Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1806
By Phoenix.Iocus 2025-01-29 10:50:51
Blazing Wyrm
Can utilize this if you want to really push that little extra. I have done so when crafting counter sets in the past to see just how high a particular job can reach. I actually do have this already because of the counter builds posted for BST and BLU. I like 2% movement speed but if you're going all in on a counter build, 2% is actually decent for not needing to use an equip slot.
By Minaras84 2025-01-29 15:04:16
Yes I do know! I am wondering if we should take two BST and use my mighty TH4 instead of your THF to do N.
I'll pop Threestar Lynn and we get an extra 1!
When I can get it rolling, R15 Aymur is best for sure. The problem is getting to 2999 TP and she uses Mewling Lullaby and wipes TP... So frustrating. That and Primal Rend is a Light based WS so the 3000 TP hit cures her and can make the emntiy winky.
Well i hope we will do other things too, especially cause with my build my hp are even at the moment lol
By Minaras84 2025-01-29 15:15:30
Blazing Wyrm
Can utilize this if you want to really push that little extra. I have done so when crafting counter sets in the past to see just how high a particular job can reach. I actually do have this already because of the counter builds posted for BST and BLU. I like 2% movement speed but if you're going all in on a counter build, 2% is actually decent for not needing to use an equip slot.
That would be an overkill if subbing mnk.
Assuming Gleti's Mask is R30, you then need Artio's mantle, Sacro breastplate and Bathy Choker +1 and you're up to 80% counter already.
However, you will need it if subbing any other job, because adding to the above build cornelia's belt and Cryptic earring you're back to 80% counter.
Now i need to raise the dragon again...ouch
By Asura.Eiryl 2025-01-29 17:26:43
Ugh I haven't got on bst in a long damn time. I can't remember the answer.
You don't need charmer's merlin anymore because... why.
Merits are 10 seconds and gleti's pants are 5 seconds, where is the other 5 without charmer's.
The 100 job point gift. I found it.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 691
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2025-02-02 10:17:43
Can confrim that guard is great fun. I am soloing Cait Sith on E (apparently until the servers shut down since she refuses to drop anything).
ItemSet 397927
Between Guard and Counter, I get dead Cait Sith and welcome the incoming quad attacks.
Edit: need to use Malignance Gloves to have my hps end in 7 so Level ? Holy doesn't 1 shot me.
Also can confirm that physical TP moves seem to get guard procs a lot, which is great since they cannot be countered.
I tried out your strat and it was a pretty fun experience - what trusts do you normally use for this?
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1806
By Phoenix.Iocus 2025-02-02 10:22:35
Attempt #6
BST/BLU mostly just for hate moves and cocoon if I felt I needed it. I didn't. I did 3 Zealous snort durations back to back without any danger.
BST defense was 1747. I used this set.
ItemSet 398162
135 (123+10+2) interactions
12 guards
76 counters 64 + 10 doubles
7 parry
12 intimidations
5 misses
1 block
22/135 actions against me resulted in unmitigated damage
4 physical tp moves, 3 guards, 1 full damage; 9 total tp moves that interacted; 1 sharp strike
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] parried by ¨ Iocus1
[Iocus] 727 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion2
[Iocus] 725 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion3
[Iocus] 478 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion4
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] missed ¨ Iocus5
[Iocus] 353 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion6
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 146 Mandible Bite ¨ Iocus7
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 112 hit ¨ Iocus8
[2] [Iocus] 1331 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion9
[Iocus] 356 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion10
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] parried by ¨ Iocus11
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] intimidated by ¨ Iocus12
[Iocus] 505 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion13
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 109 hit ¨ Iocus14
[2] [Iocus] 708 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion15
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 75 Earth Pounder ¨ Iocus16
AOE 114 ¨ Cherukiki
AOE 128 ¨ VivaciousVickie
[2] [Iocus] 1083 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion17
[Iocus] 327 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion18
[Iocus] 537 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion19
[Iocus] 504 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion20
[Iocus] 774 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion21
[Iocus] 326 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion22
[Iocus] 690 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion23
[Iocus] 769 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion24
[Iocus] 320 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion25
Guarded! [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 45 hit ¨ Iocus26
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] Sharp Strike ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion
[Iocus] 776 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion27
[Iocus] 363 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion28
[Iocus] 328 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion29
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] parried by ¨ Iocus30
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] intimidated by ¨ Iocus31
[Iocus] 306 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion32
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 110 hit ¨ Iocus33
[Iocus] 323 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion34
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] intimidated by ¨ Iocus35
[Iocus] 562 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion36
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] intimidated by ¨ Iocus37
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 112 hit ¨ Iocus38
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 46 Numbing Breath ¨ Iocus39
AOE 25 ¨ VivaciousVickie
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] intimidated by ¨ Iocus40
[VivaciousVickie] Zealous Snort ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion
[Iocus] 415 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion41
[Iocus] 670 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion42
[Iocus] 333 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion43
[Iocus] 387 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion44
[2] [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 280 hit ¨ Iocus45
[Iocus] 684 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion46
Guarded! [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 51 hit ¨ Iocus47
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 46 Numbing Breath ¨ Iocus48
AOE 25 ¨ VivaciousVickie
[Iocus] 432 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion49
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 137 hit ¨ Iocus50
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 114 hit ¨ Iocus51
Iocus remedy ¨ Iocus (status ailments)
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] parried by ¨ Iocus52
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 114 hit ¨ Iocus53
[Iocus] 318 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion54
[2] [Iocus] 1111 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion55
[Iocus] 319 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion56
[2] [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 335 critical hit ¨ Iocus57
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 2667 Death Scissors ¨ VivaciousVickie boo!
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] missed ¨ Iocus58
[Iocus] 413 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion59
[Iocus] 449 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion60
Blocked! [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 33 hit ¨ Iocus61
[Iocus] 351 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion62
[2] [Iocus] 654 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion63
[Iocus] 788 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion64
[2] [Iocus] 1056 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion65
[Iocus] 326 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion66
Guarded! [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 73 hit ¨ Iocus67
[Iocus] 347 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion68
[Iocus] 756 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion69
[Iocus] 599 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion70
Guarded! [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 78 hit ¨ Iocus71
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 46 Numbing Breath ¨ Iocus72
AOE 25 ¨ VivaciousVickie
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] intimidated by ¨ Iocus73
[Iocus] 408 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion74
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 125 hit ¨ Iocus75
Guarded! [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 38 hit ¨ Iocus76
Guarded! [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 183 critical hit ¨ Iocus77
[Iocus] 353 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion78
[Iocus] 331 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion79
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 87 Earth Pounder ¨ Iocus80
AOE 114 ¨ Cherukiki
AOE 179 ¨ VivaciousVickie
[VivaciousVickie] Zealous Snort ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion
[Iocus] 437 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion81
[Iocus] 328 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion82
[Iocus] 682 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion83
[Iocus] 632 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion84
[Iocus] 292 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion85
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 116 hit ¨ Iocus86
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] parried by ¨ Iocus87
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] intimidated by ¨ Iocus88
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] parried by ¨ Iocus89
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] intimidated by ¨ Iocus90
[2] [Iocus] 738 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion91
Guarded! [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 283 Wild Rage ¨ Iocus92
AOE 930 ¨ Cherukiki
AOE 637 ¨ VivaciousVickie
[Iocus] 328 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion93
[Iocus] 702 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion94
[Iocus] 318 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion95
Guarded! [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 28 hit ¨ Iocus96
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] intimidated by ¨ Iocus97
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] intimidated by ¨ Iocus98
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 240 critical hit ¨ Iocus99
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] intimidated by ¨ Iocus100
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 99 hit ¨ Iocus101
[Iocus] 332 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion102
[Iocus] 638 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion103
[Iocus] 629 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion104
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 112 hit ¨ Iocus105
Guarded! [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 33 hit ¨ Iocus106
[Iocus] 624 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion107
[2] [Iocus] 1327 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion108
Guarded! [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 599 Wild Rage ¨ Iocus109
AOE 938 ¨ Cherukiki
AOE 641 ¨ VivaciousVickie
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 300 hit ¨ Cherukiki
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] missed ¨ Iocus110
[Iocus] 437 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion111
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] parried by ¨ Iocus112
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] missed ¨ Iocus113
[Iocus] 319 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion114
[2] [Iocus] 1054 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion115
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] intimidated by ¨ Iocus116
Guarded! [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 27 hit ¨ Iocus117
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] missed ¨ Iocus118
[Iocus] 324 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion119
[2] [Iocus] 666 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion120
[Iocus] 696 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion121
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 75 hit ¨ Iocus122
Guarded! [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 54 Mandible Bite ¨ Iocus123
Counters pretty clearly take priority over guards. This set should be 75% counter rate with Zealous snort up. Evasion, Parry, Intimidations and TP moves removed leaves us with 76/102 actions that could have been countered. I had 18 crit in gear and 5 crit in merits, the difference between the regular counters and counters that critical are pretty obvious. There is some variance near the beginning. I had King of Hearts out at the beginning and he Dia3'd but I decided not to use phalanx.
Guards went way down but 3/4 physical tp moves being guarded still keep the trend of Zealous Snort guarding tp moves at a higher rate.
Does anyone know if Guttler, Farsha, or Spalirisos additional damage works on counters?
ItemSet 398163
41Counter; 50pdt 23stp 10t 19d 41+5+15=61sb 602meva 56mdb 19regen
I'm pretty sure this is the set I'm working for as a tough set with Farsha with Vicki attacking against targets that are physical threats. It has 41 Counter + 25 from Zealous Snort, so 66%. If Vicki is hitting the same target, then it's 41 subtle blow + 5 sbII + another 15 sbII from tandem blow so your feeding the mob a lot less TP from your counters. Your crit rate is 5+18 as above and you can hopefully crit and triple damage your counters(Doesn't apply AM3 to counters). It has over 600meva and 56 mdb with 19 regen just cuz, so you aren't going to die from magic damage mixed in. If guard rate for physical tp moves stays where it's at, I feel really good about this for holding adds in Ody or fighting lots of mobs at the same time in segments.
Vickie being a monk means she's got 25+15 subtle blow for lvl 99 monk + 15 from tandem blow?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3341
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2025-02-02 18:27:04
Attempt #6
BST/BLU mostly just for hate moves and cocoon if I felt I needed it. I didn't. I did 3 Zealous snort durations back to back without any danger.
BST defense was 1747. I used this set.
ItemSet 398162
135 (123+10+2) interactions
12 guards
76 counters 64 + 10 doubles
7 parry
12 intimidations
5 misses
1 block
22/135 actions against me resulted in unmitigated damage
4 physical tp moves, 3 guards, 1 full damage; 9 total tp moves that interacted; 1 sharp strike
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] parried by ¨ Iocus1
[Iocus] 727 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion2
[Iocus] 725 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion3
[Iocus] 478 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion4
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] missed ¨ Iocus5
[Iocus] 353 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion6
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 146 Mandible Bite ¨ Iocus7
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 112 hit ¨ Iocus8
[2] [Iocus] 1331 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion9
[Iocus] 356 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion10
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] parried by ¨ Iocus11
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] intimidated by ¨ Iocus12
[Iocus] 505 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion13
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 109 hit ¨ Iocus14
[2] [Iocus] 708 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion15
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 75 Earth Pounder ¨ Iocus16
AOE 114 ¨ Cherukiki
AOE 128 ¨ VivaciousVickie
[2] [Iocus] 1083 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion17
[Iocus] 327 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion18
[Iocus] 537 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion19
[Iocus] 504 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion20
[Iocus] 774 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion21
[Iocus] 326 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion22
[Iocus] 690 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion23
[Iocus] 769 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion24
[Iocus] 320 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion25
Guarded! [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 45 hit ¨ Iocus26
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] Sharp Strike ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion
[Iocus] 776 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion27
[Iocus] 363 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion28
[Iocus] 328 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion29
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] parried by ¨ Iocus30
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] intimidated by ¨ Iocus31
[Iocus] 306 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion32
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 110 hit ¨ Iocus33
[Iocus] 323 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion34
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] intimidated by ¨ Iocus35
[Iocus] 562 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion36
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] intimidated by ¨ Iocus37
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 112 hit ¨ Iocus38
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 46 Numbing Breath ¨ Iocus39
AOE 25 ¨ VivaciousVickie
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] intimidated by ¨ Iocus40
[VivaciousVickie] Zealous Snort ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion
[Iocus] 415 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion41
[Iocus] 670 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion42
[Iocus] 333 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion43
[Iocus] 387 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion44
[2] [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 280 hit ¨ Iocus45
[Iocus] 684 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion46
Guarded! [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 51 hit ¨ Iocus47
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 46 Numbing Breath ¨ Iocus48
AOE 25 ¨ VivaciousVickie
[Iocus] 432 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion49
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 137 hit ¨ Iocus50
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 114 hit ¨ Iocus51
Iocus remedy ¨ Iocus (status ailments)
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] parried by ¨ Iocus52
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 114 hit ¨ Iocus53
[Iocus] 318 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion54
[2] [Iocus] 1111 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion55
[Iocus] 319 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion56
[2] [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 335 critical hit ¨ Iocus57
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 2667 Death Scissors ¨ VivaciousVickie boo!
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] missed ¨ Iocus58
[Iocus] 413 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion59
[Iocus] 449 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion60
Blocked! [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 33 hit ¨ Iocus61
[Iocus] 351 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion62
[2] [Iocus] 654 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion63
[Iocus] 788 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion64
[2] [Iocus] 1056 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion65
[Iocus] 326 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion66
Guarded! [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 73 hit ¨ Iocus67
[Iocus] 347 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion68
[Iocus] 756 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion69
[Iocus] 599 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion70
Guarded! [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 78 hit ¨ Iocus71
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 46 Numbing Breath ¨ Iocus72
AOE 25 ¨ VivaciousVickie
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] intimidated by ¨ Iocus73
[Iocus] 408 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion74
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 125 hit ¨ Iocus75
Guarded! [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 38 hit ¨ Iocus76
Guarded! [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 183 critical hit ¨ Iocus77
[Iocus] 353 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion78
[Iocus] 331 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion79
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 87 Earth Pounder ¨ Iocus80
AOE 114 ¨ Cherukiki
AOE 179 ¨ VivaciousVickie
[VivaciousVickie] Zealous Snort ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion
[Iocus] 437 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion81
[Iocus] 328 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion82
[Iocus] 682 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion83
[Iocus] 632 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion84
[Iocus] 292 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion85
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 116 hit ¨ Iocus86
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] parried by ¨ Iocus87
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] intimidated by ¨ Iocus88
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] parried by ¨ Iocus89
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] intimidated by ¨ Iocus90
[2] [Iocus] 738 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion91
Guarded! [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 283 Wild Rage ¨ Iocus92
AOE 930 ¨ Cherukiki
AOE 637 ¨ VivaciousVickie
[Iocus] 328 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion93
[Iocus] 702 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion94
[Iocus] 318 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion95
Guarded! [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 28 hit ¨ Iocus96
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] intimidated by ¨ Iocus97
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] intimidated by ¨ Iocus98
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 240 critical hit ¨ Iocus99
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] intimidated by ¨ Iocus100
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 99 hit ¨ Iocus101
[Iocus] 332 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion102
[Iocus] 638 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion103
[Iocus] 629 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion104
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 112 hit ¨ Iocus105
Guarded! [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 33 hit ¨ Iocus106
[Iocus] 624 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion107
[2] [Iocus] 1327 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion108
Guarded! [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 599 Wild Rage ¨ Iocus109
AOE 938 ¨ Cherukiki
AOE 641 ¨ VivaciousVickie
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 300 hit ¨ Cherukiki
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] missed ¨ Iocus110
[Iocus] 437 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion111
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] parried by ¨ Iocus112
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] missed ¨ Iocus113
[Iocus] 319 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion114
[2] [Iocus] 1054 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion115
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] intimidated by ¨ Iocus116
Guarded! [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 27 hit ¨ Iocus117
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] missed ¨ Iocus118
[Iocus] 324 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion119
[2] [Iocus] 666 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion120
[Iocus] 696 counter ¨ Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion121
[Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 75 hit ¨ Iocus122
Guarded! [Locus?Cutlass?Scorpion] 54 Mandible Bite ¨ Iocus123
Counters pretty clearly take priority over guards. This set should be 75% counter rate with Zealous snort up. Evasion, Parry, Intimidations and TP moves removed leaves us with 76/102 actions that could have been countered. I had 18 crit in gear and 5 crit in merits, the difference between the regular counters and counters that critical are pretty obvious. There is some variance near the beginning. I had King of Hearts out at the beginning and he Dia3'd but I decided not to use phalanx.
Guards went way down but 3/4 physical tp moves being guarded still keep the trend of Zealous Snort guarding tp moves at a higher rate.
Does anyone know if Guttler, Farsha, or Spalirisos additional damage works on counters?
ItemSet 398163
41Counter; 50pdt 23stp 10t 19d 41+5+15=61sb 602meva 56mdb 19regen
I'm pretty sure this is the set I'm working for as a tough set with Farsha with Vicki attacking against targets that are physical threats. It has 41 Counter + 25 from Zealous Snort, so 66%. If Vicki is hitting the same target, then it's 41 subtle blow + 5 sbII + another 15 sbII from tandem blow so your feeding the mob a lot less TP from your counters. Your crit rate is 5+18 as above and you can hopefully crit and triple damage your counters. It has over 600meva and 56 mdb with 19 regen just cuz, so you aren't going to die from magic damage mixed in. If guard rate for physical tp moves stays where it's at, I feel really good about this for holding adds in Ody or fighting lots of mobs at the same time in segments.
Vickie being a monk means she's got 25+15 subtle blow for lvl 99 monk + 15 from tandem blow?
I can try Guttler or Spharai out later.
By Gaigin 2025-02-02 21:45:24
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »I tried out your strat and it was a pretty fun experience - what trusts do you normally use for this? I go:
Mayakov (thanks to Minaras, great suggestion bro)
Koru-Moru spamming debuffs ups the chance she will use TP to erase herself. To previous comments, I have tried Guttler with R15, but Pangu Path B is a winner for me.
I have seen several counters hit for 4300+ white damage, and with sweeping gouge active and using boost, I have landed Calamity for 43,000. Plus a 4k scission consolation prize due to her mega magic defence.
By Minaras84 2025-02-03 01:24:53
Does anyone know if Guttler, Farsha, or Spalirisos additional damage works on counters?
Ninja edit sorry, missed the guttler.
Guttler works, farsha doesn't seem to work, but i might have been very unlucky or missed the chat log, I wasn't testing it really, i was just enjoying the fun.
I think the difference lies in how the axes work.
Guttler gives a boost to you and your pet, so affects the player, not the weapon, while farsha is tied to the axe only.
But if comes out that Farsha works...well, it's the obvious winner
And damn me not thinking about the deliverance, i forgot about that shield.
P.s: You're welcome Gaigin, we gotta help each other mate, it's hard to find dedicated beastmasters like you.
Back to unm for the shield now!
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1806
By Phoenix.Iocus 2025-02-03 11:04:37
Does anyone know if Guttler, Farsha, or Spalirisos additional damage works on counters?
Ninja edit sorry, missed the guttler.
Guttler works, farsha doesn't seem to work, but i might have been very unlucky or missed the chat log, I wasn't testing it really, i was just enjoying the fun.
I think the difference lies in how the axes work.
Guttler gives a boost to you and your pet, so affects the player, not the weapon, while farsha is tied to the axe only.
But if comes out that Farsha works...well, it's the obvious winner
I finished up a baby 119 Farsha today so it can do double damage procs. So far i'm seeing the max crits on autos being 680 dmg and the highest counter being 550s so I'm assuming this Farsha isn't doing it. Most likely the results won't change with Triple damage procs or augmenting. Maybe it works with Retaliation on WAR and I crossed something in my head.
If Guttler works on counters, then Spalirisos could work too. If anyone has prime axe and wants to find out, that would be appreciated. 15% Crit rate, PDL AM, highest Weapon Damage and accuracy already makes it the best for this. ODT working on Counters would make it intentional planned or at least ideal instead of just the best weapon for it.
Edit: it's definitely not applying ODT on counters with Farsha. Cheap Boulder cases in bazaars are amazing.
By Minaras84 2025-02-03 17:36:16
Does anyone know if Guttler, Farsha, or Spalirisos additional damage works on counters?
Ninja edit sorry, missed the guttler.
Guttler works, farsha doesn't seem to work, but i might have been very unlucky or missed the chat log, I wasn't testing it really, i was just enjoying the fun.
I think the difference lies in how the axes work.
Guttler gives a boost to you and your pet, so affects the player, not the weapon, while farsha is tied to the axe only.
But if comes out that Farsha works...well, it's the obvious winner
I finished up a baby 119 Farsha today so it can do double damage procs. So far i'm seeing the max crits on autos being 680 dmg and the highest counter being 550s so I'm assuming this Farsha isn't doing it. Most likely the results won't change with Triple damage procs or augmenting. Maybe it works with Retaliation on WAR and I crossed something in my head.
If Guttler works on counters, then Spalirisos could work too. If anyone has prime axe and wants to find out, that would be appreciated.
Yeah, thats what i want to try too.
I think subbing war once you reach 80% counter is the best choice, i would probably go with something like this:
ItemSet 398219
Assuming gleti is rank 30, with the mog garden favour, Counter sits at 80% pet included.
Sherida earring over sroda for Subtle blow and...i don't know about hands.
This build would give 80% counter, 71 subtle blow with tandem which is extremely close to the cap, 12 TA, 51 DA (Da + Counter on mantle and subbing warrior) and...all the rest.
I do'nt know if it's worth to push Store TP on hands cause the total would be +20 with malignance, i guess it's still something.
Maybe gleti again so you get store tp +8 AND Crith hit plus all the goodies that Gleti gives.
But do we really need store tp?
It's not that ws would make any different really.
Problem with this build is that counter doesn't generate enmity, so i don't see it being used in a group content where bst tanks
By SimonSes 2025-02-03 18:05:04
Problem with this build is that counter doesn't generate enmity, so i don't see it being used in a group content where bst tanks
Biggest problem is nothing that matters uses attacks that can be countered. Also counters don't give TP and don't do a lot of damage, unless you are facing like 10 mobs, then combined damage on all of them is significant. This build is more a for-fun build to solo some older stuff imo.
BLU can make a similar build and has better hate tools and I can't find a single use case for this against anything from current endgame. If counter was uncapped and you could get 100% rate, than you could have some use case against some ambuscades with endeath or Excalibur hidden effect, but with cap at 80%, it can't really be a real gimmick for anything.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2025-02-03 18:46:13
Does anyone know if Guttler, Farsha, or Spalirisos additional damage works on counters? I gotchu, BSTbro.
Followed your examples and tested on Apex Bats so the numbers would look familiar.
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Iocus 2025-02-04 13:20:52
Yeah that's pretty cool stuff. Confirmation is always appreciated Falkirk.
@Minaras84 I really like the inclusion of the Empy Feet. Empy hands have 11DT and 6crit, while Gleti's brings 7pdt, 6crit, and 7pdl and 8dt for your pet.
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Iocus 2025-02-04 13:38:15
Problem with this build is that counter doesn't generate enmity, so i don't see it being used in a group content where bst tanks
Biggest problem is nothing that matters uses attacks that can be countered. Also counters don't give TP and don't do a lot of damage, unless you are facing like 10 mobs, then combined damage on all of them is significant. This build is more a for-fun build to solo some older stuff imo.
BLU can make a similar build and has better hate tools and I can't find a single use case for this against anything from current endgame. If counter was uncapped and you could get 100% rate, than you could have some use case against some ambuscades with endeath or Excalibur hidden effect, but with cap at 80%, it can't really be a real gimmick for anything.
I also don't have a pointed use for this. I wanted a defensive set and I wanted to know how well it worked based on previous testimonials. The damage from the counters is fun but I'm not going to pretend it's the point of the build. I do like the general mitigation with the buff from Vickie with a minimal or full counter build, but that's not most scenarios.
I'd use this in dynamis for super tanking by body pulling adds and odyssey adds. You'd engage on the statue and could kill it with Primal Rend or Cloud Splitter while still being protected from the adds if you position them in front of you. The MDB is pretty high from the gleti's set so mages won't be menacing you specifically. Other people can take the adds off you and you'll just continue killing things. The problem I see is what do you do with the pet? Vickie can engage on whatever you're fighting but they don't need a lot of TP for zealous snort if you're empy hands in your sets. Sweeping gouge would stop you from super tanking mobs if it hits them which is the general solution to worrying about hate/healers, but it could provide a tag method for if you need to snarl and use her as an emergency shield. SO it's not really a complete thought with the pet basically good for a buff and some white damage. The original posters were using it the same way to wade into Agons in segment farming, I'm not going to pretend I can do that one in my head.
This does have the problem of what if the statue runs off before you kill it? Feral Howl on a 5 minute cooldown? /WAR for provoke? /BLU spells are generally going to AoE which isn't going to keep you super tanking.
I'd love for there to be enough mental gymnastics to fit a BST as the add holder for Odyssey, but as a person who uses PLD as the adds holder + healer, I just don't see it replacing the better option. So commonly you use beastial loyalty in lobby to get your free pet out and the COR RDs you so you can do it in the fight if you need it. You can do this to get a pet for defense down + KI for your party. Once you do that you have the pet leave. You spam charm on cooldown to gain enmity so that you'll pick up the add. If you could stay ahead of regular DDs on, you'd stop being able to do damage because of positioning for counter and not putting the add on top of the party. You could summon a pet and send them on the boss if there was a good pet to help, but you'd still have be in range to be able to use pet moves so the logistics are still unpleasant at best.
Maybe you could get away with this on Ongo because of Caper and you could use Fluffy Bredo to do -MDB + KI for the mages, but I think i've tried to land it and it doesn't. Vickie can defense down + KI the party on kalunga and you could even do slashing damage to help get the add out and establish hate, but I've done that fight at v25 and the benefits don't sound even remotely enticing since you can PLD heal + hold adds.
By Gaigin 2025-02-04 14:14:27
I'd say the point of the build is fun. Remember fun? It puts the f u in min/maxing everything.
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Iocus 2025-02-04 14:48:18
It is absolutely fun, but it's also nice to be able to be included and relevant.
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Iocus 2025-02-05 09:22:47
I'm doing Raskovniche because I'm out of everything else to spend segments on until I get some more wins. Ooze works 1st or 2nd time. I get out Vickie and put myself in my sets for counter. No native enmity with the pet out means it's just running around and killing the healers. Counter build definitely isn't going to cut it without healers. I now know what I want for Christmas for BST...among other things.
By Minaras84 2025-02-05 18:16:36
When Gaigin and I spam bloody Cait Sith, all he needs to hold hate from the healer (talking about trusts) it's one calamity at the beginning of the fight.
This is with Mnk sub.
If one goes /war on top of provoke they would have warcry too, and it generates a good amount of hate.
By Gaigin 2025-02-05 20:35:30
it's one calamity at the beginning of the fight. This is with Mnk sub.
One added point is I always regain (have a measly +20 but by the time you bring out trusts it only takes like a minute) to 1000TP so I can Calamity right away. I often Sweeping Gouge Calamity for the scission / def down. Could Boost for fun.
After that, you will get enough TP to hold hate off (trust) healers easily for Calamity or weapon of choice at 2000TP.
By Khaeos 2025-02-09 13:58:52
I'm a returning vet (last played 2016) and BST was one of my favorite jobs.
However my gear is absolute shite, and I'm curious on how effective BST is in current content. How good is it against end game stuff? Is it brought to parties/alliances and can it solo NMs?
Looking to get back into the game and any help would be appreciated!
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 1806
By Phoenix.Iocus 2025-02-09 17:37:57
Welcome back! Things have changed enough that you're definitely smart for asking for advice. You'll find that most people have at least 3 geared jobs because of odyssey and BST is a good one to have.
BST has a very luxurious niche of using Generous Arthur and Fatso Fargann in Odyssey to deal with harder NMs or leveling the gear you get off them. They don't really have a defined roll in Sortie, but that is a lot of jobs.
I'll give you a mini returning guide in the spoiler of what's been added so you don't have 2 walls of text:
Domain Invasion Dragons aren't new, but their rewards are. Zurim handles giving out rewards and it's very good for returning players. Definitely look this up. It has easy ways to get older stuff you might need, new stuff that you'll want, or just to purchase Wyrm Ash to make money off of.
Unity rewards is a good page to have handy. You join a faction that lets you summon your faction leader as an extra trust and tackle NMs for rewards. You can upgrade the items to +1 and then upgrade again when you start working on Odyssey. Lots of these items are very relevant.
Odyssey gets started with a ??? in Rabao. There are 3 courses (a,b,c) that let you farm segments and lustreless items you use to upgrade Unity items. Those segments get used to purchase KIs to fight NMs in Gaol. When you defeat those NMs you can purchase their equipment and if you fight high level versions of them you can upgrade that gear. There is a lot here that I'm not going to touch on but my first advice is just to start as soon as you can even if you can't do amazing. Any progress will help you get further than waiting around and you will be doing a lot of this. A silly perk of BST is that you can charm some of the high level mobs in A,B,C and bring them down to the lower levels. Since the sections in A and B have many levels that go up in difficulty with teleports that you can unlock, you can start a run by teleporting to the top levels, grab a mob and familiar it and go back to the first floor. That way you have a super charged pet to body guard you.
Sortie is the same advise as Odyssey. Start asap even if you can't do a good job because the upgraded empyrean +2 gear is such an upgrade from anything you can get as easily that that sooner the better. Empyrean and Odyssey gear is basically the standard for good gear at this point. The sooner you can get them, the sooner you can get more of them. Once you have some experience in Sortie and have unlocked teleports and basement access you'll want to group up if you can because you can make a lot more currency with a group than solo.
I skipped Ambuscade because the gear is largely outmoded. You can use it to get to better gear but if you manage to leap frog it with a helpful LS, you won't need many pieces once you get near the current endgame. They can and probably will upgrade them eventually and you'll do ambuscade anyways to make money and some job capes, but significantly fewer since they released the null shawl.
Future stuff: Besieged is getting upgraded. It has new currency, none of the rewards are anything that will wow you for the amount of time it will take to get. This is likely to change in the future since they are upgrading to level 10 next month and will probably continue to do so. Limbus is being taken out as of next month and will be reworked at some point in the future.
Everything below is going to be all gibberish until you're further in. BST in odyssey means it's easy to upgrade the gear for WAR/PLD/DRK that come from Kalunga because you can do it solo. It can also upgrade the gear for Ngai which covers THF/BST/DRG/BLU/DNC with only a couple people because you can land the slug's hp down ooze when the NM uses it's aura move, very hard to live long enough to make it use it's aura solo. If you like any of those jobs, BST can make that easier than for most people. There is still lot of work involved to get there, but it certainly helps once you're there. Don't plan your odyssey around this, it's more of a footnote.
The other thing that has changed is that Odyssey and Sortie are both 6 person events. Most popular comps involve running BRD, COR, and GEO in as many of those events as possible for efficiency. That means there is likely 3 or less slots that aren't immediately defined. You will want to pick up at least 1 or 2 other jobs other than BST, they don't have to be supports. During the hardest fights for Odyssey BST are generally taken on the attempts that have little or no supports so if you do pick up supports it's unlikely you'll run into a scenario where you want your BST and your support on the same KI attempt. Again, you don't have to make a support, play what you like. You already like BST. You're probably going to be fine. I only play GEO out of those 3 supports and I have yet to run into a scenario where I want to be both my GEO and my BST at the same time.
When people tell you that the best DD for Sortie is a DNC, they are going to be right.
IDK if you are used to playing dual wield, but the more time goes on, the more I like Fencer. I even use it when I'm /DNC and using it to haste samba myself and others. Axes are pretty slow much less two of them and giving up slots to try to cap dual wield instead of good pieces for multi-attack and store tp eventually got me to the point that I generally prefer it. YMMV and definitely start with what you think works best, but don't be to surprised if you eventually get to the point where calamity, mistral axe, and even savage blade with your TP bonus just seems to put out damage a lot more consistently than dual wield.
Again welcome back and enjoy~
By Khaeos 2025-02-09 18:24:55
Thanks for the reply!
Yeah I have been used to DW thanks to /NIN or /DNC, though I did do /WHM a bit as well. What weapon/shield should I go for if I want to stick with fencer? And just stick with DNC as subjob?
I'm in the business of unlocking the sheols now. A and B are unlocked, and just waiting on the mooglephone cooldown to unlock C. I've also been doing escha stuff with my new ls, getting NM kills and such, and did my first DI as well to start earning points. I never tried sortie but I'll definitely try it tonight.
All my current gear is just random old stuff, with sparks gear filling in. What's some quick and dirty gear I can snag?
By Minaras84 2025-02-09 20:04:15
As for shield, it depends on what you're more comfortable with.
I personally go with Beatific Shield +1 because of the tp return.
Other options are Adapa Shield or Sacro Bulwark.
Obviously we're talking about solo here, cause in a group situation you want to go dual wield, and usually /nin as you get the dual wield bonus and you can cap it with just hands ( Emicho Gauntlets +1) and earring ( Suppanomimi )
These are probably the most common choices.
Weapon... make sure to get yourself a Naegling cause it's, unfortunately, one of the most powerful weapon in the game, for many one- handed classes.
You will use it for both fencer (and i would go /drg) and dual wield ( /nin if group /dnc if solo)
Axe you _have_ to have is Aymur, not only because it's great for pet, but also because Primal Rend is a very powerful magic ws. It's very easy to shot stautes in DynaD with the right gear.
Ikenga's Axe and Agwu's Axe are great off hands axes but even as a main weapon. If you main Naegling and have no accuracy issues, use Fernagu as off hand for the TP bonus.
If you want to lower your delay when /nin or /dnc you might want to use daggers instead, and the best ones are Crepuscular Knife and Ternion Dagger +1
Pangu is another great axe, and in an ideal world you would have two, path A and Path C.
The other axes are basically toys to have fun with, which is, in fact, the main reason why we play this game.
Disclaimer: this is all imho and i'm sure i forgot alot of things but im tired of copying and paste urls lol
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 1806
By Phoenix.Iocus 2025-02-09 20:30:55
Sparks is the quick and dirty for sure. Steps up would be ambu, which might not be quick at all for fresh returnees. Domain invasion lets you buy valorous gear once or twice a week, get the body first since they are categorically harder than the rest of the pieces. The feet are good too. If you have help, both of these can be fast. Technically the base gear from odyssey is fast but it's not free unlike everything discussed so far.
Ambu axe is an ok place to start. Doesn't need to go past Kaja stage if pulse weapins are hard. Both odyssey axes at base are great and will only get better. Even the ruann and jima axes can be very decent. The mythic is always great if you really like bst.
Omen shield is pretty good if you have a ls that runs it. Sacro shield off alexander is probably a later get. Deliverance wasn't very friendly nms either.
Definitely use whatever subjob seems appropriate or is being asked for. I'd encourage you to keep dual wielding if you prefer it but try out using a shield every once in awhile because you can'tfual wield when fighting odyssey bosses in gaol. I haven't used knives as offhands to try to speed it up or the tp bonus magian axe, so I have blind spots.
If you're already doing domain invasion, you're already doing it right to be able to help yourself into better gear
By Felgarr 2025-02-10 00:16:26
Pangu is another great axe, and in an ideal world you would have two, path A and Path B.
The other axes are basically toys to have fun with, which is, in fact, the main reason why we play this game.
Disclaimer: this is all imho and i'm sure i forgot alot of things but im tired of copying and paste urls lol
Why no mention Path C Pangu, specifically? Has it fallen out of favor?
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2025-02-10 00:42:04
Why no mention Path C Pangu, specifically? Has it fallen out of favor?
Pangu C has a unique niche, so I agree that it feels a bit strange not to mention it. Any pet tanking or defense-first situations, it's great. I get some use out of mine as an idle piece when I don't care about my own TP - for example, TP Drainkiss in Aymur then swap to Pangu to stay in close but with DT- for me and pet, then Aymur again for the next ready move.
As for Pangu A and B: Isn't Dolichenus just a better DPS weapon? AFAIK it is, but someone please enlighten me if that's not the case.
A path sounds especially odd, not sure what anyone's using that for. Something like COR shooting in an A path Su5 weapon for the Store TP makes sense, but for melee purposes A path Su5 kinda all fall into the "OK option for non-REMA". But BST doesn't really need that, since Ambu axe is pretty strong so that's prob what you should be shooting for.
B path is also... well, it's not BAD offensively, but why use it over Ambu/REMA axes? I think the Subtle Blow II is sort of overrated, tbh - the SBII is necessary just to avoid massive additional TP feed from the FUA on B path. But I suppose there could be some niche uses for some kind of low TP feed builds alongside a pet?
TBH, if someone was just looking for a holdover axe and couldn't get a REMA *or* a Dolichenus, I'd suggest looking more at the Odyssey axes (Agwu, Ikenga). Agwu's pretty decent even at R0, and will remain a good offhand.
By Minaras84 2025-02-10 01:22:43
Pangu is another great axe, and in an ideal world you would have two, path A and Path B.
The other axes are basically toys to have fun with, which is, in fact, the main reason why we play this game.
Disclaimer: this is all imho and i'm sure i forgot alot of things but im tired of copying and paste urls lol
Why no mention Path C Pangu, specifically? Has it fallen out of favor?
Because instead of C i wrote B lol.
I meant C, gotta edit the post
A it's clearly an offensive axe, and it pulls out some good number.
Dolichenus is a _great_ axe, but its tied to decimation only.
For other ws Pangu A is the winner.
Guttler and Tri-Edge are a joke really.
Guttler is fun for darkness spam but i couldnt find any other use for it.
Farsha is more interesting for the triple damage, and one can build a gear set around it, but when it comes to use a ws, the only one that pulls good numbers is Calamity.
Then again, all of this is just my opinion, more than happy to agree to disagree.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 3691
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2025-02-10 01:46:21
IDK if you are used to playing dual wield, but the more time goes on, the more I like Fencer. I even use it when I'm /DNC and using it to haste samba myself and others. Axes are pretty slow much less two of them and giving up slots to try to cap dual wield instead of good pieces for multi-attack and store tp eventually got me to the point that I generally prefer it.
Counterpoint to that, I really don't agree at all that Fencer is worthwhile on BST.
DW is significantly faster TP generation than single wield, and you only need to use a single armor slot (DW+10 on an Ambuscade cape when /NIN) to get nearly to cap (1 shy of cap, which is still better than using another slot for DW).
Fencer gives up a ton by losing your offhand weapon stats, and BST just doesn't have a shield good enough to make up for those missing stats. WAR is in a much better position to take advantage of Fencer, due to having a great shield for it (Blurred +1, which is infuriating not to have on BST) along with some other Fencer+ gear (Empy legs and JSE neck) and two additional tiers of the trait.
On BST, I'd much rather use an offhand like Fernagu (more TP Bonus than Fencer), Agwu's Axe, Barbarity +1, Ikenga's Axe, Ternion Dagger +1... and take those stats (plus faster TP generation) over Fencer's 630 TP Bonus, Crit Rate +7%, and whatever (unimpressive) stats you're getting on your shield of choice. If BST could use Blurred Shield +1 or got some new shield that actually made it worth giving up an offhand weapon, then this might be a different story.
Also worth keeping in mind that Fencer is really only providing significant help if you're using a WS that takes advantage of TP Bonus. There are some that do (Savage Blade, Mistral Axe, Calamity, Primal Rend, Cloudsplitter, Blitz...), but I'd still prefer the offhand stats from not-shield for those WS. And on other WS that don't get as much benefit from TP Bonus (Decimation, Onslaught, etc.), Fencer is a lot worse.
By Minaras84 2025-02-10 01:55:09
(Blurred +1, which is infuriating not to have on BST)
A thousand times this.