Sandbox Unloading

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Sandbox Unloading
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1066
By Sylph.Siccmade 2023-04-08 01:59:55
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The game is crashing when I logout and attempt to login to a mule. (no crash info, it just disappears)

Windows 11, new install with the NextGames HD setup.

I'm not sure where to point the finger at but I see that my instances are unloading Sandbox and exec when I logout. Having just moved from another PC, that definitely nvr happened before.

It's been hella long since I fkd with this stuff but I can't see in my init file or autolaod anywhere that it would unload Sandbox on logout.

I did set all Apps involved to Run as Administrator and then after that to also run Windows 7 Compatibility. Neither of those fixed it.

I could be way off from it being a Sandbox issue... any ideas are welcomed.

Thank you!
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Kruel666
Posts: 287
By Siren.Kruel 2023-04-08 04:22:36
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Have you used the 4gb patcher on the pol.exe?

Last year I 4got to unpatch the exe before an update and re-patch afterwards, game would always crash when I tried to logout to switch to mules.

Took me months to narrow it down, eventually replaced the pol.exe with a clean pol.exe and re-patched it, not a single crash since.

Not all FFXI updates to the pol.exe can cause this issue, but i now always unpatch prior to an update.
Posts: 42661
By Jetackuu 2023-04-08 10:26:13
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this has been an ongoing issue with windower for years, comes and goes from what I understand
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1066
By Sylph.Siccmade 2023-04-09 06:00:19
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Thanks for the idea, I did a new POL.exe w/o the 4gb Patch and crashed. I next unloaded all Plugins and crashed. Next I unloaded all Addons and I can mule freely, fkn yay!
(this is with a new 4gb Patch)

I'm not sure of the Addon villain yet, I'm vanilla with my Windower use so I'll go down the list.

What is the best way to unload all Addons on Logout? I see that it unloads a lot of stuff when I log but in my init file I don't see unload text. Not sure where that comes from?

Thanks /salute.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Kruel666
Posts: 287
By Siren.Kruel 2023-04-09 06:29:29
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Sylph.Siccmade said: »
What is the best way to unload all Addons on Logout?
Bring up the windower console with insert, then type:

lua unloadall
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1066
By Sylph.Siccmade 2023-04-09 06:33:18
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For sure, I was hoping for a way to automatically do it on Logout, maybe that is not a thing?

I see that it unloads a bunch of stuff when I log but I'm not sure where that comes from.
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