linkshell Community URL and make sure it loads the correct page and your information is set to public.
  • We do NOT add relics/mythics/emps manually, please don't ask.
  • Some items such as upgraded relics/emps will not appear on the Linkshell Community Website therefore will not appear on FFXIAH.com. Please use Guildwork Client to update these items.
  • If you are unable to post on the forum or you have private comments or questions, PM Rooks.
Email: webmaster@ffxiah.com