Twilight Set

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Twilight Set
Posts: 55
By Alkaseltzer 2013-06-01 03:19:08
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Looking to find some mercenary type to get Twilight set for me, but can't really get much of a concrete answer as to what is actually reasonable to pay for it.

I've had about a dozen people say 2 mil is standard, then had one guy say that sounded like a scam for whoever was mercing, then had another guy say 3 mil for one item and 500k just for attempting.

I know few people seem to drop by these server forums, but if anyone does then it'd be a great help to get an idea of what is actually normal payment for this sort of thing.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2013-06-01 03:31:41
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You're looking at around 12 kills for the set, which is 2.4 million cruor and ~4 hours of the seller's time unless they try to proc during the day or are capable of killing it without a brew(some are, but most aren't.. even the decent players probably brew it to get more kills/night). There's a relatively high deviation for mail, the risk associated with which is being placed on the seller. I would say that your prices seem very low, my personal opinion is that ~8m is a fair price for both pieces.

There was a guy here who offered 10m for mail recently and it still took him 3-4 days to get a seller to get it for him. Obviously there'll be some variation between servers. I wouldn't expect to get the set for below 5 though, just the amount of time involved is very prohibitive to a smart seller.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: jryan
Posts: 54
By Odin.Jryan 2013-06-01 03:49:11
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I just did this for myself with my mule, using brews. Took me 15 brews to get the mail, so I was relatively unlucky. I wouldn't merc the set for less than 10 mil if that helps.
Posts: 55
By Alkaseltzer 2013-06-01 06:41:24
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Odin.Jryan said: »
I just did this for myself with my mule, using brews. Took me 15 brews to get the mail, so I was relatively unlucky. I wouldn't merc the set for less than 10 mil if that helps.

Any opinions on pricing this stuff does help. Such a pain when talking to people in game and you offer one amount and then people just go silent rather than saying how much they'd do something for.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3
By Phoenix.Coldcheese 2013-06-01 07:29:39
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well on phoenix I shouted 4 mil for the mail mainly caus I was having a lot of crappy luck on pickup groups. luckily I found an awesome mnk who solo brewed during blunt for me, took I believe 7 brews to get mail to drop (Thanks Armond on Phoenix^^), the helm is a pretty common so I would try to get that and the rest of the items with pickup groups or w/e
Posts: 55
By Alkaseltzer 2013-06-02 21:20:56
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Ok so I've probably spent a good 20 hours or so actually shouting and talking to people about actually doing this crap now. About a dozen people said they'd do for about 2 mil, a couple for 2.5-3, and then more complete groups going for 3-3.5, and then had one guy say 10 mil and 500k for each brew attempt.

First guy I ever talked to about it in game actually did ask me about what he'd get just for attempting which I kinda just responded "well it'd seem weird paying something for nothing", so at least two people seemed into wanting just some consolation prize for failed attempts.

So seems like the ones wanting 4 mil or more are kinda the odd ones out and that most people really do just kill this guy for 2 million, with really just a sprinkling of people asking for more.
Posts: 12774
By Pantafernando 2013-06-05 06:29:39
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Its funny you think guys will use brew to not getting anything in return.
Its weird paying cash for nothing BUT to have that margin, that you can aford the loss of a failed try an not receiving anything, you MUST spike the price for an winning try. What im sayin isnt weird at all. Just think seriously if crafters just ask the price of the used material and some interest. Think about someone doing phos belt. You really think he will bid just 3.2m while he can lose 3m for trying a 50% sucess rate?
Seriously, think about the cost of brewing. Supposing your prefered way to farm cruor is exp party or even paid fc, in the first you will need almost 3 hours to farm it (worm party). In paid fc, you can get this cruor for an amount of 350k-400k (because fcers arent as effective as worm party).
SO supposing you wont charge failed tries, and supposing that you will need like 5 tries to get one payment use a basis of paid fc, you can say a fair price for brew is 300k. 5x300k=1.5m just to cover your unsuccess atempts IF youre lucky enough to get twilight mail in 5 tries. An more conservative attempt should consider doing it 10x so they would charge 3m free of the amount someone think deserve all his effort of spending 2 or 3 hours fighting shinryu aside all his effort of being skilled enough to blue and geared enough to fight while trying to proc (yes it have a price. Not any average joe have all these requirement, and the one who have can charge the real ,erc work).
Well a fair price would be 3m+ merc payment. Some guys could just dont charge that. Some, prob all the dumb guys that didnt charged anything for no drop, just think that they will get it in the first or second try. Hell, if it was possible 2m is a damn good price for 600k brew. But those guys wont get the mail and will lose a brew and you just will lose 10k and a stone, or even nothing if youre damn lazy to even wait outside.
Well average guys arent as smart to think all the risk so they can just accept this price because in raw 2m is a great cash. They just will understand his loss when he start recollecting your cruor. Or even guys that dont need cash or have enough cruor to burn that they wont care. Sure for those guys cruor mean less than 1g, so they can accept bearing loss.
But i wouldnt.
Posts: 12774
By Pantafernando 2013-06-05 06:31:48
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Btw 20 hours show well how many guys think like i do. About the 10m plus 500k, hes just an idiot that think others are more idiot than him. 10m i would brew how many times it would take to get you the mail.
Offer 5+m and have your merc group in 30mins.
Posts: 991
By Zoltar 2013-06-05 06:41:29
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On my server you can expect to pay 3-5M for just the Mail, Helm/Dagger/Scythe usually 1-2M. Rest are freebies generally. Be prepared to spend close to 10M when you're done, as it can be an unlucky process and cost a ton of cruor
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: abyssal
Posts: 475
By Fenrir.Acey 2013-06-05 09:47:57
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Me generally seeing I merc and used too merc twilight gear. I charge 4m for the body and 2.5 for the head and 500k per brew used. When doing so I had a lot of people interested in these prices just because I was one of the few that can kill shin without a brew.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Oakozric
Posts: 101
By Bahamut.Oakozric 2013-06-05 10:01:18
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I was likely a very rare exception, but it took me around 60 runs to acquire the mail. This included a thf with TH reaching 9 or 11 and blue proc. I spent a lot of time farming cruor just to continue brewing Shin. The helm only took me around 10 runs.

Just an FYI.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Neboh
Posts: 458
By Lakshmi.Neboh 2013-06-05 10:28:40
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I've gotten many people their sets and many were willing to pay the prices I've charged. A JP player even gave me an extra 3m just cuz I wouldn't stop trying till he got it. Yes, I don't charge anything till you get the drops (perhaps the reason why I got so many referrals). I basically trio boxed every run and of course saved brew for each attempt. Many people are willing to pay those prices because they are either fed up with failed attempts or don't have the time to farm cruor to brew Shin themselves.

And lately, it's not hard to make that kind of money in a day or two because of the new expansion. So if you don't have the time but have the gil, the set is worth paying for. It's one of the few things SE got right and worth paying for.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Juggalo
Posts: 180
By Phoenix.Juggalo 2013-06-05 16:12:49
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Hey there - I'm on Phoenix, too. ALL I need is the Twilight Mail. I have 12.5 million Cruor saved up and am willing to burn through it all brewing Shinryu. Just need some support.

Basically, it's a "you blue, I brew" proposition, and all I want is the Twilight Mail. If you're interested in that and can help, shoot me a message here and/or in-game.

PS - Also up for helping others, even after getting mine. It's fun and it's always good to see others get stuff they've been desiring for quite a long time. Believe me, I know the feeling! :)
Posts: 12774
By Pantafernando 2013-06-06 08:23:57
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Do you have blues? If yes I could help as i dual box thf th8 and whm so with blue proc we are set to fight.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Paulu
Posts: 776
By Shiva.Paulu 2013-06-06 08:29:34
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I have the blues alright

Posts: 12774
By Pantafernando 2013-06-06 08:50:22
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Nice. Lol.
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