Hello,looking for members to form an Empyrean Weapon and AF3+ static. Its a long road for everyone Im sure but with dedicated people it can be done. Looking to do runs M-F 10pm-2am est. Please send me a /tell in game if interested GL^^
i would be intersted in joining i only play on a wednesday and a sunday tho. i know you want mon-fri. i'm up for just a fair trade of time even if just on a wednesday. i need like 10 briareus helms then to kill Sobek. this trade for time would work if your lowman. i have 3 accounts at my disposal and can duo it. but it takes too long :P
Hello,looking for members to form an Empyrean Weapon and AF3+ static. Its a long road for everyone Im sure but with dedicated people it can be done. Looking to do runs M-F 10pm-2am est. Please send me a /tell in game if interested GL^^