If you can beat me in 1v1 combat:
Fee: Überkuchen
Reward: 100,000,000g, 25$USD via Paypal for the server transfer home.
Any job combination is allowed.
Any and all gear is allowed.
-First to five kills is the winner.
-No consumables, no food.
(Use ammo/ninjutsu pouches before hand, so the tools/ammo are in your active inventory)
-Time limit two hours, a single SP ability may be used once.
-Main job is announced by both participants (Dark Knight for me).
-Job(s) stay static for all three encounters.
-If postens are present, running to them is forfeit, as is being aggroed by them.
-Locking status on an NPC is prohibited.
The battles will take place at Diorama Abdhaljs-Ghelsba or Abdhaljs Isle-Purgonorgo.
Bring people to watch, or record if you wish.
I'll leave this open for a month or two and keep the reward on hand.
Please understand that I am a human, not an NPC.
I do leave the computer quite a bit.
I also idle in Port Jeuno as a Mandragora looking adorable as a mother ***, so chat log gets wiped from long /aways.
So if you send me a /tell and I do not reply instantly keep your panties on.
-You will be fought after I'm done leading LS events.
-I might be sleeping, or eating, or dealing with my life.
-I am not ignoring you, if I am currently on the game you WILL get an answer, and you WILL be "helped" in the order in which you are received.
I've never avoided anyone in regards to PvP so don't flatter yourself into thinking you're the first.
Thank you.

Protip - You are not penalized in Ballista for switching the ammo slot. Handy for any job that can employ varied effects from ammo types.
Current Victors - Deadwing(s)
The record that won Deadwing the 100m.
This is the second round of five where Urteil won 5-0.