WHM Subjobs/which Is Most Useful?

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WHM subjobs/which is most useful?
By 2009-02-18 14:52:19
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Server: Gilgamesh
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user: alyria
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By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-02-18 14:54:33
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well thats if he goes to the past or wg area to level.

Just do whatever sub you want, but you needa lvl it to 37 or close to it lol.

think i need to lvl sch for my 75 whm mule dang it ><
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By Pandemonium.Luignata 2009-02-18 14:55:33
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Bartimaeus said:
Generally speaking a high level whitemage has a noble's tunic for a starting refresh, add with that summoner refresh for a +2 tic. Not that it's MUCH more a difference, just throwing that in there :b

Or WHM/SCH with 1MP/tic + Penury + Light Arts... :) Sorry, Noble's tunic doesn't justify a /SMN.
By 2009-02-18 14:56:27
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Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Misao 2009-02-18 14:57:28
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I loved Sch sub so much, that I got Sch to 75 XD
really something else after being Whm Main for 4 years ; ;
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By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-02-18 15:13:08
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Lol, yeah, I've been pining for a Noble's Tunic since about level 25, I hate resting all the damn time...part of the reason why I've been pushing my DNC so hard; if I've got to rest after a fight as a DNC, then usually I'm just happy I lived through the damn fight at all lol. DNC has spoiled the ***out of me, tbh...if I'm not DNC myself I want one in the party SOOOO bad.

Plus, I go through lots of yag drinks because of my impatience...even making them myself it still adds up.

Anyways...I think I'll start pushing on SCH to 37 at first, then work on SMN and BLM after. RDM honestly I just wanna level for BCNM usage and NM fights, so that can wait for now.
Server: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Kilye 2009-02-18 15:22:56
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BLM - good for transportation and ES... very helpful in situations where an ES sleep may be needed on HNM, or whatever... also nice in Sky/Sea for Escape. Conserve MP is awesome!

SCH - The casting time reduction/MP reduction, both of the strategems, Sublimination, and access to Dispel make SCH the ideal SJ. Conserve MP is awesome, again! The only time I don't use SCH SJ is for HNM like Tiamat, or when I'm just traveling.

SMN - I never use SMN SJ, for the sole reason that the 1 tic Refresh gets destroyed by BLM sub's, and therefore SCH sub's Conserve MP. The greater MP pool means nothing compared to the MP you'll save by subbing BLM or SCH. Also - no Escape, no ES Seal, no Dispel, is lame. There's not really anything any avatar can do that is extremely useful at 37, anyway... even on HNM, we're way past the days of Aerial Armor, lol

RDM - RDM SJ is for ballista/screwing around only. For normal situations, it gets beasted on by all of the other available SJs.
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Celestinia 2009-02-18 15:24:04
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Has to be /SCH my friend has it and hell she hardly ever runs out of mp and is so much more effecient at the job. No need for a rdm when she around ;) Plus it makes whm look fun OMG I know! whm looking "FUN" =D
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By Diabolos.Psychoclown 2009-09-24 08:08:43
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i know this is probably goin to be slammed to hell but im pretty sure im one of the few that uses /blu as a sub. of course i do alot of soloing and even soloed whm to almost 60's before i started to party with it and that was before FOV came along. but i like blu gives me a little more hp which helps when soloing or for devotion/martyr if you must. and also i can change my spells to what im doin for stat bonuses. if im soloing i equip for the extra mnd and str and vit and cocoon for the extra defense then if im party i go to all the spells that switch hp to mp. plus i can get alot of different job traits depending on what im doin.
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By Unicorn.Nymphadora 2009-10-14 07:35:30
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If you're just starting out, I'd say /blm is fine till 50 when you can go /smn for auto refresh. Higher levels, switch to /sch when you can get access to sublimation and whatnot. Could even go without leveling smn for sub these days.

For endgame, once you've got /sch there's no real use for /smn anymore but /blm is still situational. /blm is also great for traveling.
Server: Caitsith
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By Caitsith.Heimdall 2009-10-14 09:24:00
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/blm for travel (sometimes sky if they short on escapes) /sch for everything /nin /pld /bst (maybe /blu) for soloing.
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Marzanna 2009-11-04 22:04:12
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Seriously not another one of these arguments.. Sanction/Sigil and or Conserve MP gear go well with either sub. Both jobs have "Refresh" pieces, /SMNs have their siphon, which while not "as" good as sublimination is still decent. They do get Auto Refresh sure, but in situations where you actually need to be casting the Conserve MP trait from /SCH would outweigh the benefits of a 1 tick refresh tbh. Ontop of which our fast cast, which however small it may be allows us to cast faster/finish cycles sooner and spend more time resting = more mp. Max mp is lulz, and means jack after the first 2mins.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Korpg 2009-11-04 22:07:06
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I know people who use /SMN for carby pull (WHM/SMNs make great carby pullers), /BLM for escape and tractor if needed, /RDM for fast cast (and a better enfeeble, but /SMN and /SCH gives better enfeebles anyway), and /SCH for sublimation, Light Arts and Stratagems (some of the best WHMs I know go /SCH all the time and perfectly uses all Stratagems when needed).
Server: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Fizzycandy 2009-11-04 22:23:39
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/SCH all the way imo, it gives Light Arts, Penury, Celerity, and Sublimation. Although you dont get Sublimation til 70 I would still say /SCH because of Light Arts and Penury. However, I have played with some Elvaan WHM/SMNs who have done very well but I haven't tried that subjob myself so I can't really say. /SMN at 50 can be pretty useful though because even a 1tic refresh helps when you have no other form of it..
By 2009-11-04 23:27:22
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Server: Remora
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By Remora.Naminee 2009-11-05 00:58:22
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I would say it would be situational. I am old school with /blm sub. (My sch is only lvl 10 ><) However, I would definitly think /sch would be great when you have no form of refresh which has happen to me recently and I did question why I hadn't levelled sch.

I like my ability to tractor people who die in places that are bad (like when you're running around in sky looking for Zip! or deathnamis!) And conserve MP does kick in occasionally when I need it to. I also like being about to warp myself and if ***gets realy hairy, ele. seal >> sleepga to help out rdm & blm sleepers.

/smn is nice for MP boost and the 1 tic refresh.

And never forget that /nin and whm hauby to solo in! :D
By 2009-11-05 14:00:37
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Server: Cerberus
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user: Katarzyna
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By Cerberus.Katarzyna 2009-11-05 14:05:30
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/sch gives WHMs Dispel without being gimp with /rdm.
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Aramina 2009-11-05 14:08:41
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/RDM is a lot of fun, but you can't pull it off most of the time because it's impractical unless thelot of other people around. One time that it's awesome(other than soloing), is Lamia 13 assault. Factor in Fast Cast II, Loquacious, and Rostrums and you can get spells off pretty fast compared to what seems "normal" on WHM. Add CCT Merits and Cure Clogs for an even more crazy-fast cure.

... You won't use /RDM much, though, but I used to use it to solo people's coffer keys for fun sometimes ...

/BLM until 50. Even after that, Tractor and Escape are very handy, as well as being able to Elemental Seal and land an enfeeble when you really need to do it and not fail.

/SCH and /SMN after that, depending on the setup and what you're doing. I like /SMN for kited Kirin and JoL, Golden Salvage Assault, and things where Carby Pulling is the way to go. I never finished /SCH, but I know how awesome it is (except when you need another Escape in Sky/Sea). WHM/SCH rocks hard in Nyzul and most of the WHM I know go /SCH for endgame stuff the great majority of the time.

For fun Soloing, /SAM and /PLD are pretty fun, although /BLU sounds good, too. /BST is also good for soloing if your BST is 75.

/SAM + Hasso + Kinkobo/Primate (w/latent active) = fun fun fun.
Server: Leviathan
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user: marzanna
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By Leviathan.Marzanna 2009-11-06 07:09:15
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Gilgamesh.Kenzilla said:
Max mp is lulz???... a taru smn has almost 2x more mp than me in a party and i have reasonable mp gear. Plus 2-3 minutes can make or break ,but the bad thing about having mp is the same thing about 4/5 of people with money they spend it like its going out of style. Not on reasonable purchases but on fluff i.e. mages who are obviously trying to skill up a certain magic... do skillups on your own time please don't wipe the pt.

It is lulz if you're going to use that as the reason to /SMN over /SCH. As I was saying.. max mp boost (which was in fact what I was referring to) as nice as it is, isn't going to help you one bit once those first couple of cures are cast. Nothing wrong with starting a fight in max mp setup by all means I tend to do so myself, but it's just not enough to make it better than /SCH.. Sorry.
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Geshtar 2009-11-06 07:40:20
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You get pretty much B+ Dark Magic skills to Aspir, Drain and Enfeeble magic from /sch, Aspir is very useful in dynamis, even with Cure V spaming, my MP pool is hardly less than 50%.
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By Ragnarok.Aerendir 2009-12-24 02:20:38
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Asura.Celene said:
/SCH. SCH benefits you more than both /BLM and /SMN, anyways. I know I would /SCH if I didn't hate leveling pre 25. >.> It has a lot to offer for WHM.
*ironic on*
/smn have any benefits?
*ironic off*

/blm for hnm (things like khim/cerby who needs ES slow or maybe fafnir if u need a extra sleep)
/sch for the rest

/smn can be only used in things like carby pull... because i dont think about to use it at others.
Posts: 35
By sztoid 2009-12-29 23:19:48
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Fenrir.Kilye said:
BLM - good for transportation and ES... very helpful in situations where an ES sleep may be needed on HNM, or whatever... also nice in Sky/Sea for Escape. Conserve MP is awesome! SCH - The casting time reduction/MP reduction, both of the strategems, Sublimination, and access to Dispel make SCH the ideal SJ. Conserve MP is awesome, again! The only time I don't use SCH SJ is for HNM like Tiamat, or when I'm just traveling. SMN - I never use SMN SJ, for the sole reason that the 1 tic Refresh gets destroyed by BLM sub's, and therefore SCH sub's Conserve MP. The greater MP pool means nothing compared to the MP you'll save by subbing BLM or SCH. Also - no Escape, no ES Seal, no Dispel, is lame. There's not really anything any avatar can do that is extremely useful at 37, anyway... even on HNM, we're way past the days of Aerial Armor, lol RDM - RDM SJ is for ballista/screwing around only. For normal situations, it gets beasted on by all of the other available SJs.
That pretty much sums it up. so dito
Server: Remora
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user: Dubont
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By Remora.Dubont 2009-12-29 23:24:26
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pup kthxbye
Server: Gilgamesh
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By Gilgamesh.Andras 2009-12-29 23:28:04
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whm/sam, what are u stupid?
Server: Titan
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By Titan.Cannia 2010-01-16 08:00:20
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common answer you hear will be /sch

under light art:
Reduces MP costs for White Magic spells by 10%, and increases MP costs for Black Magic spells by 20%.
Reduces casting time for White Magic by 10%, and increases casting time for Black Magic by 20%.
Reduces recast time for White Magic by 10%, and increases recast time for Black Magic by 20%.
Server: Siren
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user: Kimiko
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By Siren.Kimiko 2010-01-16 08:47:45
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/sch is just simply unbeatable for WHM. Best overall MP efficiency in the game, and able to keep themselves going even without support thanks to sublimation & devotion.
Server: Midgardsormr
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By Midgardsormr.Brayen 2010-01-16 08:56:26
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this is kind of interesting that no one has mentioned this but /sch nets u conserve mp AND max mp boost on top of everything else mentioned...don't see why it would even be up for debate outside of situational junk
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Chikamatsu 2010-01-16 09:20:46
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You'll want a different subjob for different situations.

/SCH - I use this in Dynamis, Salvage, Einherjar and Sky. In Dynamis if you don't have a Refresher in your party Sublimation is a great tool to have, and if a Mijin Gakure gets off then using Penury and Curaga IV can seriously lower the MP cost of the spell. In Salvage it depends on the zone. Discoid Boss this is a huge *** help with decreased Casting Time and Reduced MP cost. Also when waiting on a person to port you to the next floor you can charge Sublimation, so you've got that bonus 260 MP to pop when you need it. In Sky it allows me to solo Cure a small Diorite or Water farming party.

/BLM - Mainly convenient for travel purposes. In Dynamis the ES Sleepga can help if ***hits the fan but that's not something to be seen regularly (I hope). In Salvage when doing Frogs, having a /blm for sleepga when a person gets charmed with Utsusemi up can be useful but most groups have a BRD with Horde Lullaby anyway. Sky I only use it if I'll be checking NMs to Escape back outside.

/SMN - Only really seen this for Dynamis and Einherjar, never Salvage or Sky. AOE Buffs like Stoneskin can be nice, Max MP Boost and 1 tic MP Refresh ontop of Noble Tunic isn't something to just cast aside either. Assaults like Golden Salvage with Garuda benefit from /SMN too.

/RDM - Can be used but I don't see / use it myself often. Offers fast cast but not worth the trade off for other SJ's IMO.

/BRD - Not a fan of it but I've seen it done. Yes you get Ballad, but if the only form of Refresh in your Dynamis tank party is your WHM/BRD, you've got a problem. /SMN if you want the 1 tic Refresh, it has more to offer.

/COR - Only for Manaburns if your the one being synced to, like in Vunkerl Inlet (S). Can give EXP Bonus and Healer's Roll, so your not totally useless.
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