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Server: Asura
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Posts: 4135
By Asura.Artemicion 2010-03-01 06:05:13
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That pretty much sums it up Veg.
Server: Asura
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user: Valentino
Posts: 48
By Asura.Valentino 2010-03-01 06:20:01
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Alright Veggeto I will be willing to discuss with you as well when you are ready. I have class in one hour as well. As to your cartoon. I completely agree with you as I was stating before, people need too stop pulling on both sides of the rope (as this cartoon depicts by making satire out of strict affirmative religion) and meet in the middle. That is why I do not believe in any religion, but I believe in God and morals. I believe it would be logical to at least acknowledge there is a greater power because you have nothing to loose even "if" in the end there is no afterlife. Opposed to not acknowledging and suffering dire consequences if your wrong, and if your right then your right.

Why insult people's intelligence for believing in a higher spiritual power? It will only push them away, and/or hurt them emotionally. If you want someone to view your logic making sarcastic remarks is not the best way.

Also it kind of upsets me this topic was to be moved to politics and religion because I don't believe it that is the topic in here.
Server: Fairy
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user: Vegetto
Posts: 3615
By Fairy.Vegetto 2010-03-01 06:38:02
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Oh, I believe in morals, I jus tdon't need a book written thousands of years ago to course the direction of my morals. You don't have to believe in god to want to do the right thing.

One of my major issues is praying. People pray for others to get better or to be safe, ect. I look at it like this. What does praying have to do with it? Is the god they cherish so much *** enough to say "hey, enough people didn't prey to me, I'm going to let him die"
Server: Asura
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Posts: 4135
By Asura.Artemicion 2010-03-01 06:40:49
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I'm with Veg on that one. I go based on my own individualistic principles that generally follow some basis of benevolence towards others. I don't need some systematic dogma, community, or divine figure to inspire me to do what I feel is right.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Stanflame
Posts: 6173
By Bahamut.Stanflame 2010-03-01 06:42:02
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Fairy.Vegetto said:
Oh, I believe in morals, I jus tdon't need a book written thousands of years ago to course the direction of my morals. You don't have to believe in god to want to do the right thing.

One of my major issues is praying. People pray for others to get better or to be safe, ect. I look at it like this. What does praying have to do with it? Is the god they cherish so much *** enough to say "hey, enough people didn't prey to me, I'm going to let him die"
you still don't get it.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 3615
By Fairy.Vegetto 2010-03-01 06:43:13
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Bahamut.Stanflame said:
Fairy.Vegetto said:
Oh, I believe in morals, I jus tdon't need a book written thousands of years ago to course the direction of my morals. You don't have to believe in god to want to do the right thing.

One of my major issues is praying. People pray for others to get better or to be safe, ect. I look at it like this. What does praying have to do with it? Is the god they cherish so much *** enough to say "hey, enough people didn't prey to me, I'm going to let him die"
you still don't get it.
I get it just fine. Just because we don't agree, doesn't mean I don't get it.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Stanflame
Posts: 6173
By Bahamut.Stanflame 2010-03-01 06:47:03
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Asura.Artemicion said:
I'm with Veg on that one. I go based on my own individualistic principles that generally follow some basis of benevolence towards others. I don't need some systematic dogma or community to inspire me to do what I feel is right.

I understand but there is a reason stuff is like this... why would a mother have to pray her son does not get in trouble or killed? heck!! a loved one....!

Parents give moral to their children.. god religion and other activities keep families together.. or kids straying from the wrong path..

I was taught morals , yeah but so was others. People know right from wrong usually unless they are insane, or did not grow up knowing the difference. Hey point is if these people had religious parents would they wind up where they were no... or someone to help and say go o church if your dads a alcoholic? These type of people love to help..

they do a lot it is not the same thing.

no one is forcing anything on to you, on what to believe (those type of people) they are helping people who need help, and this stuff does keep kids off the street or out of trouble.

beyond that vegetto I am still going to say you do not get it. since this is only a little spec of what I really meant.

I am done anyway, bye.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 3615
By Fairy.Vegetto 2010-03-01 06:52:45
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Parents give moral to their children.. god religion and other activities keep families together.. or kids straying from the wrong path..
There are just as many screw ups that grew up in church families than are those who did not.
I understand but there is a reason stuff is like this... why would a mother have to pray her son does not get in trouble or killed? heck!! a loved one....!
Ask them, it happens all the time.
Hey point is if these people had religious parents would they wind up where they were no...
Not at all, kids don't always listen to their parents, we all know this.
no one is forcing anything on to you, on what to believe (those type of people) they are helping people who need help, and this stuff does keep kids off the street or out of trouble.
There are as many religious kids out on the street and in trouble as there are non religious
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Valentino
Posts: 48
By Asura.Valentino 2010-03-01 06:55:26
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Neither do I Veggeto because ever since I was a child, just as I believe all of us were we all had a built in guilt. Although people tend to commit sins over and over until they build a resistant to that guilt thinking its okay to do that, but eventually the ***will hit the fan and that is where most people have the need to turn to something. This is where I believe the bible comes to use, but I don't believe many people actually use it. They actually turn to religion which tells you what they THINK god means in the bible, or they completely twist its words to gain a control over you.

Praying has absolutely nothing to do with it Vegetto. This world is NOT perfect, if your not praying for someone then your wishing them luck. Its a form of good fortune. You cannot expect miracles to happen you need to answer your own prayers by using what this "Higher Power" has given you in the world to make the best of it.

Someone once told me this story once

"An old man is out in the middle of the ocean fishing when a storm comes a patrol boat comes and warns the old man to come to shore. The old man says No sir I prayed to God and I have faith he will take care of me. Soon after a second patrol boat comes and tells the old man the storm will sink his boat and drown him if he does not come to shore, the old man repeats himself saying god will save him because he prayed and he has faith. The storm comes and the old mans boat sinks and he struggling to swim nearly downing to death the patrol boat comes back out risking his own life to save the old man but the old man screams out GOD WILL SAVE ME I DID MY PRAYERS. the old man drowns and dies and goes up to the "pearly gates" but when he gets up there he asks god why didn't you answer my prayers and god says "I sent you three boats what more could I do?"

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Forby
Posts: 162
By Asura.Barthalomew 2010-03-01 06:59:40
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So, how about those local sports teams?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4135
By Asura.Artemicion 2010-03-01 07:02:34
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I was about to yell at you for changing your Avatar, until I realized you're the wrong Bart.

Curse you selective reading!
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 3615
By Fairy.Vegetto 2010-03-01 07:03:42
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This is where I believe the bible comes to use, but I don't believe many people actually use it.
Have you read the bible from cover to cover? Many things I'm sure none of us would approve of that was considered just in there. Like selling your daughters into slavery, ect.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Valentino
Posts: 48
By Asura.Valentino 2010-03-01 07:13:08
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Yes I agree with you Vegetto. I am not going to say I have red page to page but I am educated on stories such as those. Things change over time the Bible has been in circulation for thousands of years. You must take into consideration how literal you could actually take many of those stories. To completely understand the Bible you would first have to understand every detail about the past. I never said I have complete faith in the Bible. You can't have faith in a girl that was been tossed up multiple times she may have been pretty at one point and innocent but something changed her over time. You would have first have to know about that girls past to understand what made her turn to multiple sex partners. The Bible did have meaning to it. Religion cannot depict it completely correct and neither can anyone else because no one from back then is living on earth anymore.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: remnant
Posts: 119
By Bahamut.Oblivion 2010-03-02 01:03:51
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Asura.Valentino said:
People go to religion to find a solution to their problems. People feel as though they must fit in with "society" by living a certain lifestyle because if they didn't they would be socially punished for it. I believe the point in life is to be happy. No one wants to be mad or sad, so people go to the quickest easiest seeming solution without asking why.

Problems with people, they cause their own problems. If you're unable to take things as they are, and need to craft some elaborate fairy tale for how things are the way they are, then that's perfectly fine, too. I've spent too much time on this damn planet to care about people's beliefs. Followers of "religion" and followers of "society" are largely the same.

I'm not saying it's wrong, people are free to do what they want to in life, I'm just saying that if they are unable to decide what to do in their life, and fall under the banner of some religion, or culture, or nationalism, then they shouldn't be "unhappy" about it. It was their decision. Everyone is indoctrinated into this system and spoon-fed this ***, but ultimately, we are free to do decide if we want to remain part of this system, or not. The "problem" is that "everyone" thinks that the extant system must mean the only "right way" and thus, seek answers from people who haven't a clue themselves.

Do you know how "pathetic" it is when peoples parade around with their subcultures, cultures, political labels, nationalities, whatever; trying to make a claim of identity amongst an ocean of other hopelessly lost peoples, how they bicker over inane details of their lives, getting into conflicts, sometimes wars, and kill one another off? For what purpose? Some illusory perception of a "reality"? All of them fools, hoping to find some objective meaning in life when there is none.

I do not completely agree with encouraging people to go with other people's interpretation on life, but I do agree with your advice that "that's all that'll matter in life" if you follow that road. Then you end up at the beginning of your cycle of unhappiness when you question those people's interpretations on life and they scorn you for it. Instead of choosing one interpretation why not make one compromise?

If people believe it to be reality, then let them believe. Human "systems" are designed this way because of the need for stratification, and subsequently exploitation of labor from underclasses. Nothing will ever change, this is how we've trained ourselves to be.

There's no "answer", no great no enlightenment, no great "improvement" of humanity, nothing like that; be "happy" with what you've got.

Server: Remora
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Posts: 200
By Remora.Morbidthrasher 2010-03-02 01:17:39
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I agree with Veg on this one. As for Stan bashing on him for having different beliefs, I'm not surprised. Anyway, like Veg said, I don't believe in having to follow some book to have morals. I live my life the way I do based on what I feel is right, and my morals. If someone told me that God didn't like the way I did this or that, would I change it? No, cause that's the way I naturally am, and changing for the sole purpose of following the Bible or any other religious document isn't changing because you think it's a morally correct change. It's changing cause you're a sheep, but hey, some people like that, more power to them.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Sterling
Posts: 1050
By Carbuncle.Sterling 2010-03-02 01:23:25
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I thought the meaning of life was to make tons of babies and then eventually die so that the next generations can take over until an enormous meteor hits the earth and wipes us all out or the sun explodes?
Server: Remora
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Posts: 200
By Remora.Morbidthrasher 2010-03-02 01:25:42
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Carbuncle.Sterling said:
I thought the meaning of life was to make tons of babies and then eventually die so that the next generations can take over until an enormous meteor hits the earth and wipes us all out or the sun explodes?

Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 87
By Fenrir.Magicjunkie 2010-03-02 01:55:15
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i've been called hitler because of my beliefs that half the worlds pop. needs to die/be killed off and everyone just hears mass murder and starts yellin and closing there ears but never one person in the inter time ive believed this has asked me why... and you all didnt eathier but ima tell you anyways :D and the thing that annoys the livin crap out of me the most is when people assume i mean a certain group of people weather it be race or country age w/e when it doesnt i think everyone in the world should have to flip a coin type of deal. anywho why half the population needs to die, the world is on a set # of resources at its disposal and they are being eatin up at a alarming rate where as if half was gone that would be instant prolonging of the species and yes i relize that my idea is FULL of flaws like accidently killing off someone who may cure cancer that would be a very bad thing but ive always looked at the human race more as a virus then a species(i heard it in a movie after i started thinking that way made me laugh forgot which it was) which makes me bias right off the bat just because why your question is "what is the meaning of ones life" mine is why are humans intitled to the world basicaly cause face it aside the elements there isnt much the people dont control in some way or another and before you flame me for my grammer i was never a good english student i always exceled at math/science so >:P

now as far as religous beliefs my beliefs have a wide range and as stupid as it sounds believe everyone is right and wrong in one breath, and if you have manged to read to this point my only question is why, this is just the rantings of one person in a world of people
Server: Caitsith
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user: blurr69
Posts: 786
By Caitsith.Blurr 2010-03-02 01:55:54
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since there are people that know about god and stuff watching, question about heaven

actually been wondering for a really long time now. do animals go there too ? or is there a separate place for them ? like, will my old dogs and cats be there too when i show up ? and if so, will like other animals be there as well ? cuz im highly phobic of snakes.. and man there will be a lot of insects i bet too.. times been around for a really long time now and theres been a metric *** ton of bugs im thinking
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Neonracer
Posts: 2748
By Caitsith.Neonracer 2010-03-02 02:02:58
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Everyone has their own opinion what life is all about. Either it be religious one or not. Life is just a sacred thing. Its a Circle of Life.( don't laugh about Disney's Lion King) but it's true. You were created by two ppl for some reason. You live your life with the way you make it. You cannot predict what will happen. Yes there is some form of Fate..but one will never know what that fate will really be.

Its all about choices and what you want to be or do for yourself. One has to live their life according to what they believe is right in their heart. Wasn't their a saying about hope....


IDK... I just live my day 1 day at a time..Relax and enjoy it. Who knows when your time is up?
Server: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 200
By Remora.Morbidthrasher 2010-03-02 02:15:00
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That's a very..interesting point of view, Magic, but would you feel the same if you or someone or more than one person you love were on the losing side of that coin toss? Not flaming you, just wondering.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 87
By Fenrir.Magicjunkie 2010-03-02 02:17:12
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like i said it was full of flaws that being one of them it might cause a world wide depression if something like that all goverment would have to be have atemp suspension ontop of the world would have to be in agreement and just kinda shutdown for abit and since the world will never be in agreement it will never happen but hey ^_^ also idk about anyone else but ive never been afraid of death ive actually embraced it and as far as me loosing family and friends it hurts it does but you cant let something like that stop you or 2 people died
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 128
By Fenrir.Fizzycandy 2010-03-02 02:50:23
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I think religion is just the way some guy wants people to live, and people seem to have the need to fit in, or be with others that agree with them so they join a certain religion. Religion to me is more so a way of life, so I'm buddhist because I agree with that the most out of all the other religions.

And it's also not as.. narrow minded? about other religions and all? Really pisses me off when I'm told I'm going to go to hell(which I don't believe in) simply because I don't go to church every weekend and believe the same things as you. There's also some buddhist people like that but I haven't seen as many
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Neonracer
Posts: 2748
By Caitsith.Neonracer 2010-03-02 02:55:00
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Fenrir.Fizzycandy said:
Really pisses me off when I'm told I'm going to go to hell(which I don't believe in) simply because I don't go to church every weekend and believe the same things as you. There's also some buddhist people like that but I haven't seen as many

Church is just the Vessel or place where groups of the same religion congregate for the same thing...

You're not going to hell if you don't go to church..leave that idea to the believers.
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