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Baelorn said:

I know you're probably just trying to bait me but it is a bad thing. Why?

#1: Some people are naive enough to associate post count on an FFXI forum with FFXI knowledge. One look at Ludoggy is enough to disprove this but most people don't think that far ahead.

#2: The recent topics list on the frontpage get the most clicks/views. Spam posts force the relevant topcis(the ones that actually relate to FFXI) off of the frontpage. This means only people who browse through the main forum will find them and I'm willing to wager that not many do that aside from forum regulars.

There's more reasons but I doubt this post will even be acknowledged so I won't waste any more time trying to explain it.

To address your concerns

#1: I never implied or expressed my post count in the sense of having it like a chip on my shoulder. I'm simply bored and enjoying in essence a slow instant messaging with peers within a community we can all relate to: FFXI. You would have to be extremely naive to associate post counts to actual knowledge.

#2: God forbid someone actually has to click 2-3 more times to actually find what they're looking for. I for the most part keep my posts relevant to the topic at hand, even if they derail somewhat. If someone is truly seeking answers to legitimate questions they can dig a little deeper and take 0.2 seconds to look past some of the fun light hearted randomness that sometimes occurs or they can go to a place more informative; like Blue Gartr.

But I suppose your overall attitude is along the lines of:

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