That Impeachment Thing....

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That impeachment thing....
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Server: Odin
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user: Slore
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By Odin.Slore 2019-12-14 18:12:50
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Also from this same guy...dems the party on inclusion right Vic?

Congressman who once feared Guam could capsize compares Jewish settlers to 'termites'
Posts: 17666
By Viciouss 2019-12-14 18:19:27
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lol, that's cute Slore. Nice deflection.
Server: Odin
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user: Slore
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By Odin.Slore 2019-12-14 18:34:00
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You made the deflection by bringing Trump into when he posted about British politics, cause you can't get him off your mind. He lives there rent free. So I posted something a idiot dem said x2. No deflection there.
By 2019-12-14 19:25:01
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By Viciouss 2019-12-14 19:33:12
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DirectX said: »
I wouldn't be suprised if there are people that dumb on both sides of the political spectrum in America, but that wasn't my point.

That is still literally the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Wind turbines taking power out of the wind seems less stupid than an island capsizing to me.

Oh no, its way worse. The wind stops blowing and you no longer have electricity so you can't watch TV, also, wind turbines cause cancer.
By 2019-12-15 02:55:54
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Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2019-12-15 08:07:18
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kireek said: »
YouTube Video Placeholder

Looks like Nadler ate Nadler...
Server: Garuda
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user: Chanti
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By Garuda.Chanti 2019-12-15 12:22:46
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Fox News poll: 50 percent of Americans say Trump should be impeached and removed
The Hill
Server: Bahamut
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user: Ravael
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By Bahamut.Ravael 2019-12-15 14:02:27
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fonewear said: »
kireek said: »
YouTube Video Placeholder

Looks like Nadler ate Nadler...

And then he got eaten by the Dilophosaurus in Jurassic Park.

YouTube Video Placeholder
Server: Bahamut
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user: Ravael
Posts: 13624
By Bahamut.Ravael 2019-12-15 14:05:27
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Before you gloat, do you know where a majority of people oppose impeachment and removal?

Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

Server: Odin
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user: Slore
Posts: 1350
By Odin.Slore 2019-12-15 14:07:54
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That is one of the reasons I dislike blind polls. You have no idea who you're polling. The only info that matters is this:

Most Democrats (85 percent) favor impeaching/removing Trump from office, while most Republicans (84 percent) are opposed.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2019-12-15 15:02:39
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Bahamut.Ravael said: »

Before you gloat, do you know where a majority of people oppose impeachment and removal?

Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.


Import part,

The numbers again break down along partisan lines, with 85 percent of Democrats approving of the impeachment and removal of Trump and 84 percent of Republicans saying they were against it.

The independent support of impeachment jumped 7 percentage points to 45 percent support from October’s poll.

The poll was conducted between Dec. 8 and Dec. 11 in partnership with Beacon Research and Shaw & Co. They surveyed 1,000 registered voters, and the poll had a margin of error of 3 percentage points.

When both sides have equal but opposite beliefs, if you survey 50/50 of them then your going to get a 50% for and against the thing your surveying.

The swing voters who change elections don't register as a party, much less even bother answering the phone on random calls in the middle of the day or even bother when the person comes knocking on your door with an iPad full of questions they are asking.
Server: Garuda
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user: Chanti
Posts: 11177
By Garuda.Chanti 2019-12-15 15:59:28
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Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Before you gloat, do you know where a majority of people oppose impeachment and removal?

Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

No gloating. Its almost unchanged from two weeks ago (49%) BEFORE the hearings...
Server: Bahamut
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user: Ravael
Posts: 13624
By Bahamut.Ravael 2019-12-15 16:33:47
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Garuda.Chanti said: »
Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Before you gloat, do you know where a majority of people oppose impeachment and removal?

Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

No gloating. Its almost unchanged from two weeks ago (49%) BEFORE the hearings...

Yeah, and 49% -> 50% isn't even close to being a statistically significant change with their margin of error. In summary, the
Democrats basically failed to convert anyone with the hearings even when they rigged it so that they would have the advantage.
By 2019-12-15 17:23:47
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Server: Garuda
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user: Chanti
Posts: 11177
By Garuda.Chanti 2019-12-15 18:54:18
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Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Garuda.Chanti said: »
Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Before you gloat, do you know where a majority of people oppose impeachment and removal?

Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

No gloating. Its almost unchanged from two weeks ago (49%) BEFORE the hearings...
Yeah, and 49% -> 50% isn't even close to being a statistically significant change with their margin of error. In summary, the
Democrats basically failed to convert anyone with the hearings even when they rigged it so that they would have the advantage.
We agree except... the rules were set and folowed. I believe it was the GOP who put them in place in 2015. I could be wrong.

And they didn't use subpoena nor contempt of congress. They should have. It could have been a much better show. And a better showing.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13624
By Bahamut.Ravael 2019-12-15 19:18:36
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kireek said: »
Polls really mean nothing at this point, they are just talking points for the media to obsess over. Polls are questions giving to .0000001% of the population and then just scaled up while stating "this is what all Americans think!".

Firstly they can cherry pick places they know will give certain answers they want, since they don't ask everyone and all and just ask a few hundred people (at best). For example if I wanted to make a poll showing most Americans love motorbikes I'll goto a motorobike convention and setup my poll booth to ask people if they like motorbikes or not. Shockingly a new poll will then show 95% of Americans love motorbikes.

Secondly, people lie. If someone phones or stops you on the street most people will just say whatever they are expected to say due to embarrassment or not wanting drama. What people say and what they think are two different things.

Thirdly, only a certain kind of person answers poll questions in the first place. Most people will just say "not I'm sorry I'm busy" or whatever.

Whenever you see a poll, just ask yourself who answered this. Nobody asked you right, or anyone you know, they probably never asked anyone from your state even.

They aren't representative, they ask small numbers of people and then scale up, they are easily skewed and people lie.

You're mostly right, but I should note that polls are usually pretty good at monitoring trends if you know what you're looking for. There's a lot of science to the good polls, but there's a crapload of bias with polling in general, much of which cannot be avoided.

Now, online polls are garbage just by their very nature. Not only are they highly unscientific in their sampling, but the questions are often terrible as well. I was reading a Newsweek article a couple weeks ago and there was some kind of poll on the page. I can't remember the exact questions asked, but here's the style:

Does Trump deserve to be impeached and removed from office?
1. Yes.
2. No. He's a terrible president, but he should be removed by election.

No joke, that's how many of the questions were worded. A simple "yes" or "no" if the answer favored a left-leaning view, while wrong-think answers were clarified to make them more tolerable to the pollster's perspective. There is no reason for that kind of poll other than to stroke the pollster's ego.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2019-12-15 19:22:50
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So did Santa impeach Trump yet ?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13624
By Bahamut.Ravael 2019-12-15 19:35:39
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fonewear said: »
So did Santa impeach Trump yet ?

Santa's got problems of his own.

Santa Claus Accused Of Quid Pro Quo For Giving Children Gifts In Exchange For Good Behavior

U.S.—Legislators have begun to hold hearings on impeaching Santa Claus after an overheard conversation seemed to imply he was offering a quid pro quo: gifts in exchange for good behavior.

FBI agents spied on Claus at various malls as he repeatedly said things like, "Sure, I'll get you a pony. But first, I need you to do something for me... be a good little boy!" The FBI was able to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Claus, because it's easier to get a FISA warrant than to get a Costco membership.

"Ho ho noooooo!" Santa Claus cried as investigators leaped out and cuffed him at a Dayton, OH mall. "Not good! Sad!"

"It was a perfect conversation," Claus said, defending himself in a series of fiery tweets. "Absolutely perfect. I was simply talking to little Billy and asked him to keep tabs on his sister, Sally, who has been involved in some corruption. Who doesn't want to stop corruption? Did I offer Billy a new Nintendo Switch in exchange for his good behavior? Possibly. Am I planning on giving Sally coal because she's a little punk? Maybe. Where's my lawyer?"

Unfortunately, he was assigned a public defender, who turned out to be Rudy Giuliani.

And now I'll lay off the Bee articles again for a while.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2019-12-15 19:38:40
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Santa is a jolly sum *** probably needs to lay off the egg nog.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Slore
Posts: 1350
By Odin.Slore 2019-12-16 18:30:32
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Look at this guy.. Chuck Shumer making demands for a fair and balanced trial in the senate...are you shitting me? After the dog and pony show they did in the house, preventing opposition from even asking questions of witnesses now they wanna make sure it's fair?
Server: Asura
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user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-12-16 19:33:21
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Did you know there are 602 scheduled protest/events tomorrow evening?
Server: Garuda
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user: Chanti
Posts: 11177
By Garuda.Chanti 2019-12-16 19:38:57
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Bahamut.Ravael said: »
And now I'll lay off the Bee articles again for a while.
Yeah, but they are fun.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Ravael
Posts: 13624
By Bahamut.Ravael 2019-12-16 20:20:34
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
Did you know there are 602 scheduled protest/events tomorrow evening?

Good. Now all those people will know what it's like to waste time. It will help them know what it's like to be a Congressman.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 9803
By Asura.Saevel 2019-12-17 08:19:00
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Odin.Slore said: »
Look at this guy.. Chuck Shumer making demands for a fair and balanced trial in the senate...are you shitting me? After the dog and pony show they did in the house, preventing opposition from even asking questions of witnesses now they wanna make sure it's fair?

It's optics, he is giving CNN something to put on their front page.
I mean the Democrats are handing the election to Trump, they gotta provide cover or heads will roll.

Lets stop and think about it, the Democrats were willing to falsify evidence and illegally change documents to spy on President Trump and go after anyone who might have information on him. This wasn't a grey area, a group of higher ranking Democrats abused their bureaucratic power to further "The Cause". When an organization is that corrupt what won't they do for power?
Posts: 17666
By Viciouss 2019-12-17 09:33:49
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lol, no one, other than other countries because its so easy, has spied on Trump. Certainly no "high ranking Democrats."
Server: Asura
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Posts: 9803
By Asura.Saevel 2019-12-17 09:52:11
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Oh hey you guys remember that "Russian prostitute pee tape" silliness? The one that Vic and friends still believe was true. Yeah turns out it was a joke from one official to another that got overheard and Steele decided to put it in his anti-Trump "dossier" that he sold the Democrats.

Same dossier that the Democrats used to get a FISA warrant to spy on Candidate and later President Trump. Same people who then *leaked* that information to CNN who've been on a PR campaign against Trump.

So like I said, if Democrats are willing to lie and commit felonies to gain power, what won't they do? How corrupt is the left side of politics in the USA these days?
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