Plug-in And Play Controller Question.

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Plug-in and play Controller question.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2018-03-17 18:20:11
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Hi, sorry if this has been brought up before.

I'd like to come back to the game, and I'd genuinely like to play using my PS3 controller. However, around the last time I played (and subsequently left) the game, I was using DS3... and from what I hear(d) that went defunct (and wasn't a good program to be using in the first place). I couldn't figure out what to do/what program to use, and just threw my hands up and walked away due to my unwillingness to use a 360 controller.

TL:DR- What program can I use to plug and play w/ a PS3 controller (w/ relatively no headaches involved)?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Mert
Posts: 26
By Quetzalcoatl.Merton 2018-03-17 19:19:39
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Absolutely has to be a PS3 controller? Least headachey solution in my opinion is get a Logitech F310/F710 and call it close enough.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2018-03-17 20:05:47
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It's what's I already had on hand to be honest. A wired 360 controller wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, but lack of pulling up macros via the rear triggers/bumpers has always been a huge turn off... I'll look up the Logitech controller though, thank you.
By 2018-03-17 20:33:17
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Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2018-03-19 14:19:54
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Thank you for the replies everyone. I'll more than likely try the 310 controller.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1066
By Sylph.Siccmade 2018-03-19 15:04:15
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DS4 works great, w/ the Sony Bluetooth adapter. I've had a lot of lag and latency issues w/ my Wireless Logitech controllers. DS4 with this interface has been pmuch perfect.

Simple setup
Posts: 42723
By Jetackuu 2018-03-19 17:37:30
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Note: They added x-input support years ago now, so the old "trigger won't work" is now moot, just have to make sure to enable the x-input checkbox in the FFXIconfig.

As for PS3 controllers, I saw a replacement awhile back, I'd have to go digging through the forum for it, may take a bit, even if I can find it.
Posts: 42723
By Jetackuu 2018-03-19 17:57:31
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(I found it): note this is old before SE released support for x-input directly so I'd definitely start with creating a system restore point, then I'd try the link from that thread:

There's other stuff too, but I'm pretty sure most of it is involving getting the PS3 controller to show up as a direct-input device, which XI used to require to run properly, not needed now.

If I get some time soon I may sit down and make a controller guide, as I have just about every controller there is now, it's kind of a problem :P (Although I don't have a xbone controller adapter, I guess I should get one).
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Posts: 573
By lhova 2018-08-16 21:17:08
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HI All,

I got the Logitech F310 wired controller but I can't get the bumpers or triggers to work right. with my xbox 360 controller I was able to use the trigger for the macro lines but now I can't. Tried different configs but can't get this to work right. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Posts: 42723
By Jetackuu 2018-08-16 22:29:30
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Set the switch on the back to "D" and make sure that x-input isn't enabled in the config.
Posts: 573
By lhova 2018-08-16 22:36:10
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I did do that but the bumpers or triggers wont pull up the macros. also my regular ffxconfig shows up with ???? instead of normal characters. The EU one shows English fine. Not sure what's going on.
Posts: 42723
By Jetackuu 2018-08-17 02:17:54
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This is literally the config off my one character with a logitech F310 in Direct input.

Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Darcc
Posts: 106
By Fenrir.Soothsayer 2018-08-17 06:20:05
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Try clicking the Default Setup button in Jetackuu's screenshot. I think I had the same issue and that resolved it
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: rs1n
Posts: 233
By Cerberus.Boogs 2018-08-21 12:37:02
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Since I recently installed a PS3 controller, here's the info on how to do it yourself should anyone else want an easy method to install.

1. Follow this guide: EXCEPT if you install the XBOX 360 driver in step one, then make sure that you DO NOT SELECT the option to Install Windows service / Install XBOX 360 Controller driver during the SCPToolkit Installation. Otherwise you will get a message about the driver already being installed and the setup will not be completed properly. (You can also uncheck the PS4 controller options during the SCPToolkit install if you do not own one of those. Likewise goes for the Bluetooth options if you do not want to use the Bluetooth connection.)

2. Once the installation process is complete, then go into the FFXI Config program and select Alternet Setup (E) to set up your PS3 controller to have the same behavior as the old PS2 controller.
Posts: 42723
By Jetackuu 2018-08-21 22:15:19
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Or just use a decent controller, holy ***...
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: rs1n
Posts: 233
By Cerberus.Boogs 2018-08-21 22:31:10
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Jetackuu said: »
Or just use a decent controller, holy ***...

If you happen to have a PS3 controller lying around, why not? I started as a PS2 beta tester, so I am quite partial to the PS2 (and by inheritance, the PS3) controller.
Posts: 42723
By Jetackuu 2018-08-21 22:34:21
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I still use a PS2 controller /shrug
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