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Blackmist said:
Jamofu said:
btw not saying pld is an easy job, or u can't do better than the bare minimum, just saying its not as hard as nin/drk is to tank, nin/drks need alot of stuff to be good, skill, enmity gear, etc. pld usually has little to no time holding hate with abilities
I dont think nin/drk is that hard. You need to be able to control HP more, activated Soul eater & last resort for spike enimnity. and you rely more on Tools and the Back pice enhacmnet that gives, +5 enimity? I dont' know i never used it. and for ppl who olny have PLD as a 75, and dont want to Expend gil. or time in to leveling an other job, ( I know LOTS Of ppl who Dispise WAR an leave as SJ) anyway, normaly a DD pld comes in to play in CB or solo or friendly Events, I dont think the OP intended to say (hey im going to DD tank Farfinr or how ever you spell it ) It's Gruleingly borring Solo'n on PLD when you cant do more then 50 dmg a hit, or surpass a 250Ws on Ep > EM mobs lol. so "DD Pld" would be more like i said, Solo / CB "Campain battle" or friend events besedged even.

well said. i can see that. but i really dont think any pld's that post "i can outparse plenty of people" should be talking in this thread. Like i stated before any job can DD, but imo a DD isn't a DD unless you can keep up with the damage. Im not talking about a job with 2-6 brd songs on doing a ws and then calling themselfs a DD, im talking about DD as in "i can dd under any circomstances for high damage"(well obviously not any, but close to any *Example:JoFortitude*)

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