AlphaAngels LS (Cerb) Looking For Members

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AlphaAngels LS (Cerb) Looking For Members
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4343
By Cerberus.Kylos 2023-03-25 17:03:27
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Beginning a new linkshell with a renewed focus to help current and returning players with mid-to-endgame content. The times and days are not set in stone yet, but we are likely to do at least one event every Tuesday @ 10pm EST 5pm GMT, alternating between content like: Sortie, Odyssey, Dynamis-D, Exemplar Points, Omen, Geas Fete, Ambuscade, High Tier Battlefields, and possibly more.

I’d like to bring on returning players who enjoy being sociable while working towards being ready for endgame. Myself and others are willing to lend a helping hand, although we expect players to have some motivation and initiative to build themselves up without heavily relying on others to walk them through (we have another LS for players looking to work their way through older content with other returnees). We’re not expecting players to be seriously geared before joining us, but we would prefer they play somewhat regularly and want to experience much of what FFXI has to offer. Having several types of jobs levelled and geared (Tank/DD/Healer/Buffer/Pet etc.) would be beneficial and more likely to get you into events. You’d be understanding if told that you are not gear ready or have the necessary jobs to join an event.

I’d like to include an extra event time during the week, but would prefer to pick a time and day when it best suits the LS. I hope that Alpha Angels can be a positive step for anyone looking to enjoy FFXI with like-minded players. The previous LS established its group over many years, and most members are joining this LS, so we begin with a solid foundation that we’d like to expand on with fresh faces looking to experience Vana’Diel with us. All I ask is that folks do the best they possibly can. Please let me know if this interests you. I’ll begin leading events after the April update. Thank you.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4343
By Cerberus.Kylos 2023-03-29 12:30:44
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The April update is sooner than expected so the LS will begin on the 3rd. Great time to join us if you would like a new linkshell with regular events, or just want to hang out and be able to ask questions about the game when needed.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4343
By Cerberus.Kylos 2023-04-05 05:46:00
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Our first event went well yesterday, easing us along the way with some Exemplar points across two parties in King Ranperre's Tomb. It's early days, and there's so much to do. We're all wanting different things, but like the previous LS before Alpha Angels, I'm sure in time we'll achieve much of our goals.

With that in mind, an Aeonic run seems to be pretty sought after, mostly because groups aren't doing these so much anymore. And if they are, then you have to pay for them. Reality never charged anyone for an Aeonic, because we all worked together to earn them. And Alpha Angels will be the same, although I'm uncertain when this first run will be. At the very latest, it will be in the Summer.

The LS looks to have filled out with enough players to do regular events, and a few others who enjoy chilling and helping out at their leisure. Whichever way of play floats your boat, feel free to inquire in-game or through private message here. Thank you.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4343
By Cerberus.Kylos 2023-05-03 13:49:16
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The linkshell is one month old and here’s an update for anyone who cares.

- We’ve grown so much, adding new members alongside those who previously enjoyed life in Reality. Events have mostly consisted of Odyssey segment runs, Exemplar parties, Dynamis-D wave 2 farming, Sortie, Shinryu HTB, and Ambuscade.

- This month, now that they have segments, we plan on beating some of the leftover NMs some folks need in Odyssey Sheol Gaol. We’re setting up a Tumult Curator event after the campaigns go active to get us a bunch of Tatenashi & Contemplator’s. Also, we are planning to begin the Aeonic process toward the end of May. Reality made 8 Aeonics, so while this is technically my 9th, it will be the first for Alpha Angels.

- Long term goals include doing more with Sortie, monthly Ambuscades, and regular Exemplar parties, along with getting equipment from HTBs like Odin, Alexander, Cait Sith, and Shinryu.

- I’d say the only thing holding us back in some events is a lack of Bards. Understandably, those we have are in high demand. I would love to find more players with access to this job, but I understand that some may not want to get stuck in this role. I like rotating players wherever possible, so having more Bards would allow this. But that’s not all we’re looking for.

If the LS sounds interesting to you, drop me a message and we’ll see if it suits. There’s no obligation to do events regularly. You can choose when to jump in, and I’ll try to accommodate, but I cannot always promise you will have a place. I live in GMT time but play late at night, so I’d say the LS is more EST friendly at the moment. Events do not usually start any earlier than 5pm EST, although there can be exceptions.

I’m super happy with the progress Alpha Angels has made so far. It has exceeded expectation. I hope that by the end of 2023, we can collectively look back and respect the effort we put in together. Thank you.

Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 58
By Cerberus.Stereo 2023-05-03 14:50:58
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Cerberus.Kylos said: »
to have some motivation and initiative to build themselves up without heavily relying on others to walk them through
If I compensate members for my lack of motivation with shiney gil, do i get to be a muppet in LS chat with my endless Q's? It's like I never played this game for 1 year, let alone 20. The only thing I can do is run to dragon's aery on muscle memory, flawlessly
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [49 days between previous and next post]
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4343
By Cerberus.Kylos 2023-06-21 13:01:58
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Every Tuesday for the past few weeks has seen us chip away at an Aeonic. In its time, the previous LS completed 8 of these, so this is my 9th (I don't need anymore but I don't mind helping out while collecting a trophy) and the 1st for Alpha Angels. I remember in Reality, we used to SMN burn T4s after trying so hard to do them in other ways (during our first), which some on this forum understood, while others were disappointed because they were rooting for us to not go the easy route.

Yeah, we're way stronger than we were back then. Master levels. Gear. Experience. All this makes killing things like Teles, Vinipata, Albumen, and Schah with melees not as impressive. But we did it this month with a full alliance. Of course, Vinipata was a complete nightmare as it always is, so it took a few attempts. It was major vindication for me, because I remember us trying so hard to kill it in 2018 for two months every Tuesday and getting it to 1% a few times with Rangers & Corsairs.

Teles, Albumen, and Schah were no bother whatsoever. I don't think anyone got KO'd. We return next week to finish off Erinys and Zerde with SMNs because I know for a fact that we can beat them without burning, but I'm sure the group just wants this over with so we can get back to other stuff. I know there are groups out there who fire these Aeonics out in a night, which is very impressive! But for us, doing it casually in a month (would have been faster if we didn't farm Kouryu/WoC for gear) is very solid.

I couldn't be happier with the group we have in Alpha Angels. It has been three months since I returned to the game and we've already done so much, and the cool/cliché thing to say would be we are just getting started! I believe we could take on one or two more players if anyone is interested, but as I always say when we recruit folks, they have to be super cool. Like, Fonzie cool. Ayyyy!

necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [31 days between previous and next post]
Posts: 10
By Volkanovski 2023-07-22 07:00:29
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Is this still available? I'm a returning player along with my son. We've been back for 13 days. In that time I have ilvl 118, sky access, half CoP, 4th RoV KI (crimson), all city dyna/ jeuno clears (original), rank 8 sandy, Oboro unlocked with 1 delve fracture cleared (Ceizak), Sandung obtained (worthless probably today but th1 extra for me at least lol). Abby/VW timers started, sitting on 14 abby stones, 10 VW stones - have yet to do that content. Completed those before. Looking for AAEV trust (gotta do some leg work to unlock it in RoE) and ofc, ...... Ambuscade. Hit me back if you will take us. I'm 50yrs old, played for 12yrs stopped retail in 2015. My son is 23.

Edit: My main is Thf/Nin, working on SMN/WHM, DRG. BRD is my 2nd favorite job in this entire game. Have played it in both retail and across 4 private servers. Although not unlocked atm, It can be, can power lvl it and farm relic to start. Mythic may take a bit. Empy = no issue. I don't know what is req of brd in the retail era nowadays.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4343
By Cerberus.Kylos 2023-07-22 08:42:44
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Sure man. Come find me in game.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Tikal
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2023-07-22 10:23:00
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Volkanovski said: »
Edit: My main is Thf/Nin, working on SMN/WHM, DRG. BRD is my 2nd favorite job in this entire game. Have played it in both retail and across 4 private servers. Although not unlocked atm, It can be, can power lvl it and farm relic to start. Mythic may take a bit. Empy = no issue. I don't know what is req of brd in the retail era nowadays.

Required isn't the right word but top-tier BRDs have the Relic, the Mythic dagger, the Empyrean harp, and the Aeonic Horn. On top of that, they have functional melee and WS sets. It's a big investment, but so long as you have the Aeonic, the Empyrean, and the Relic, you'll basically be pigeon-holed into being BRD.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [51 days between previous and next post]
By 2023-09-11 07:00:40
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Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4343
By Cerberus.Kylos 2023-09-30 12:24:52
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The linkshell is still very active. We have been mostly focusing on Sortie for several months, along with the odd Ambuscade. I would like to get back in to doing regular Odyssey in 2024, mostly because I have players (and myself) seriously wanting augmented Nyame, which would be nice to have.

Otherwise, we are alternating between Sortie/Ambuscade/Master Levels for the time being. We have several groups running Sortie at random times, so you can join up whenever they happen. Please let me know if the linkshell interests you.

I should stress that, despite me being from the UK, most of our members live across the Atlantic, so we do not usually do events during EU primetime. I work and do things through the night to the early morning on British time. Years ago, I tried getting earlier events, but the lack of spare European players meant I had to keep pushing times back so we could be PST to EST friendly. So, naturally, it had to be this way.

Thanks for considering Alpha Angels. We are a chilled group with many older players doing their best. I don't ask for much, only that you do what you can. Also, the LS accepts returnees, even if it may take you a very long time to be ready for events. We'll be there to support you. Thanks.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [44 days between previous and next post]
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4343
By Cerberus.Kylos 2023-11-13 03:04:16
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The linkshell is accepting a few more members at this time, as we look to have more regular events leading up to the Winter holidays. This month, we are doing the following:

  • Dynamis-D farming (wave 2) for +3 unlocks, neck/weapon augmenting and gil. - Tuesday @ 10pm BST 5pm EST for 2 hours

  • Ambuscade Volume 1 - Thursday @ 12am BST 7pm EST for 2-3 hours

  • Pink Flan - No scheduled date and time yet, but would love to find six who could do this somewhat regularly for Adamantite and Exemplar points.

  • Sortie - We run this content almost daily at random times, with a few groups within the Linkshell doing their own thing. I usually have space for players when I go. If we have the people, we're only at the stage of doing A & E bosses with some Naakuals for Starstones, so please do not expect more. If we don't have the people, it may only be a light run of doing Basement objectives and other stuff.

Please let me know if this interests you. Thank you.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [156 days between previous and next post]
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4343
By Cerberus.Kylos 2024-04-17 12:48:18
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This linkshell has been a lot of fun since making it. We haven't been as active lately, because I got FFVII Rebirth and the game is so huge it eats a lot of time, but when I've finished we should be back to doing more random events. We're still very much running Tuesday events, and the odd Ambuscade on Thursdays.

After months of thinking about it, we finally tried the Pink Flans! It took some trial and error, but in the end, we went with myself parry tank healing (Turms Hands +1), and a SCH doing Embrava with a bunch of RDM+COR doing damage. Surprisingly easy once you figure it out. We have seen one Adamantite so far, and hope to see many more later this year.

We're beginning an Aeonic run next Tuesday, every week at 10pm BST 5pm EST for 2-3 hours each event. We don't have a history of blasting through this in one session, so I like to break it up in to something digestible. If you think you can stomach this, let me know and we can bring you along. You will need 50k Escha Beads (farm Domain Invasion) to get the key item to begin the Aeonic weapon process. If you don't have it, you would need to begin farming ASAP.

Otherwise, after Aeonics we are thinking about finally getting around to Odyssey NMs above V0, which is content I have avoided like the plague for years now. The lack of augmented Nyame is clearly a weakness in our arsenal, and this is something I'd like us to correct. We will be running regular segment farms, and working through the NMs every Tuesday. If all of this sounds like fun to you, send me a message on here or in game. Thanks!

necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [59 days between previous and next post]
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 101
By Cerberus.Turqone 2024-06-15 08:29:58
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Hi ;)
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4343
By Cerberus.Kylos 2024-06-15 14:59:09
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Hi Turqone
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 101
By Cerberus.Turqone 2024-06-17 04:57:35
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hi Boss ! i'm back ! *^^*
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