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Smurfo said:
how is it stupid to be the most effective red mage possible?

Let me stop you there. That’s where you’re wrong.

Some people play this game to actually have fun, and not be the best. I don’t know about you, but I’d actually like to see my character casting a spell or using a weapon skill and not have them blinking every 5 seconds.

The eliteness mentality is what’s wrong with this game, this desire for eliteness basically revolves around gil/equipment. This is where you get RMT, Ninja Lotters, Greedy LS Leaders, NM Thieves, Borrower Thieves, and countless other crimes that all evolve around people wanting to be the best, and not caring about how they get there.

I play to have fun. If I don’t have fun, I don’t play the game. This game revolves around more then “being the best”.

It's one thing to 'play how you want', but it's another to be so pig-headed that you refuse to believe there could possibly be a better way.

Who said that? I sure didn’t. I know macroing in will increase my performance. But there’s a point where if you’re blinking every 10 seconds, it gets ridiculous.

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