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I hate Alla and BG, none of my LS members are fishers, so I resort to the only community I like.

I'm having troubles fishing in SSG. I don't pull up anything, I only get "You didn't catch anything." messages over and over. So let's start ruling out the possible problems:

- Combo is Halycon + Shrimp Lure, targeting Nebimonite's.
- Using this combo I pulled up atleast 10ish nebi's in the past.
- I haven't fished in 24 hours, and in total I've pulled up 10 fish in 72 hours.
- I've zoned.. lots. Constantly warping to town and OPing back.
- In the past 72 hours, I've been able to pull up Moat Carp in Windy with no troubles. Upon moving to SSG, it's as if no fish exist in the lake.
- I've witnessed other players pulling up Nebi's, consistently and steadily, using the same lure as me. (Just not Lu Shangs, I'm not that rich yet)

Any ideas anyone? I'm half tempted to chew out a GM. As a matter of fact, it all started when I called a GM in SSG...

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