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Bazaar » Asura
Item Ex Player Asking Price Quan AH Price AH Stock AH Sales Rate
mitts Atomicbomb [PM] 589 1 1000 2 0.763914
Yagudo headgear Snezhnaya [PM] 1200000 1 0 0
rusted identification card Mrpoodypants [PM] 7000 21 1000 0
beryllium ingot Mrpoodypants [PM] 90000 1 80000 17
neptunal abjuration tatter Scarsia [PM] 150000 11 0 0
giant shell bug Scarsia [PM] 80000 1 90000 9 0.36689
cuir bouilli Scarsia [PM] 40000 1 100000 0 0.864058
forgotten journey Solinthia [PM] 1000 50 5000 0 0
cup of sweet tea Solinthia [PM] 200000 1 0 0
piece of void headwear: THF Vayuh [PM] 75000 1 135000 3
Imperial gold piece Vayuh [PM] 15000 7 20000 21 6.92836
square of damascene cloth Vayuh [PM] 10000 2 20000 45 3.71513
vial of beastman blood Vayuh [PM] 3500 11 5000 2 3.36079
copy of The Bell Tolls Vayuh [PM] 10000 228 1000 0
red curry bun +1 Lusciouslucy [PM] 40000 92 30000 1 0.987806
fragmentation sphere Lusciouslucy [PM] 150000 120 100000 26
prime marine stewpot Lusciouslucy [PM] 800000 3 1000000 9 0
dish of hydra kofte +1 Lusciouslucy [PM] 150000 1 200000 9 0.24887
heroism crystal Dodu [PM] 16999 15 19000 5
footshard: BLM Dodu [PM] 199999 1 200000 20
legshard: SAM Dodu [PM] 299999 1 300000 33
Ayapec's shell Dodu [PM] 19999 1 20000 5
vexed slops Notique [PM] 10000 1 20000 2
riftborn boulder Huangcy [PM] 3500 693 1000 4
happo shuriken +1 Hiphopanonymus [PM] 500000 15 950000 2
savory shank Baeruru [PM] 500000 1 0 0
Hermes' sandals +1 Ldogs [PM] 10000000 1 8000000 7 0
piece of alexandrite Caterina [PM] 438000 198 1000 1 0
piece of alexandrite Kastra [PM] 4820 2200 1000 1 0
heroism crystal Sanjurio [PM] 15000 16 19000 5
square of raxa Vayuh [PM] 10000 7 11500 36 5.47592
blurred lance +1 Ldogs [PM] 10000000 1 8000000 1
etched memory Discountbazaar [PM] 45000 350 0
pile of relic iron Discountbazaar [PM] 18000 20 15000 15 4.43823
phoenix feather Discountbazaar [PM] 18000 15 20000 35 1.8759
square of twill damask Discountbazaar [PM] 8000 43 10000 29 0.383893
warrior's bead necklace +2 Parmonte [PM] 39800000 1 40000000 3
cleric's torque +2 Parmonte [PM] 34800000 2 33975000 2
one hundred byne bill Bophades [PM] 400000 24 400000 15 0
abyssal bead necklace +2 Parmonte [PM] 39800000 2 38000000 2
scission sphere Raris [PM] 7000 205 10000 4
forgotten journey Scarsia [PM] 25000 9 5000 0 0
square of spectral goldenrod Donoflio [PM] 290000 12 0 0
piece of void headwear: WAR Holtter [PM] 4800000 5 5500000 26
piece of void headwear: RDM Holtter [PM] 4800000 7 4500000 17
induration sphere Raris [PM] 7000 12 5000 9
voodoo crown Hiphopanonymus [PM] 5000000 2 6000000 12
sniper's ring +1 Hiphopanonymus [PM] 89999999 1 6000000 2 0.160791
conte cosciales Hiphopanonymus [PM] 30000000 1 100000 1 0.0613357
jug of vermihumus Timmm [PM] 40000 3 50000 4 1.00242
chunk of ruthenium ore Septabler [PM] 1180000 10 1200000 3
Skrymir cord +1 Hqsuperstore [PM] 80000000 1 88000000 3
piece of void headwear: COR Holtter [PM] 2000000 4 2850000 14
coin of ruin Keshnak [PM] 8000 134 0
savory shank Lepourion [PM] 500000 1 0 0
coin of glory Marlinfist [PM] 9500 2 0
coin of ruin Marlinfist [PM] 8000 400 0
happo shuriken Bobimon [PM] 30000 99 20000 2
summerstone Bobimon [PM] 300000 1 0 0
springstone Bobimon [PM] 300000 1 0 0
square of spectral crimson Donoflio [PM] 790000 12 0 0
vile elixir Todorokijp [PM] 20000000 1 7000 8 5.33847
devious die Amyithe [PM] 20000 10 0 0
vial of defiant sweat Amyithe [PM] 380000 9 300000 8
gem of the south Amyithe [PM] 200000 1 0 0
mammoth tusk Amyithe [PM] 60000 12 80000 23 0.657332
rockfin fin Amyithe [PM] 70000 6 100000 1
twitherym scale Amyithe [PM] 90000 2 150000 11
seal of Seiryu scrap Betrinh [PM] 199000 91 0 0
seal of Byakko scrap Betrinh [PM] 199000 91 0 0
pluton Scoobz [PM] 700 51 100 5
riftborn boulder Scoobz [PM] 2700 30 1000 4
chunk of beitetsu Scoobz [PM] 6100 26 5000 10
rusted identification card Kidzu [PM] 7000 16 1000 0
footshard: WHM Kidzu [PM] 50000 1 50000 4
scroll of Regen IV Kidzu [PM] 20000 1 32500 15 3.2248
vial of the Tumult Curator's blood Freelaw [PM] 50000 10 50000 7
piece of Galka mochi Freelaw [PM] 2500000 9 0 0
Yagudo freezer Onesunghero [PM] 20000 1 10000 1 0.338234
seal of Suzaku scrap Onesunghero [PM] 100000 1 0 0
Republic aketon Onesunghero [PM] 1000000 1 0 0
square of damascene cloth Onesunghero [PM] 10000 3 20000 45 3.71513
menhit leggings Onesunghero [PM] 80000 1 80000 4 0
shihei Kidzu [PM] 6942069 87 5 9 0.0374127
orb of wind fewell Kidzu [PM] 1 1 1000 0 0.491982
stick of ethereal incense Kidzu [PM] 65000 10 70000 28
Tiyanak's fang Onesunghero [PM] 10000 7 30000 4
piece of moonbow steel Kidzu [PM] 100000 2 100000 3
riftborn boulder Kidzu [PM] 4000 99 1000 4
torsoshard: RNG Kidzu [PM] 10000 1 10000 13
headshard: BST Kidzu [PM] 25000 2 30000 9
molybdenum ingot Kidzu [PM] 50000 4 80000 25 5.99304
piece of oxblood Kidzu [PM] 15000 2 30000 26 3.38328
pluton Dodu [PM] 799 6 100 5
handshard: COR Kidzu [PM] 2950000 1 3050000 33
Elshimo pachira fruit Kidzu [PM] 1 9 1000 1 0
griffon hide Kidzu [PM] 20000 6 50000 11 6.22493
coin of ruin Kidzu [PM] 8000 21 0
chunk of eschite ore Kidzu [PM] 240000 4 350000 17
coin of birth Kidzu [PM] 8000 24 0
ancient beastcoin Patulot [PM] 20000000 61 0 0
gem of the west Kidzu [PM] 230000 1 0 0
pluton Kidzu [PM] 1000 182 100 5
pluton Mirasyon [PM] 4999999 52 100 5
chunk of riftsand Kidzu [PM] 90000 1 0 0
Ordelle bronzepiece Dodu [PM] 4999 1 1000 0 0
etched memory Kidzu [PM] 45000 64 0
coin of decay Kidzu [PM] 8000 22 0
blurred shield +1 Hiphopanonymus [PM] 4000000 1 3000000 6
jinxed domaru Hiphopanonymus [PM] 6000000 1 4000000 3
gala corsage Lucilie [PM] 400000 1 500000 1 0.0529896
Mars's ring Stallioness [PM] 300000 1 0 0
Tartarian chain Rafaa [PM] 340000 8 300000 29
coin of ruin Rafaa [PM] 1000 10 0
Tartarian soul Rafaa [PM] 270000 6 185000 85
Imperial bronze piece Rasaapso [PM] 5000 99 5000 6 6.39581
darkness sphere Poppadom [PM] 200000 127 100000 4
pedagogy staff Smiley [PM] 4700000 1 4000000 3
argute staff Smiley [PM] 500000 1 2000000 0
heroism aggregate Childress [PM] 180000 12 150000 1
mannequin head Miany [PM] 5000 1 0 0
shabti cuisses +1 Hiphopanonymus [PM] 3000000 2 3500000 0
sheikh manteel Hiphopanonymus [PM] 6000000 1 1500000 1 0
duskdim stone +2 Larimon [PM] 70000 62 50000 14
seal of Byakko scrap Lulz [PM] 130000 23 0 0
scission sphere Amyithe [PM] 10000 8 10000 4
forgotten thought Amyithe [PM] 6000 25 10000 3 0
pellucid stone Shishimura [PM] 500 47 100 0
frayed sack of opulence Shishimura [PM] 6000 2 0
frayed sack of fecundity Shishimura [PM] 2500 51 0
cluster of fleeting memories Notique [PM] 10000 1 20000 0 0.0514225
savory shank Lunaruka [PM] 300000 1 0 0
beastly shank Skystrider [PM] 120000 1 0 0
pellucid stone Larimon [PM] 2500000 33 100 0
bottle of light anima Pooterr [PM] 8000 69 1000 0 0.159599
bottle of dark anima Pooterr [PM] 8000 87 1000 3 0.133839
moonlight ring Septabler [PM] 45000000 2 45000000 12
coin of ruin Pooterr [PM] 5000 4 0
gravewood log Septabler [PM] 350000 9 330000 14
moonlight nodowa Septabler [PM] 30000000 2 29100000 1
seal of Byakko scrap Hnl [PM] 200000 6 0 0
raetic rod Septabler [PM] 10000000 1 5550000 2
raetic rod +1 Septabler [PM] 30000000 2 29505000 8
Kukulkan's skin Septabler [PM] 3000000 22 2500000 3 0.97157
blurred shield +1 Septabler [PM] 4000000 2 3000000 6
trump card case Septabler [PM] 316777 9 100000 5 1.10953
voodoo dalmatica Hqsupermarket [PM] 9000000 2 9000000 2
jinxed wristbands Hqsupermarket [PM] 7000000 3 8000000 3
Abdhaljs's Honor Dodu [PM] 98999 65 0 0
rusted identification card Minaras [PM] 5000 20 1000 0
heroism crystal Minaras [PM] 15000 59 19000 5
Kirin's pole Stallioness [PM] 1000000 1 0 0
beastly shank Stallioness [PM] 150000 1 0 0
Tactician Magician's pigaches +2 Specific [PM] 10000000 1 550000 1 0
pile of relic iron Fignewton [PM] 20000 4 15000 15 4.43823
fresh Orc liver Fignewton [PM] 10000 1 10000 2 1.68899
sparkling stone Fignewton [PM] 85000 4 80000 6 5.83446
Kingdom aketon Kiorin [PM] 299999 1 0 0
novio earring Hnl [PM] 3000000 1 0 0
amber earring Shishimura [PM] 10000 1 2000 0 0.113584
pinch of high-purity bayld Hdmi [PM] 10000 2316 2500 1
clump of riftdross Hdmi [PM] 600000 172 385000 103 0
fern stone Shishimura [PM] 10000 6 3000 6
stone arrow Chatonon [PM] 5000000 107 62214900 0 0
crossbow bolt Craoounlodge [PM] 10000000 87 70375455 0 0.0690685
stone arrow Chatonon [PM] 8000000 64 62214900 0 0
stone arrow Chatonon [PM] 1000000 316 62214900 0 0
rusted identification card Tamutamu [PM] 10000 2 1000 0
blurred staff +1 Ldogs [PM] 6000000 1 4700000 2
blurred scythe +1 Azuusa [PM] 4000000 1 6400000 2
puppetmaster's collar +2 Parmonte [PM] 38700000 2 39000000 0
lustreless wing Brumer [PM] 3000000 36 2000 12
torsoshard: WAR Mailk [PM] 30000 1 30000 10
forgotten hope Dodu [PM] 1999 4 2000 1 0
clump of riftdross Dodu [PM] 489999 1 385000 103 0
lustreless wing Dodu [PM] 4999 247 2000 12
spool of malboro fiber Dodu [PM] 47999 5 50000 72 0.930712
potion Atomicbomb [PM] 500 1 100 4 0.585379
jinxed hakama Hqsupermarket [PM] 8000000 4 9000000 2
jinxed gauntlets Hqsupermarket [PM] 4500000 2 5000000 3
jinxed jacket Hqsupermarket [PM] 10000000 2 10000000 6
jinxed somen Hqsupermarket [PM] 7000000 2 7500000 1
jinxed bonnet Hqsupermarket [PM] 7500000 1 8000000 4
voodoo kabuto Hqsupermarket [PM] 7000000 1 7200000 2
jinxed haubert Hqsupermarket [PM] 7000000 1 9000000 2
potion +1 Atomicbomb [PM] 1000 1 1000 0 0.21918
Imperial silver piece Badxomen [PM] 10000 3 10000 25 5.83497
jinxed slops Hqsupermarket [PM] 6000000 3 4300000 3
voodoo mitts Hqsupermarket [PM] 5000000 5 4000000 1
jinxed domaru Hqsupermarket [PM] 7000000 4 4000000 3
lustreless scale Setrekh [PM] 12000 37 20000 1
jinxed gambieras Hqsupermarket [PM] 5000000 2 5000000 2
jinxed boots Hqsupermarket [PM] 20000000 2 19050000 3
voodoo subligar Hqsupermarket [PM] 4000000 4 5700000 1
jinxed kecks Hqsupermarket [PM] 8000000 3 11000000 2
jinxed bliaut Hqsupermarket [PM] 29000000 2 29000000 2
voodoo mail Hqsupermarket [PM] 9000000 2 9000000 2
jinxed gamashes Hqsupermarket [PM] 7000000 1 6900000 5
voodoo crown Hqsupermarket [PM] 5000000 4 6000000 12
voodoo harness Hqsupermarket [PM] 6000000 3 5500000 1
jinxed sune-ate Hqsupermarket [PM] 7000000 2 5000000 3
jinxed hose Hqsupermarket [PM] 7000000 3 7750000 1
enchanter's earring +1 Ddraig [PM] 10000000 1 9000000 11
voodoo slacks Hqsupermarket [PM] 7000000 3 8000000 2
jinxed coronet Hqsupermarket [PM] 6000000 2 6000000 1
hoptoad Kyall [PM] 10000 18 40000 14
coin of decay Purepancakes [PM] 5000 149 0
leafdim stone +1 Purepancakes [PM] 3000 78 2000 0
coin of advancement Purepancakes [PM] 2000 89 0
coin of glory Purepancakes [PM] 5000 86 0
savory shank Utukiti [PM] 100000 1 0 0
copy of Breezy Libretto Jaela [PM] 3000 12 1000 0
pouch of liminal residue Dorosi [PM] 30000 890 0 0
jinxed mitra Hqsupermarket [PM] 29000000 1 28000000 3
coin of ruin Dorosi [PM] 10000 340 0
savory shank Rassy [PM] 300000 1 0 0
coin of advancement Dorosi [PM] 10000 247 0
devious die Dorosi [PM] 50000 989 0 0
coin of birth Dorosi [PM] 20000 198 0
coin of decay Dorosi [PM] 20000 396 0
coin of glory Dorosi [PM] 20000 396 0
pouch of liminal residue Zirk [PM] 29999 395 0 0
pinch of high-purity bayld Jojovian [PM] 10000 32 2500 1
coin of ruin Zirk [PM] 9999 232 0
devious die Rassy [PM] 35000 93 0 0
casso sash Rassy [PM] 4850000 1 2900000 6 0.10708
coin of birth Unclejam [PM] 4000 20 0
devious die Zirk [PM] 49999 494 0 0
clump of riftdross Scoobz [PM] 520000 17 385000 103 0
coin of advancement Zirk [PM] 9999 198 0
flask of poison potion Stickiefingerz [PM] 1 7 20000 1 1.31721
pinch of high-purity bayld Beezie [PM] 1000000 12 2500 1
riftborn boulder Beezie [PM] 2500 13 1000 4
Glazemane's fang Beezie [PM] 10000 11 20000 1
forgotten thought Angrygalka [PM] 4000 41 10000 3 0
onyx gadlings Ldogs [PM] 3000000 1 200000 1 0
etched memory Jojovian [PM] 50000 72 0
plastron +1 Ldogs [PM] 4000000 1 4500000 0 0
cursed gauntlets -1 Ldogs [PM] 7000000 1 5000000 2 0
brigandine armor +1 Ldogs [PM] 4000000 1 4000000 3 0.085412
forgotten step Angrygalka [PM] 1000 48 1000 1 0
savory shank Elysionia [PM] 250000 1 0 0
novia earring Memarci [PM] 800000 1 0 0
light sphere Poppadom [PM] 250000 89 100000 11
coin of birth Zirk [PM] 19999 198 0
coin of decay Zirk [PM] 19999 293 0
linen coin purse Lcdybearasuv [PM] 418888 1521 0 0
piece of alexandrite Lcdybearasuv [PM] 5188 3069 1000 1 0
flask of holy water Solarizmillz [PM] 3000 36 3000 5 0.428775
vial of belladonna sap Notique [PM] 50000 1 70000 3 0.714072
durium sheet Notique [PM] 2000 1 3000 20 0.552722
titanite Shishimura [PM] 5000 4 100 0 7.05919
ifritite Shishimura [PM] 5000 8 3500 0 6.59115
chunk of beitetsu Amatsukahn [PM] 7500 668 5000 10