Need Help With This XML For Thf

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Need help with this XML for thf
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Frotaut2
Posts: 90
By Cerberus.Frotaut 2012-12-30 17:32:26
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Everything works basiclly.... for some reason though when i SA or TA my hands don't change. Everything else works but i'm not sure what i've written wrong to make the hands swap in or out when SA or TA is up. I found this xml online and have managed to configure it to my needs sans the SA/TA issue. If anyone has another xml or can help me pinpoint this would be fantastic. Ty in advance for any help you can hook me up with.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
   <variables clear="false">
	  <var name="UtsuCount">1</var>
	  <var name="Grp">THF</var>
	  <var name="InOrOut">In</var>
	  <var name="THGEAR">1</var>	
	  <group default="yes" name="THF|EVA|ACC|Dancing edge">
		 <set name="ThfIdle">
<range>Raider's Bmrng.</range>
<head>Fugacity Beret</head>
<body>Athos's Tabard</body>
<hands>Asn. Armlets +2</hands>
<legs>Ocelot Trousers</legs>
<feet>Fajin Boots</feet>
<neck>Twilight Torque</neck>
<waist>Scouter's Rope</waist>
<rear>Brutal Earring</rear>
<lring>Dark Ring</lring>
<rring>Dark Ring</rring>
<back>Shadow Mantle</back>
		 <set name="EvaIdle" BaseSet="ThfIdle">
		 <set name="ThfEngaged" BaseSet="ThfIdle">

<range>Raider's Bmrng.</range>
<head>raider's bonnet +2</head>
<body>Thaumas Coat</body>
<hands>nomkahpa mittens</hands>
<legs>Thaumas Kecks</legs>
<feet>Thaumas Nails</feet>
<neck>Love Torque</neck>
<waist>Twilight Belt</waist>
<rear>Brutal Earring</rear>
<lring>Epona's Ring</lring>
<rring>Rajas Ring</rring>
<back>Atheling Mantle</back>

		 <set name="EvaEngaged" BaseSet="EvaIdle">
			<head>fugacity beret</head>
			<neck>love Torque</neck>
			<lear>triton earring</lear>
			<rear>Brutal Earring</rear>
			<body>Scorpion Harness</body>
			<lring>Heed Ring</lring>
			<rring>Rajas Ring</rring>
	    		<back>Boxer's Mantle</back>
	    		<waist>ninurta's sash</waist>
	    		<legs>Ocelot trousers</legs>
	    		<feet>Raider's Poulaines +2</feet>
<set name="Dancing edge">
<range>Raider's Bmrng.</range>
<head>Ocelo. Headpiece</head>
<body>Thaumas Coat</body>
<hands>hecatomb mitts +1</hands>
<legs>hecatomb subligar +1</legs>
<feet>Thaumas Nails</feet>
<neck>Soil Gorget</neck>
<waist>Cuchulain's Belt</waist>
<lear>Pixie Earring</lear>
<rear>Brutal Earring</rear>
<lring>Epona's Ring</lring>
<rring>Zilant Ring</rring>
<back>Rancorous Mantle</back>

		 <set name="AccEngaged" BaseSet="ThfEngaged">
			<head>Optical Hat</head>
		<set name="SA" baseset="ThfEngaged">
<hands>Raider's Armlets +1</hands>
		<set name="TA" baseset="ThfEngaged">
<hands>Hct. Mittens +1</hands>

		<set name="WS" baseset="ThfEngaged">

<set name="Exenterator" baseset="WS">
<range>Raider's Bmrng.</range>
<head>Thaumas Hat</head>
<body>Athos's Tabard</body>
<hands>Thaumas Gloves</hands>
<legs>Thaumas Kecks</legs>
<feet>Thaumas Nails</feet>
<rear>Brutal Earring</rear>
<lring>Epona's Ring</lring>
<rring>Rajas Ring</rring>
<back>Atheling Mantle</back>
<neck>Justiciar's Torque</neck>
<waist>crudelis belt</waist>
<lear>ghillie earring +1</lear>
		<set name="Aeolian Edge" baseset="ThfEngaged">
			<lear>Moldavite earring</lear>
                	<rear>Hecate's Earring</rear>
                	<lring>Diamond ring</lring>
                	<rring>Diamond ring</rring>
			<neck>Artemis' Medal</neck>
		<set name="InEvisceration" BaseSet="WS">
<range>Raider's Bmrng.</range>
<head>Hecatomb Cap</head>
<body>Athos's Tabard</body>
<hands>Hct. Mittens +1</hands>
<legs>Hct. Subligar +1</legs>
<feet>Thaumas Nails</feet>
<neck>Love Torque</neck>
<waist>Cuchulain's Belt</waist>
<lear>Pixie Earring</lear>
<rear>Brutal Earring</rear>
<lring>Epona's Ring</lring>
<rring>Rajas Ring</rring>
<back>Rancorous Mantle</back>

		 <set name="OutEvisceration" BaseSet="InEvisceration">
<range>Raider's Bmrng.</range>
<head>Hecatomb Cap</head>
<body>Athos's Tabard</body>
<hands>Hct. Mittens +1</hands>
<legs>Hct. Subligar +1</legs>
<feet>Thaumas Nails</feet>
<neck>Love Torque</neck>
<waist>Cuchulain's Belt</waist>
<lear>Pixie Earring</lear>
<rear>Brutal Earring</rear>
<lring>Epona's Ring</lring>
<rring>Rajas Ring</rring>
<back>Rancorous Mantle</back>

	<set name="indancing edge" BaseSet="ThfEngaged" >
		<range>Raider's Bmrng.</range>
<head>Ocelo. Headpiece</head>
<body>Toci's Harness</body>
<hands>hecatomb mittens +1</hands>
<legs>hecatomb subligar +1</legs>
<feet>Thaumas Nails</feet>
<neck>Soil Gorget</neck>
<waist>Cuchulain's Belt</waist>
<lear>Flame Pearl</lear>
<rear>Brutal Earring</rear>
<lring>Epona's Ring</lring>
<rring>Zilant Ring</rring>
<back>Atheling Mantle</back>
<set name="outdancing edge" BaseSet="Indancing edge" >
<range>Raider's Bmrng.</range>
<head>Ocelo. Headpiece</head>
<body>Toci's Harness</body>
<hands>hecatomb mittens +1</hands>
<legs>Thaumas Kecks</legs>
<feet>Thaumas Nails</feet>
<neck>Soil Gorget</neck>
<waist>Cuchulain's Belt</waist>
<lear>Flame Pearl</lear>
<rear>Brutal Earring</rear>
<lring>Epona's Ring</lring>
<rring>Zilant Ring</rring>
<back>Atheling Mantle</back>
		<set name="Utsu" BaseSet="ThfEngaged">
			<neck>Magoraga Beads</neck>
		<if Spell="Teleport*|Warp*|Retrace|Escape|Recall*"><return /></if>
                <if EquipLear = "Reraise Earring"><equip when="all"><lear lock="true" /></equip></if>
                <if EquipRear = "Reraise Earring"><equip when="all"><rear lock="true" /></equip></if>
                <if EquipFeet = "Powder Boots"><equip when="all"><feet lock="true" /></equip></if>
                <if EquipRange = "raider's Boomerang"><equip when="all"><range lock="true" /><ammo lock="true" /></equip></if>

		<if MLVLGT="73">
			<if group="EVA">
				<action type="var" cmd="set Grp Eva" />
				<action type="enable" slot="head" />
			<elseif group="ACC">
				<action type="var" cmd="set Grp Acc" />
				<action type="enable" slot="head" />
				<action type="var" cmd="set Grp Thf" />
				<action type="enable" slot="head" />
			<!-- BEGIN Zone Check-->
			<if mode="or" Area="Abyssea*">
				<action type="var" cmd="set InOrOut In" />
				<action type="var" cmd="set InOrOut Out" />
			<!-- END Zone Check -->
			<!-- BEGIN TP & Engaged Check-->
			<!-- <if advanced='"%status"="Engaged" || "%tp">"0"'>
				<action type="Disable" slot="main|sub|ranged|ammo" />
				<action type="Enable" slot="main|sub|ranged|ammo" />
			</else> -->
			<!-- END TP & Engaged Check-->
			<!-- SA and TA Triggers -->
	    <!-- Sneak Attack -->
            <if Spell="Sneak Attack">
                <equip when="precast" set="SA" />
                <aftercastdelay delay="5" />
            <!-- Trick Attack -->
            <if Spell="Trick Attack">
                <equip when="precast" set="TA" />
                <aftercastdelay delay="5" />

                <!-- TH6 Trigger --> 
		<!-- Manually lock TH gear -->
		<if spell="Stone V">
			<if advanced='"$THGEAR" = "0"'>
				<addtochat color="28">--------------------TH GEAR LOCKED--------------------</addtochat>
				<command>input /equip hands "Assassin's Armlets +2";input /equip feet "Raider's Poulaines +2"</command>
				<disable slot="hands|feet" />
				<command>sc var set THGEAR 1</command>
				<cancelspell />
			<elseif advanced='"$THGEAR" = "1"'>
				<addtochat color="56">--------------------TH GEAR UNLOCKED-----------------</addtochat>
				<enable slot="hands|feet" />
				<command>sc var set THGEAR 0</command>
				<if status="Idle">
					<command>sc set Thfidle</command>
				<elseif status="Engaged">
					<command>sc set Thfengaged</command>
				<cancelspell />

	<!-- BEGIN Set 2 WS-->
			<if type="WeaponSkill">
				<action type="precastdelay" delay=".2" />
				<action type="aftercastdelay" delay="2" />
					<action type="equip" when="precast" set="WS">

			<if spell="Aeolian Edge">
			<action type="equip" when="prews" set="Aeolian Edge" />
			<action type="equip" when="afterws" set="ThfEngaged" />
			<!-- END Set 2 WS-->
<!-- BEGIN Set Exenterator WS-->
	<if type="WeaponSkill">
				<action type="precastdelay" delay=".2" />
				<action type="aftercastdelay" delay="2" />
				<if Spell="Exenterator">
					<action type="equip" when="precast" set="Exenterator" />
			<!-- BEGIN Set 3 WS-->
			<if type="WeaponSkill">
				<action type="precastdelay" delay=".2" />
				<action type="aftercastdelay" delay="2" />
				<if Spell="Evisceration">
					<action type="equip" when="precast" set="$InOrOutEvisceration" />
			<!-- END Set 3 WS-->
<!-- BEGIN Set 4 WS-->
			<if type="WeaponSkill">
				<action type="precastdelay" delay=".2" />
				<action type="aftercastdelay" delay="2" />
				<if Spell="Dancing Edge">
					<action type="equip" when="precast" set="$Dancing edge" />
			<!-- END Set 4 WS-->
			<!-- BEGIN Bind Set 2 Status-->
			<action type="equip" when="idle" set="$GrpIdle" />
			<action type="equip" when="engaged" set="$GrpEngaged" />
			<!-- END Bind Set 2 Status-->
			<!-- Cancels any action if you are unable to act due to debuffs. -->
                	<elseif buffactive="terror|sleep|petrification|stun">
                        <cancelspell />
                        <return />
			<!-- BEGIN Ninjutsu Rules -->
			<!-- Requires the Cancel Plugin to work -->
			<if Skill="Ninjutsu">
				<if spell="Utsusemi:*">
			<equip when="precast" set="Utsu" />
			<if spell="*Ichi">
				<if advanced='"$Ut"=="Ni"'>
					<action type="midcastdelay" delay="2.4" />
					<action type="command" when="midcast">cancel 66</action>
				<var cmd="set Ut Ichi" />
				<var cmd="set Ut Ni" />
					<action type="equip" when="precast" set="Utsu" />
			<!-- END Ninjutsu Rules -->
			<if spell="Spectral Jig">
				<action type="command" when="precast">cancel 71</action>
			<if spell="Monomi: Ichi">
				<action type="midcastdelay" delay="2.4"/>
				<action type="command" when="midcast">cancel 71</action>
		<!-- BEGIN Ruleset to change to right Aftercast set -->
		<if advanced='"%Status"="Engaged"'>
			<action type="equip" when="aftercast" set="$GrpEngaged" />
			<action type="equip" when="aftercast" set="$GrpIdle" />
		<!-- END Ruleset to change to right Aftercast Set -->
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 322
By Bismarck.Tragedie 2012-12-30 17:43:41
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TH is set by default in your XML... the trigger spell is Stone V to toggle it on and off. Try casting Stone V and see if it works right
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Frotaut2
Posts: 90
By Cerberus.Frotaut 2012-12-30 18:19:17
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i'm not having prob's with the th aspect that locks and unlocks fine. By default it's only using heca hands not swaping raiders gloves in if SA is up.
when th is locked th gears stay on even during ws, but when i'm just melee ***i want my hands to swap according to sa/ta or not if ws not stacked, this did work then i added exten to my ws list and now hands dont swap.
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