Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide |
Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide
Posts: 2385
BGwiki set is about it armor slot wise, you can run cetl belt in place of grunsfeld to cap out gear haste and open up your ammo slot for whatever, though geo options are pretty slim
When is a good time to use the stat-boosting Geomancy (Indi-STR, etc.)? Or does anyone ever even use those?
When you have 2(or 10) Geos
Indi-Str is what you use when you've run out of spells for geos to cast Ruling entrust out because that would be too obvious, they can be useful in some situations that come to mind:
1) When you're way above the attack cap for the current target and you don't need defensive stuff. For instance let's say you have lotsa buffs from multiple sources and are using Frailty as one of your two bubbles. In such a situation using Fury would produce no result, but using STR might increase damage a bit. STR is an example, it could be any stat, for instance INT if you're in a Mage pt. 2) When you are not allowed to use debuff bubbles (Malaise, Frailty etc) or they have greatly reduced potency on the current target. For melee pts you could go with Fury/STR for instance. or Acumen/INT for mages, and so on. 3) You have two GEOs in pt and the second GEO is out of options because the first one already used the important bubbles to increase damage. Lol. But I haven't run into such a scenario in years honestly. When you don't have these specific situations, you're far from the attack cap or you could benefit from defensive bubbles, then I'd rather go for one of those before I use one of the Stat-enhancing bubbles. Asura.Asalith said: » Anyone got an up-to-date melee set? I've been finishing The Voracious Resurgence to get the accessories so I can fine tune my GEO DD set for V25 Bumba down the road (assuming GEO still has a place at that point). ItemSet 388613 ItemSet 388614 This is the main TP set I use and I switch out some pieces depending on the content. This is when I'm going for Bumba/Black Halo spam so I keep +2 neck to help keep bubble alive as long as possible so I don't lose TP when I switch weapons to recast. I can never catch the cor but I've outdamaged up brd occasionally haha. occasionally I'll go /DNC or /NIN and dual wield Maxentius/Idris. I usually mainhand Idris because I'm lazy and don't want to lose TP when I recast bubbles or use Entrusts. Fun to play with Exudation aftermath, Seraph Strike, Shining Strike, and Hexa Strike. ItemSet 388616 I had a lot of fun /SAM cleaving on GEO back before Crawler's Nest was nerfed but you can still find the occasional AoE party in different places. I play around with Cataclysm and occasionally switch around Nyame Helm with Pixie Hairpin+1 but I've condensed my /equipsets for Cataclysm and Earth Crusher so I just use Nyame and Weatherspoon for Macc. I'd switch out Friomisi for a well-augmented Azimuth+2 if I could ever get one. Offline
Posts: 68
What geocolure/dt set are you guys using to cap own dt, pet dt and pet Regen?
Considering that I don't have shamash robe, is it worth losing the refresh from body to equip nyame for dt? Offline
Posts: 129
You cap pet DT with just Idris and AF+3 hands (Also has PDT 3). For DT Empy +3 Head and Feet are 23 DT, Dring is another 10, then Nyame Legs or Agwu's legs R20+ will be another 7-9 which is 43-45 PDT total and you can get the rest of that from Ambu back no Shamash needed.
Posts: 20
Shamash just opens up better pet regen options.
your 3 best pieces for pet regen are Empy+3 head, Ambush back, and Relic+3 feet. Shamash just allows you to also use some old fashioned Telchini broccoli's for another +3. RiggityWrekd said: » What geocolure/dt set are you guys using to cap own dt, pet dt and pet Regen? Considering that I don't have shamash robe, is it worth losing the refresh from body to equip nyame for dt? Asura.Nesspoot said: » occasionally I'll go /DNC or /NIN and dual wield Maxentius/Idris. I usually mainhand Idris because I'm lazy and don't want to lose TP when I recast bubbles or use Entrusts. Fun to play with Exudation aftermath, Seraph Strike, Shining Strike, and Hexa Strike. Our resident melee GEO likes to do Idris/Daybreak for big Seraph Strikes. He keeps indi-maliase on himself and geo-acument wherever we're standing at. Haste 10% Cornelia's belt for melee Geos
I'm reading the geo guides that say that Geomancy+ from equipment do not stack, but I want to confirm that is true of Idris also yes?
I'm not a geo, I'm just making sure I understand correctly from those with experience. Idris Geomancy +10 Bagua charm +2 is +7 Dunna +5 So there is no need for the geomancy +5 from Dunna, when you have Idris, correct? (Yes I know you still want a handbell because you need the handbell skill) You got it. Dunna also has fast cast and pet DT, so still good to have.
And just for complete information you still want the neck too, for everything other than geomancy+ as well. Asura.Eiryl said: » And just for complete information you still want the neck too, for everything other than geomancy+ as well. Yup, that Luopon absorb damage on neck is reeeeeeealy nice. And while it's very confusingly worded on the item, the neck reduces luopon perpetuation cost too (see some discussion toward the bottom of p.69 of this topic). Assuming good gear, what's better for GEO melee (with proper buffs): AM3 Idris w/Judgement, or Maxentius w/ Black Halo?
Posts: 366
maxentius black halo is sadly still the best, with offhand tp club even better
Asura.Geriond said: » Assuming good gear, what's better for GEO melee (with proper buffs): AM3 Idris w/Judgement, or Maxentius w/ Black Halo? It's probably gonna be real close between Tishtrya Judgement spam and Maxentius Black Halo spam. First will probably win on paper but in a real scenario my bets are on the latter (with TP bonus offhand of course) Odin.Kingofthenorth
Gotta remember that you're going to have to recast bubbles too since you're in dd gear, so you'll lose tp while not using idris.
Odin.Kingofthenorth said: » Gotta remember that you're going to have to recast bubbles too since you're in dd gear, so you'll lose tp while not using idris. Judgement Spam with R15 Idris and AM3 up is like 2nd or 3rd place in the DPS tier list, if I recall correctly. Now we could argue that keeping AM3 up is not always feasible and not always a DPS gain either becuse of the "sacrifice" it requires. But still, what I'm tryin to say is that DPSing with Idris, while an inferior option, is more often than not an acceptable compromise to streamline GEO DD without sacrificing Geomancy potency. gargurty said: » maxentius black halo is sadly still the best, with offhand tp club even better Don't think GEO can even equip the offhand TP club, unless SE added them later? Yes they can. Ukaldi is WHM and GEO.
Posts: 2
what's the meta for geo bursting in sortie now?
Posts: 71
sevii said: » what's the meta for geo bursting in sortie now? ItemSet 378616 this is what i've seen recommended recently Updated GEO DPS spreadsheet with R25/R30 augs and various other stuff.
Can find the updated link in the usual place Offline
Posts: 2
Thank you very much <3
Posts: 68
What set are you guys using for aspir?
Is pixie hairpin +1 better than relic head +3? Offline
Posts: 68
RiggityWrekd said: » What set are you guys using for aspir? Is pixie hairpin +1 better than relic head +3? Up
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Cardinal chant still doesn't make any sense.
If I have on 5/5 agwu why is cardinal chant improving burst damage. Mob South 20k Mob West 22k Every time I actually think about cardinal chant it never behaves like it should, so I just shrug and ignore it until the next time I care about it. Maybe Cardinal Chant is a different bonus than gear?
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