People Hiking Up Prices On Ah

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people hiking up prices on ah
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Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Xelltrix
Posts: 393
By Shiva.Xelltrix 2019-02-06 08:16:26
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My god, people are always hyper exaggerating the amount of money they pull in from events with one character, they have to be. 20m a week from Omen farming solo? That’s over 100 Swarts a week. That’s maybe 15 swarts a run if you do a run every day. Bull.

Then 10-12 mil a Gain exp session? When there’s constant competition in the best areas? I could maybe see it if you’re completely uncontested for the entire duration and have add-ons to help you sell stuff when you run back to the NPC but even on Shiva it’s not that easy finding a a completely uninterrupted session. And, of course, it’s not like Gain EXP is at the best time for everybody. I can only assume people who make up numbers like these are botting or using something to sell to NPCs on the field because it’s not even remotely realistic to expect one person to make that much on average.

Anyway, as for the point the TC is making. Yeah, it sucks but your options are deal or move on. Selling to yourself to alter prices has been a part of the game forever and I don’t really see how SE would address it even if they cared enough to do so. You just have to accept that, unless you’re willing to bot or devote all your time to farming, it’s going to take you longer to get the good stuff. Focus on mastering your job and working with the gear you have in the meantime and you’ll still be competitive while you work towards the fancy top-end gear. Do all those little gil gaining ventures everyone talks about in these topics (but don’t expect anywhere near their ridiculous “averages”) and you’ll get there. Most of the ridiculously expensive stuff isn’t really necessary anyway.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Aubain
Posts: 162
By Asura.Smoky 2019-02-06 08:35:34
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Shiva.Xelltrix said: »
My god, people are always hyper exaggerating the amount of money they pull in from events with one character, they have to be. 20m a week from Omen farming solo? That’s over 100 Swarts a week. That’s maybe 15 swarts a run if you do a run every day. Bull.

Then 10-12 mil a Gain exp session?

PL a guy from 1-99 is 3mil and can be done in less than 3 hours. If you PL 5 people thats 15mil in the same time. Omen swart farming is dumb, get a group to kill Fu, lock stone and sell an item. Minimum 5mil per run. So yea in 5 days can make 25mil+ in omen.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-02-06 08:40:25
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So, obviously sparks and prize powder autobuyers are used, and an autoseller. Zone in, touch an npc, then type two words and afk come back with 2mil. Repeat.

20 to cap 10 to sell. (Faster if you use ashita) 8 runs x2mil = 16 mil

That's not really realistic, it's more like 30/10 @6 for 12m
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-02-06 08:45:20
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10-12m gain is doable without even aoeing if you sell your accolades. If it's that congested, go thunderspark incursion.
Jesus christ, not everyone doing better than you are is botting or cheating.

The 5 job thing only applies to folk who didn't bother to make friends. I'm sure everyone in a friendly shell can think of a few folk who quit at 75, abyssea, early adoulin, whatever.. that came back and were allowed to come to everything with what they had until they got to where they needed to be.

You have to have something to offer. If you have friends, that something is you. If not, that random linkshell you're hoping will take you has no reason to consider you over anyone else besides your gear and jobs. Make yourself some friends and you won't need to conform to standards anywhere near as much.

Sure, the market isn't ideal in every way for everyone. But, people are bitching about crafted gear, which is cheaper in proportion to inflation than it has ever been. Does it matter someone jacked a neck back to 80m from 60m? Without shields, it'd cost 200m. 60m was a loss for the people selling them and only happened because of some dumbass undercutting without examining their own margins, so it got corrected. It isn't an attempt to exploit you folks, just a heads up that they weren't selling for 60m consistantly. If they had been, more would've been listed at 60 and that fake sale wouldn't have mattered.

Remember when Jinxed Jacket was 300-500m? You're making the same gain exp gil now as you were then, and the most expensive stuff you could possibly want is in the 150m range. That same jacket, despite being highly useful for many jobs, is under 20m just about everywhere.

The only people with a legitimate complaint are crafters that cannot commit to a S4 shield. Really though, your problem is with SE not with botters completing the task. Something with that much ability to impact the economy never should have existed. The only possible outcome of it existing is that people would do what is needed to complete it.

tldr; stop crying. If you can't thrive in today's ffxi, where everything is easier than it's ever been and the streets are flooded with HQs, you don't belong here. Go play Hello Kitty: Island Adventures.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Drakenv
Posts: 3816
By Odin.Drakenv 2019-02-06 09:01:01
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
10-12m gain is doable without even aoeing if you sell your accolades. If it's that congested, go thunderspark incursion.
Jesus christ, not everyone doing better than you are is botting or cheating.

The 5 job thing only applies to folk who didn't bother to make friends. I'm sure everyone in a friendly shell can think of a few folk who quit at 75, abyssea, early adoulin, whatever.. that came back and were allowed to come to everything with what they had until they got to where they needed to be.

You have to have something to offer. If you have friends, that something is you. If not, that random linkshell you're hoping will take you has no reason to consider you over anyone else besides your gear and jobs. Make yourself some friends and you won't need to conform to standards anywhere near as much.

Sure, the market isn't ideal in every way for everyone. But, people are bitching about crafted gear, which is cheaper in proportion to inflation than it has ever been. Does it matter someone jacked a neck back to 80m from 60m? Without shields, it'd cost 200m. 60m was a loss for the people selling them and only happened because of some dumbass undercutting without examining their own margins, so it got corrected. It isn't an attempt to exploit you folks, just a heads up that they weren't selling for 60m consistantly. If they had been, more would've been listed at 60 and that fake sale wouldn't have mattered.

Remember when Jinxed Jacket was 300-500m? You're making the same gain exp gil now as you were then, and the most expensive stuff you could possibly want is in the 150m range. That same jacket, despite being highly useful for many jobs, is under 20m just about everywhere.

The only people with a legitimate complaint are crafters that cannot commit to a S4 shield. Really though, your problem is with SE not with botters completing the task. Something with that much ability to impact the economy never should have existed. The only possible outcome of it existing is that people would do what is needed to complete it.

tldr; stop crying. If you can't thrive in today's ffxi, where everything is easier than it's ever been and the streets are flooded with HQs, you don't belong here. Go play Hello Kitty: Island Adventures.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Xelltrix
Posts: 393
By Shiva.Xelltrix 2019-02-06 09:01:11
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
10-12m gain is doable without even aoeing if you sell your accolades. If it's that congested, go thunderspark incursion.
Jesus christ, not everyone doing better than you are is botting or cheating.

Bull. ***.

Also, how are you going into Incursion solo? Again, talking strictly solo, 10-12 mil on average for Gain EXP sessions without bots or addons? Mhm
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-02-06 09:03:24
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Shiva.Xelltrix said: »
Also, how are you going into Incursion solo?

How are you thundersparking incursion solo?

Hint: You aren't. Bring friends. Everyone wants to be a part of gain.

You being unwilling to make friends or cooperate doesn't say nearly as much about the game itself as it does about your lack of success in it.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Endoq
Posts: 6906
By Valefor.Endoq 2019-02-06 09:04:55
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looks like ffxi has an inflation problem again. maybe time for a repeat of 2005?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Xelltrix
Posts: 393
By Shiva.Xelltrix 2019-02-06 09:08:47
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See you keep attacking me and making assumptions about how hard a time I have gearing up. I’ve done no defending of TC and I get my gear and farm a lot (with friends) and I am fairly well geared. Sure, I’m grumblr about the prices but I still do it and I certainly don’t go on FXIAH to make topics about it. I’m just calling *** on your obviously inflated numbers. And the entire point was the “solo” part which you clearly can’t do if it requires a minimum entrance number. Now stop exaggerating.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Drakenv
Posts: 3816
By Odin.Drakenv 2019-02-06 09:12:33
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I Dano it’s fascinating to see people complain about a 20 mil boost (well it’s not a true boost just a crafter being a troll.) Its almost like people forget about the HQ prices from 1 to 2 plus years ago. 300 mil for moonbow whistle +1s for example. Yet somehow many people got it done either way and at least on Odin less bitching then now about prices. This is one of the best times to play FFxi for all the changes and prices for HQ items. Like comeatmebro pointed out streets are flooded with HQs instead of bitching figure it out. Most +2 necks range 80 to 100mil much easier then saving 300 plus for jinxed jackets back in the day. I don’t understand the bitching when HQ prices have dropped drastically and making gil is for a fact easier then ever before with or without bots.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-02-06 09:16:19
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You're attacking yourself by calling *** on what half of the thread obviously considers to be reasonable numbers. If you can't even fathom doing what many of us consider to be standard, you must not be very good.

Sure, if you have to solo and your camps are crowded you might have to go out to sih gates or something to pull off 10-12m. You might even pull only 9m on a bad gain if you're solo only and using off camps. It's not really the point. The point was that a solo player has numerous options to make gil.

A week gets you 8.4 omen tags. Single detritus might be 180k~ on shiva, but stacks are still going for a solid 20m. 99 / 8.4 = 11.78 a run. Pretty reasonable. Again, even if you do your runs and somehow come up with only 18m, WHO CARES? It's not changing the scale, it's not an order of magnitude, it's some obsession with a number someone posted days/pages ago.

What do you think you're accomplishing? People are going to stream in by the dozens and congratulate you for calling Cele inaccurate? Solo farming is viable at 20m/week from omen and 10-12m a gain, but not 18m/week from omen and 9-11m a gain? Personally, his numbers seem fine to me(even conservative, honestly).

Being a solo player is without doubt, the slowest path to anything. MAKE. FRIENDS. If gain camps are all that crowded on your server, I guarantee there are people who would love a chance to group up in incursion and have reliable competition-free gain.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Xelltrix
Posts: 393
By Shiva.Xelltrix 2019-02-06 09:21:59
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What I’m accomplishing is calling out exaggerations that get people’s expectations way above what they should actually expect to get farming. You keep flipping back and forth with the getting friends thing but I’m talking strictly about the “solo” numbers I kept seeing spouted out that are just completely unrealistic to expect most people to “average”.

I mean, you can keep implying I’m unskilled and friendless but either way, most people aren’t going to see those “averages” that I see thrown around here all the time and continue to imply that it’s minimum effort casual numbers without any outside aid.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-02-06 09:26:25
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5 cashouts in 4 hours to make 10m. 12 min to dump accolades manually, 4 min to dump sparks manually, 5 min travel out to sih gates(HP to east adoulin, guide to ceizak#1, chocobo to crystal). The last cashout can be done after gain ends, the first travel can be done before gain starts. Leaves you with (240 - ((12 + 4 + 5)*3) = 177/5 = 35:24 to cap sparks and accos.

Sih gates is one of the most remote camps that would be considered, and there are certainly other options with the same travel time that are all but guaranteed to be empty. There's no logical reason a competent player couldn't cap sparks and accos in 35 minutes, even if you're ruling out the most basic stuff like gearswap.

If you're getting worse results, it's because you're being exceedingly inefficient, afking half the time, etc. It's not an unreasonable number.

If you don't have a moral obligation, there are free tools to sell to NPC for both windower and ashita, that will cut accolades to 5 minutes and get you an extra 28 minutes of farming. There's 12m. If you can aoe effectively(which isn't even a matter of 3rd party tools), you can cap in 20 minutes. Now you've got 7.5 full cashouts = 15m, even with a long travel time to a subpar camp. If he said 15m, I'd agree with you, but 10m is less than 2/3 peak efficiency.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Xelltrix
Posts: 393
By Shiva.Xelltrix 2019-02-06 09:50:34
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Those numbers sound reasonable and doable After you’ve written out like that so I’ll concede that it’s doable. I don’t really expect most people to get more than four cash-ins with all the competition and time to sell Prism Powders but I will admit that it sounds plausible for experienced cleavers. I just really don’t think it’s fair or accurate to throw these numbers out at all the time when they require peak performance and then call it average. I know I personally never get to do a full Gain EXP session since the times generally conflict with my timezone, so maybe that’s why I’m skeptical.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-02-06 09:53:59
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Peak would be 18m maybe 20 if you are REALLY good. calling 12 average is, accurate.

No one should ever, and I mean, literally ever, do prize powders manually. Just don't do it.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Watusa
Posts: 702
By Lakshmi.Watusa 2019-02-06 13:32:54
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I don't know why this is so hard to believe, that everyone on the internet must be lying about their GE yields lol.

2pm, GE starts:


Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Drakenv
Posts: 3816
By Odin.Drakenv 2019-02-06 13:43:12
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Lakshmi.Watusa said: »
I don't know why this is so hard to believe, that everyone on the internet must be lying about their GE yields lol.

2pm, GE starts:


Posts: 8797
By Afania 2019-02-06 13:57:45
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Leviathan.Katriina said: »
Okay, maybe its much simpler to categorize them this way:

Group Activity: current meta in LS recruiting, encourages "single players" to cover [Support, DPS, Healing, Tanking] irrespective of gear requirements, taste, skill, and how they all overlap.

In reality if they really use that as a base to recruit they wont get enough people for high lv event, nor I think its a realstic recurit strategy.

There are only handful of people in my ls that can cover ALL role and perform well. Most people struggle to master 1 role and 2 would be max. There are people with tank job "leveled" but basically never bring it to event because its not good enough. There are people with DD jobs leveled and never bring it to event because its not good enough. Its much more ideal to encourage member master at least 1 job than be a generalist and good at nothing.

I mean, I have all roles that you mentioned covered but realistically I can only bring cor and whm to dyna wave 3, and even on whm Im not even DD pt whm since only yagrush gets DD pt whm spot.

Idk about other groups, but if Im leader, Id prefer people master 1 role and have different people cover other role so entire pt perform at high lv. Its much more realstic than demanding people play 4 roles and mediocre at everything, which leads to mediocre pt performance if all slots are taken by jack of all trade master of none generalists.

Having different roles makes things convinient for easier content like ambuscade PUG. But in bigger endgame ls with specialists covering all other roles its not that useful.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2019-02-06 14:14:11
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Oh noes, the super elite linkshell won't let me DD every event! Ever notice how the really successful, long standing shells on your server have people who can fill multiple roles? It's called avoiding burnout. When there is essentially 1 1/2 endgame events left in the game, the only way you keep people interested is by having them play multiple roles. Otherwise, your bards, white mages, and geos get real sick of ***real fast, and all of a sudden you have a shell with a bunch of DDs, CORs, and Tanks.

I'm as guilty of this as anyone, and should take my bard more seriously. But at the end of the day, people need to rotate for their own sanity and the shells livelihood.

And one question related to the original post- so what's your solution? All items in game only sold thru npcs? I'll give you a solution. Farm your own mats, contract a crafter. Learn about expected hq rates so you bring enough attempts. Make friends by creating a dynamis shell to farm medals that can be exchanged for mats. Interestingly enough the most expensive medals come from wave 1... damn near any group can farm wave 1. Get that group better, then start farming wave 2. And so on.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-02-06 14:18:22
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I'm totally down for all things sold via NPC, fantastic solution to inflation. Make it impossible.

And sink gil at the same time. Not a single downside except mercs can't charge retard prices and may quit. Like I said, no downsides.
By clearlyamule 2019-02-06 14:51:32
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Lakshmi.Watusa said: »
I don't know why this is so hard to believe, that everyone on the internet must be lying about their GE yields lol.

2pm, GE starts:


You were already buffing at 1:58 and I see someone already pulling in that pic. So it really took like another 3 minutes liar!
By clearlyamule 2019-02-06 14:56:17
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Shichishito said: »
also its already february 2019 over here, is the dude that makes up the numbers of that chart on holidays?
SE isn't doing anything...
proof they do stuff.
facts I don't like!
Well ok then
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Drakenv
Posts: 3816
By Odin.Drakenv 2019-02-06 15:47:51
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clearlyamule said: »
Shichishito said: »
also its already february 2019 over here, is the dude that makes up the numbers of that chart on holidays?
SE isn't doing anything...
proof they do stuff.
facts I don't like!
Well ok then
facts I don't like assumptions everywhere
Posts: 1109
By DaneBlood 2019-02-06 16:47:41
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Shiva.Xelltrix said: »
Then 10-12 mil a Gain exp session? When there’s constant competition in the best areas?

Again 10-12mill for the gain ex per character is not exagaretion
Sorry if if you can see its possible and have to claim people are exagarating for somethig thats pretty much routine work.

And also way to try change what was being said, so you better could claim it was wrong.
The 10-12 mill was said without much competition.

But again if you don;t believe it possible you are never gonna be able to do it.
By Shichishito 2019-02-06 16:53:33
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clearlyamule said: »
Shichishito said: »
also its already february 2019 over here, is the dude that makes up the numbers of that chart on holidays?
SE isn't doing anything...
proof they do stuff.
facts I don't like!
Well ok then

i'm not the first one who doubts their ban charts are completely made up by now.

if you doubt it you can test it yourself. pick one or multiple players you observed running a banworthy 3rd party tool like a bot or speed/pos hack, send a report to the "special task force" with detailed info where and when they used it.
according to their chart they ban on a monthly bases. do a /sea all (reported player) at least once each real life day (starting/ending at JP midnight) for a month or two.

if they still take actions the account should be offline for at least 24 hours at some point during that time frame.
if you want to be 100% sure catch and report the person again, iirc SE deals one warning temp ban that lasts 24-72 hours, consecutive violations result in a perma ban... at least thats how it used to be.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Xelltrix
Posts: 393
By Shiva.Xelltrix 2019-02-06 16:58:07
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Okay, so what I’m seeing from that picture is more than one person (and presumably Corsair’s Roll) in addition to being at one of the camps that is almost always occupied as soon as Gain EXP starts. And even with that, it still took 20 minutes so warping back and selling then traveling to the camp again... 10-12m average?

So again, solo with competition and travel time will likely take longer. Then there’s the buying and selling which will take quite some time. I’m sure in ideal conditions it’s feasible to get high gil returns but that still doesn’t really give me any impression that it’s an average that should be parroted at people. That picture did more to affirm my thoughts than anything.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-02-06 17:00:54
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Not banning the one person you wanted banned does not prove SE is not acting. The months where gil removed spiked to 8b, 10b, 20b? Those were all months where exploits were being actively used. So, the older part of the chart is at least loosely based on fact. If anything I'd use the chart as evidence they're ineffective; the gil total is far too low for the number of characters. They're banning farmers after the sale has taken place.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Watusa
Posts: 702
By Lakshmi.Watusa 2019-02-06 17:04:19
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Shiva.Xelltrix said: »
Okay, so what I’m seeing from that picture is more than one person (and presumably Corsair’s Roll) in addition to being at one of the camps that is almost always occupied as soon as Gain EXP starts. And even with that, it still took 20 minutes so warping back and selling then traveling to the camp again... 10-12m average?

So again, solo with competition and travel time will likely take longer. Then there’s the buying and selling which will take quite some time. I’m sure in ideal conditions it’s feasible to get high gil returns but that still doesn’t really give me any impression that it’s an average that should be parroted at people. That picture did more to affirm my thoughts than anything.

iF I CaNt Do iT tHeN NoBoDy CaN!!!!!

I don't get what you're so f*ckin ignorant about lol. You said it couldn't be done, I just showed you it could. GE's over, I made 11.2m from Sparks alone.

It's doable. Good luck have fun.

Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Drakenv
Posts: 3816
By Odin.Drakenv 2019-02-06 17:17:16
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Lakshmi.Watusa said: »
Shiva.Xelltrix said: »
Okay, so what I’m seeing from that picture is more than one person (and presumably Corsair’s Roll) in addition to being at one of the camps that is almost always occupied as soon as Gain EXP starts. And even with that, it still took 20 minutes so warping back and selling then traveling to the camp again... 10-12m average?

So again, solo with competition and travel time will likely take longer. Then there’s the buying and selling which will take quite some time. I’m sure in ideal conditions it’s feasible to get high gil returns but that still doesn’t really give me any impression that it’s an average that should be parroted at people. That picture did more to affirm my thoughts than anything.

iF I CaNt Do iT tHeN NoBoDy CaN!!!!!

I don't get what you're so f*ckin ignorant about lol. You said it couldn't be done, I just showed you it could. GE's over, I made 11.2m from Sparks alone.

It's doable. Good luck have fun.

Lol :dead: you are funny and correct lol.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2019-02-06 17:18:29
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why do people insist on Corsair's Roll in Reisenjima for Gain? Do y'all not know how gain-exp works?

1. get 5k exp, earn the RoE.
2. RoE resets, requiring a CLEAN 5k exp once again.

EXP overflow is not a help here, its wasted EXP. If you score 6500 exp on a kill, the next kill you STILL NEED 5k EXP!

In reisenjima, if you've finished all your RoV,etc to boost up base exp values and have enough gifts, you'll get over 5k exp on a kill without Corsair's Roll probably on chain #2 or chain #3, and it will stay above 5k/exp per kill after that. If you're using Corsair's Roll, you're gimping your damage and thus your killspeed without any gain of the speed you'll clear the RoE.
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