Choosing WHM Gear

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Choosing WHM gear
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Jurai
Posts: 379
By Ifrit.Jurai 2009-02-24 22:47:31
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So I've been playing WHM ever since I started FF.. first 75 job and have went through all sorts of item sets. However, I can't find one that I can just stick with.. maybe I just like changing it around- but nothing seems to make a difference one way or another.

I try to justify using certain ones depending on what I'm doing.. ie max mp for nyzul cause no rest time etc (just for example)..

What I have now is:
Normal items that wouldn't change.
+ What I usually play in/cast Cures (minor changes- WT/Swift/Rostrum for Haste/Regen etc)
or And could use this for smore MP. (Just for an example again..)

What I'm getting at is that whichever set I use, each adding quite different stats.. Enmity/Haste vs MP, doesn't seem to help or hurt how I play. In neither set do I pull hate, need faster spells, or the MP.

I swap items for max Stoneskin and when I rest Yigit takes off a lot of MP- so that's why I've been going with not the max MP set- when I switch to cast SS or rest it changes my max MP down anyway. But I'm thinking neither is really necessary..

Switching gears for them does seem like I'm actually trying to be the best I can rather than just hording all the MP I can and chill w/o caring about 'the little things' like Stoneskin/HMP.

It's not so day vs night like if you need more acc or att on your more melee job etc.

So just wondering.. what does everyone else (whm or not) seem the best thing to choose?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3323
By Shiva.Weewoo 2009-02-24 22:50:45
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Your item sets aren't showing up for me =/
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Jurai
Posts: 379
By Ifrit.Jurai 2009-02-24 22:52:21
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Weewoo said:
Your item sets aren't showing up for me =/

Sry never posted links before- so had to fix it once I knew what format to make them- should work now.

I didn't put them public so they wouldn't show up on my page for now since I just threw them up rq.. does that block them from being seen even with links like this too?
Server: Siren
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user: Enternius
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By Siren.Enternius 2009-02-24 22:53:52
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My WHM is only 37, so I'm not too experienced on the subject, but from what I know, VIT/MND increase the potency of cures, but this is completely useless because there's a cap that you hit at a fairly low level anyway. As far as Haste goes, I say get as much as that as you can without sacrificing MP. I think the Blessed Set is good for that. On top of everything else, Refresh will be your biggest asset on gear. Noble's Tunic all the way. I don't think WHM can get any other autorefresh gear so that's your only choice.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3323
By Shiva.Weewoo 2009-02-24 22:54:45
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You might have to remake them since it creates a unique url for your set and if that one was made non-public then you'll have to start fresh again. Not positive on that though, try unclicking that tab if you can.
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Jurai
Posts: 379
By Ifrit.Jurai 2009-02-24 22:58:01
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Weewoo said:
You might have to remake them since it creates a unique url for your set and if that one was made non-public then you'll have to start fresh again. Not positive on that though, try unclicking that tab if you can.

Yea, I had to check public then put the new url.. Think I fixed em to public now- tyvm for the help on that, I really had no idea.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3323
By Shiva.Weewoo 2009-02-24 23:02:20
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Looks good to me. Although I'd worry more on potency with MND and additional MP more so than -enmity on your cures. This is assuming you will seldom cast cure 4.
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Jurai
Posts: 379
By Ifrit.Jurai 2009-02-24 23:10:58
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Weewoo said:
Looks good to me. Although I'd worry more on potency with MND and additional MP more so than -enmity on your cures. This is assuming you will seldom cast cure 4.

This is the main problem I'm having >< All the cures are 'maxed' of course w/o adding ridiculous more MND to only gets minimally more HP with added and if I go for max MP it gets wasted anyway when I rest or cast Stoneskin (to block the 'Poison' from Sublimation) both actions I have it to change gears which lower MP to get the most benefit from hmp and dmg taken for SS. I am however a fan of cure 4 and usually not afraid to use it :) (it gets slightly better hp restored per mp spent than Cure 3 and 3 doesn't quite cut it a lot of times on the heavier DDs).
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Jurai
Posts: 379
By Ifrit.Jurai 2009-02-24 23:49:35
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Just thinking about all this more fully has made me make some changes already which I think will be for the best ^^

Since the Haste etc doesn't seem to help much really, using af+1 hat (so ugly ><) will give a good boost to MND along with Rostrum instead of Cure Clogs. Also, af+1 gloves, give the same amount of MP/MND as Blessed but 15 Healing skill and so just macro Blessed for Haste/Erase etc.. :) and all that gives about 60 more MP and frees up 2 inv slots /joy

Seems that will help settle things.. good to just talk about things for a little :)
Server: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: eclipstic
Posts: 15
By Diabolos.Eclipstic 2009-02-25 00:19:58
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for my whm, i have a max mp set that i typically use to heal full, cast buffs etc and then i'm basically at full mp when i switch to potency/fast cast/cure gear. i don't even worry about MND because it takes a stupid amount of MND to boost cures at all. MND is really only useful for landing repose and enhancing magic (stoneskin).
my max mp/haste set includes:
dryad staff
staff strap
hedgehog bomb
hierarch belt
blessed briault
" hands
" legs
Rostrum Pumps
Intensifying cape
Beak Necklace +1
Locquacious Earring
Magnetic Earring
Serket Ring
Ether Ring
Walahra Turban

the only time i deviate from those is to switch to Noble's and cure clogs for cures, and various AF for repose and barspells. i also macro in cleric's briault for regen.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 69
By Siren.Khellendros 2009-02-25 00:47:56
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As a Taru whm, I really have little use for more max MP. I focus on haste+ gear for any cures that are I-IV, and I have a full +MND set for Cure Vs. I use the same haste+ for buffs when necessary. As far as that goes, I have +19% haste + my own haste spell. Regen gets Cleric Briault only for the most part. And I also have Blessed Briault and the AF/Relic pieces that give +enhancing to strengthen my Bar spells.
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