July 2016 Version Update

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July 2016 Version Update
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Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Raenil 2016-07-05 14:24:25
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Bismarck.Phaded said: »
Last shout on Bismarck :

«Ambuscade» «book» 2 «Paladin» / «Rune Fencer» «Geomancer» / «Thief» / «Ranger» @ 4/6

I don't understand all this nonsense about BLU's getting tossed at everything.

Low tier content with a overwhelming advantage to jobs using piercing weapons is an outlier, not a good representative of typical shouts.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azriel
Posts: 720
By Asura.Azriel 2016-07-05 14:25:50
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BLU can get away with soloing NMs other DD jobs can't with Trusts. That's fine, Blue Mages can do that to their hearts content. But when DD jobs who can't solo very well, can't get into parties because the BLUs get all the invites .. then what? Do we just .. level BLU instead?

Fenrir.Nightfyre said: »
No, you stop complaining on forums and start educating the playerbase so that we can all get back to playing our favorite jobs in peace.

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Thorva
By Asura.Thorva 2016-07-05 14:26:18
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Fenrir.Nightfyre said: »
2handers are actually in a very good place damage-wise. They have great baseline damage output and generally good skillchain options too. Most of them have viable defensive tools, and much of their defensive potential through gear is underutilized. Intelligent defensive play doesn't cripple their potential to nearly the degree that the community here seems to believe. The biggest complicating factor with integrating BLU with other DDs is easily the awkward availability of haste buffs, an issue I've pointed to on multiple occasions in the past.

Are there a few minor changes I'd make to some of them given the opportunity? Sure. But as far as I'm concerned, the only DD job that's really in a position to complain about DPS these days is MNK. Accuracy is a bit of a "wait and see" prospect for me since we know SE is currently looking into that issue.

If anyone argues stating that 2hd can't DD or can't load up on -def gear stop playing with them. They obviously don't know what they are doing.

I do agree with many people stating blu will be the quicker grab for a DD slot, not because it deals the most dmg, but because it, what I like to call "lazy gaming." Assuming the blu isn't an asshat he will erase/def buff/haste himself and the group. This gives the mages the ability to sit back and do nothing but run out of mp using cure 4 for some reason.

That doesn't mean traditional setups don't/won't work.

Some guy on Asura was shouting in town the other day about how drk can't take a hit, I shrugged if off for a while, but he kept going. I finally sent him a /tell saying all the options drk has to be able to take a hit including the highest hp pool. He continued to argue with me, I finally just said you need to get out from under the rock you have been hiding under.

Seriously though, this isn't 2006, drk only has 3 bad points to them, low level of innate acc, the need for a mage to buy the spell haste, and someone to cast erase/-na spells. Really not that hard to work with.

Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Damn .. I can go DRK with my Mythic, and be like .. umm, can I get a Haste please? Hello? Anyone? WHM? Can you stop curing that BLU please and give me a haste? ....

.... battle ends. Sigh, I wish I had haste in that fight. I should have gone /rdm and done it myself.

I have been in groups like that, I leave after the first fight. Not wasting my time with a group that can't do a simple spell that last for 3 minutes without any duration gear and only cost 40 mp. Most fights last less than 5 minutes, means you cast at start and once in the middle.

On a final note, I have been guilty many times over of saying jobs need a nerf. I feel certain jobs do, and others need a buff, but that can be deduced to me being biased about some jobs. However I have been learning to work with having a blu in group 90% of the fights, haste 1 and MG give me capped haste on drk, or brd and MG give me capped haste. I will take the free def buff and roll in tp gear and not worry about -dt set as much, that is of course assuming I don't have to actually tell the PuG blu to use diffusion MG like I have to do most the time for some reason. (I still think cdc spam is a ***way to kill things, learn to chain ws people...)

The 100% reality is you can still play the jobs you want and be effective in 90% of the games content if you get a solid group of players that not only have the gear but play to their full potential.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azriel
Posts: 720
By Asura.Azriel 2016-07-05 14:26:40
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Asura.Thorva said: »
If anyone argues stating that 2hd can't DD or can't load up on -def gear stop playing with them. They obviously don't know what they are doing.


Hold on guys, not so fast.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2016-07-05 14:26:49
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This thread is worse than the July update...
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2016-07-05 14:27:19
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Ragnarok.Raenil said: »
Bismarck.Phaded said: »
Last shout on Bismarck :

«Ambuscade» «book» 2 «Paladin» / «Rune Fencer» «Geomancer» / «Thief» / «Ranger» @ 4/6

I don't understand all this nonsense about BLU's getting tossed at everything.

Low tier content with a overwhelming advantage to jobs using piercing weapons is an outlier, not a good representative of typical shouts.

This is what extrapolating one very small example and generically applying it across the board looks like.

Give it a few hours. It will still throw a few BLUs in there, cuz why not? I'm glad to see other jobs getting an advantage, though.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: omnys
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2016-07-05 14:27:51
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Cerberus.Kylos said: »
What would be great is if ALL the DD jobs were wanted. Not just "what works right now".

There will always be some job imbalance, and somebody left sinking in the deep end but I'd rather have that than the other option: every class is the same, which is what a lot of MMOs do.

At the end of WoW's Wrath of the Lich King, Blizzard apparently got tired of balancing druid (a regen healer), shaman (an aoe healer), discipline priest (an absorb-heavy healer) and holy paladin & holy priest (both pure numbers healers).

Their solution was to neuter the potency of all the job's flavors so that everyone pretty much became pure-numbers healers.

In an ideal Vana'diel, it would all be balanced and have flavor but you can't have both without someone suffering.

That's not to excuse the current "balance", it's inexcusably lopsided.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4324
By Cerberus.Kylos 2016-07-05 14:27:57
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Asura.Keaddo said: »
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Fenrir.Nightfyre said: »
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Also I noticed why Nightfyre got SO defensive. He's a BLU and is afraid his favourite job will be nerfed, or other jobs will be powered up. That's all I can see from his above comment. And anyone agreeing with that is probably a full-time BLU as well.
You noticed I play BLU? ***, guess my cover as a PLD main is blown now.

I've been a BLU main for a long, long time. I remember the days when it struggled for invites. I played it then, as I do now. I have no interest in joining the rat race, as anyone who knows me can tell you. Changes in job balance would have little or no impact on the way I play the game. Worst case... I might play RUN a bit more?

I call it how I see it. When our understanding of the game suggested that BLU was potentially a top tier DD, I pointed to the real issue: CDC. When we (I, after a suggestion from Tarowyn) found that CDC was actually much less powerful than current models suggested, I revised my view of the game accordingly. I adapted and explored new options.

Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Seem rather angry there Nightfyre.
I am. It's frustrating how so many potentially worthwhile discussions on this site get derailed into bandwagon discussions fueled by misinformation.

2handers are actually in a very good place damage-wise. They have great baseline damage output and generally good skillchain options too. Most of them have viable defensive tools, and much of their defensive potential through gear is underutilized. Intelligent defensive play doesn't cripple their potential to nearly the degree that the community here seems to believe. The biggest complicating factor with integrating BLU with other DDs is easily the awkward availability of haste buffs, an issue I've pointed to on multiple occasions in the past.

Are there a few minor changes I'd make to some of them given the opportunity? Sure. But as far as I'm concerned, the only DD job that's really in a position to complain about DPS these days is MNK. Accuracy is a bit of a "wait and see" prospect for me since we know SE is currently looking into that issue.

BLU can solo really well, DRK can't. While I would love to do low-man stuff on DRK, it's not a low-man job. I suppose back when there were no trusts, you could get an Apoc and solo some cool things others couldn't, but nowadays it really isn't.

BLU can get away with soloing NMs other DD jobs can't with Trusts. That's fine, Blue Mages can do that to their hearts content. But when DD jobs who can't solo very well, can't get into parties because the BLUs get all the invites .. then what? Do we just .. level BLU instead?

You become known as "that good Rag WAR" or "Damn that guy's DRK is amazing".

If you want to fiddle in the pool of average, don't complain if you don't get picked.

Not saying you're not already known, that's a "how to handle these things" kinda thing. It works for BLUs too. You don't really want a random BLU. I know I don't. You see two different things, BLUs and non-BLUs, I see average players crying and non-average players doing their thing without much trouble.

I only get praise on my DRK. But over the last 2 years I've barely played it, because there's no content people really want one. I could take DRK to my events, but it's not feasible. I have COR, and SCH soon. Last time I used DRK regularly was for Delve, because it was built for any DDs at that point.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: alyria
Posts: 1615
By Bismarck.Alyora 2016-07-05 14:28:16
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fonewear said: »
This thread is worse than the July update...
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Stamos
Posts: 1239
By Leviathan.Stamos 2016-07-05 14:29:02
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My H2H damage still sucks.

/salty tears
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: ltantonio
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2016-07-05 14:29:17
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Not this again. What exactly do you thing Blu's melee? Aside from Ambuscade and T1-2 Reisenjima NM's, there's not much. And usually, when we're fighting a target Blu can melee, we have DRK's and/or WAR's and/or THF's there too. So what's the big deal? As far as I can tell, people shout for DD on my server, not BLU (unless Blu is needed for a very specific reason like AoE nukes/sleep or Blank Gaze)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Kadas
Posts: 65
By Asura.Keaddo 2016-07-05 14:32:07
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I dunno, I have two afterglows on BLU and spend all my endgame time on all my other jobs.

I guess it's just because blu is ugly.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4324
By Cerberus.Kylos 2016-07-05 14:33:07
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Asura.Thorva said: »
Fenrir.Nightfyre said: »
2handers are actually in a very good place damage-wise. They have great baseline damage output and generally good skillchain options too. Most of them have viable defensive tools, and much of their defensive potential through gear is underutilized. Intelligent defensive play doesn't cripple their potential to nearly the degree that the community here seems to believe. The biggest complicating factor with integrating BLU with other DDs is easily the awkward availability of haste buffs, an issue I've pointed to on multiple occasions in the past.

Are there a few minor changes I'd make to some of them given the opportunity? Sure. But as far as I'm concerned, the only DD job that's really in a position to complain about DPS these days is MNK. Accuracy is a bit of a "wait and see" prospect for me since we know SE is currently looking into that issue.

If anyone argues stating that 2hd can't DD or can't load up on -def gear stop playing with them. They obviously don't know what they are doing.

I do agree with many people stating blu will be the quicker grab for a DD slot, not because it deals the most dmg, but because it, what I like to call "lazy gaming." Assuming the blu isn't an asshat he will erase/def buff/haste himself and the group. This gives the mages the ability to sit back and do nothing but run out of mp using cure 4 for some reason.

That doesn't mean traditional setups don't/won't work.

Some guy on Asura was shouting in town the other day about how drk can't take a hit, I shrugged if off for a while, but he kept going. I finally sent him a /tell saying all the options drk has to be able to take a hit including the highest hp pool. He continued to argue with me, I finally just said you need to get out from under the rock you have been hiding under.

Seriously though, this isn't 2006, drk only has 3 bad points to them, low level of innate acc, the need for a mage to buy the spell haste, and someone to cast erase/-na spells. Really not that hard to work with.

Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Damn .. I can go DRK with my Mythic, and be like .. umm, can I get a Haste please? Hello? Anyone? WHM? Can you stop curing that BLU please and give me a haste? ....

.... battle ends. Sigh, I wish I had haste in that fight. I should have gone /rdm and done it myself.

I have been in groups like that, I leave after the first fight. Not wasting my time with a group that can't do a simple spell that last for 3 minutes without any duration gear and only cost 40 mp. Most fights last less than 5 minutes, means you cast at start and once in the middle.

On a final note, I have been guilty many times over of saying jobs need a nerf. I feel certain jobs do, and others need a buff, but that can be deduced to me being biased about some jobs. However I have been learning to work with having a blu in group 90% of the fights, haste 1 and MG give me capped haste on drk, or brd and MG give me capped haste. I will take the free def buff and roll in tp gear and not worry about -dt set as much, that is of course assuming I don't have to actually tell the PuG blu to use diffusion MG like I have to do most the time for some reason. (I still think cdc spam is a ***way to kill things, learn to chain ws people...)

The 100% reality is you can still play the jobs you want and be effective in 90% of the games content if you get a solid group of players that not only have the gear but play to their full potential.

Thanks Thorva. I'm not like that guy who says "DRK can't take a hit", because I know we can! I've been the last DD standing on occasion and tanked something while everyone unweakened. I do hate that I have to repeatedly ask for basic things like haste to be effective. As for being good defensively, I need to talk to Urteil again and see what he's doing with DRK, because I know he makes it work no matter what.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Stamos
Posts: 1239
By Leviathan.Stamos 2016-07-05 14:33:28
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Asura.Keaddo said: »
I dunno, I have two afterglows on BLU and spend all my endgame time on all my other jobs.

I guess it's just because blu is ugly.

Welcome to everyone that has ever made a Yagrush, or Idris. Or back in the day, Brd with four songs
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2016-07-05 14:33:49
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Someone make a "2016 FFXI DD Tier List Thread", so I can relive my wonderful days of Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: omnys
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2016-07-05 14:38:18
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Someone make a "2016 FFXI DD Tier List Thread", so I can relive my wonderful days of Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition.

1. BLU
2. Dabu
3. De Da Bu Die
4. DNC
5. BLU

YouTube Video Placeholder
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: ltantonio
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2016-07-05 14:39:43
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Apparently there's people who think that Blu's in 119 AF and a couple of Vampirisms are being invited to melee WoC.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Thorva
By Asura.Thorva 2016-07-05 14:40:12
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Ragnarok.Figster said: »
That's the impression I'm getting. H2H are boned, sam got completely left out of a update to damage, poor drg, and I keep seeing "drk needs acc, drk needs haste, drk doesn't get invited, drk is beat by blu". That may not be the message you are going for but that's the one I'm getting.

Actually drk only needs acc and mages that play their jobs right, we didn't need this stupid utterly useless attack buff. I am drk and I think it was by far one of the most ignorant ideas SE every came up with.

Sam might have got left out on the attk update, but sam can chain serious sc dmg. The only jobs getting the shaft in dmg are drg and mnk. I highly doubt bumping up attack will fix those jobs. (However I kinda want to see what an AM3 AG Vere mnk does to be honest, I bet that white dmg is pretty solid)
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Phaded
By Bismarck.Phaded 2016-07-05 14:40:52
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Why is DRK being discussed as if its always been the red headed *** child of FFXI. Having done end game at every inception since release, every job and every strategy has had a chance to shine.

Are we forgetting how AV was first downed without using wall locks? Yup that's right, it was a zerg. Which job excelled at that zerg? Was it BLU? Nope. Was it THF? Nope not even SAM. It was all Soul Eater Kraken club darks. Didn't have Kraken Club? That's fine a lvl 50 Merc Kris got the job done too. Even end game Dynamis when Dynamis Lord "was hard" it was still DRK that was highly desired. Kirin zerg time? Better get some DRKs. There was a time DRK was the absolute most broken job in the game and while I wish this could be an "all jobs are created equal" game, it isn't.

Having to be diverse and not stuck on the same job has arguably giving me and many others more enjoyment than trying to do things "one way", even if I wish my Koga SAM could touch more content.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Phaded
By Bismarck.Phaded 2016-07-05 14:45:03
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To further the above there was also a time that DRK/NIN was a beast of a tank the same way NIN/DRK was. DRK used to be a very diverse job and still can be today, but the players today that know how to play the job don't show the average player of what it can accomplish with what it has.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4324
By Cerberus.Kylos 2016-07-05 14:51:04
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Anyways, to finally put my point across. Smite is not ground breaking, and while it's welcome to all jobs who can use it, it's not likely to make anyone bring a 2-hander over a decently geared BLU who knows how to use the job for "most" (but definitely not all) fights.

The main problem with 2-handers isn't the damage output, it's being susceptible to status ailments. BLU is extremely versatile and can continue to deal damage and cure ailments with minimal support. No one wants to bring anything extra to make something work, so you find 2 BLUs, GEO, PLD, WHM, and anything as sixth and you're ready. It's lazy, but it's tried and true so people will do it to save time.

Dual-wielders like THF and DNC are lucky, because they have healing waltz. Yes, it doesn't cure the most annoying ailments, but it's better than nothing, and you can do healing waltz back-to-back. Again, 2-handers could just bring Remedy and Panacea for the same effect. At the same time, those jobs can heal themselves, and have higher evasion for shadow tanking on /nin.

1-handers natually have more accuracy, and they skillchain easier with each other. It's not impossibe to skillchain with 2-handers, but more people have BLU and THF and know what to do immediately. With a 2-hander you have to look it up and say .. ok, well we need this, and this. Again, it's not impossible, it's doable, but most leaders would bring 2 BLUs and be content with that.

Survival is the biggest thing. Higher content doesn't use melee DDs at all, and prefer a SCH MB setup. That's fine, it gives SCH and BLMs a place to be useful. What would be cool is if we had mobs who were very resistant to skillchains and magic damage. Then guess what? You bring the most physically imposing DD you can find.

But that's not all, what about fights like the old Dynamis? Remember when we had to fight hordes of mobs at a time, and they could easily kill the BLM? We had Paladin assists and a bunch of DDs killing them off. It was quicker and safer than rounding them up for an AGA. The type of content effects the DDs we bring, and most content lean towards us needing skillchains from SCHs, or BLUs.

What about fights that last a long time? As someone said, most fights last about five minutes these days. Wouldn't 2-handers be more welcome to a fight which lasted 20 minutes? Or do you think everyone would still bring BLUs?

I like versatility. I like bringing different jobs for the situation. I don't want to play DRK 24/7, but it would be nice if I went to an event and they were like.. "i don't care what, just bring ya strongest DD". Is that too much to ask? Am I seen as a complainer because I want to do more with my main job? Aside from a couple niche uses.
By Draylo 2016-07-05 14:53:58
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Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia said: »
Draylo said: »
People are asking for GEO nerf? Funny, thats like the most OP job in the game atm and I've rarely see people complain on it. BRD def needs a buff, I'd rather nobody get nerfs though except Dawn Muslims on BST, that needs a mega nerf.

What do you have against Dawns? They heal an unpredictable amount of life, cannot be bought from a NPC, do not stack(Less of an issue since Wardrobe2+) and are the only way to heal a pet outside of Reward, which is on a long timer. Player characters can be cured, pets cannot. The synth is like level 90 something, so you have to have a dedicated crafting mule to make them. Also, farming that honey/chips ain't exactly fun. While you CAN carry a shitton of them and make them broken, it's the result of hours of prep and inventory sacrifice.

Ahem, anyway. Aside from a light based sleep, Bard doesn't offer anything another buffing jobs doesn't already give a better version of.

Because they are overpowered and just got a mini buff with the wardrobes. Being able to pretty much endlessly spam healing items on your pet is pretty broken if you ask me. That's like a player being able to spam Vile Elixirs nonstop and solo a bunch of BCNMs, do you think that's fair?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Thorva
By Asura.Thorva 2016-07-05 14:54:03
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Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Thanks Thorva. I'm not like that guy who says "DRK can't take a hit", because I know we can! I've been the last DD standing on occasion and tanked something while everyone unweakened. I do hate that I have to repeatedly ask for basic things like haste to be effective. As for being good defensively, I need to talk to Urteil again and see what he's doing with DRK, because I know he makes it work no matter what.

I have been utterly crushing things on drk since I made AG Rag, and after I made AG Apoc I have outlasted pld on several occasions and went to -dt, enmity+, and spammed cata with seigan/3eye, dread spikes, drain, stun, weapon bash etc... This has saved the group several times and got us wins. The only bad thing is when I run into a mob with dread spikes or charm, things go real bad, real fast.

There is plenty of nm AoE that causes 2.5k+ dmg to everyone in range and wipes all the DD, but here drk is swinging away still and has plenty of hp left over. (Lots of nm's I ds/vs drain2 and single cast drain 3 to keep mp in the 4k range, not like I am getting hit for more than 4k dmg by anything anyway.) So I literally full time 4k hp by anything that doesn't resist my drains, if they resist my drains I swap to a hybrid set and swing away.

Just swapping out 1 tp ring for d-ring will do you justice. All these people farm up d-ring and never even use it. The ring is for all jobs, not just pld. Can't tell you how many times I have out lived people on cor because I simply swap to -dt gear, and rdm with d-ring just isn't even fair. Telling you, if I had better AoE dmg on rdm, I would solo mass pull/AoE on rdm and sell exp/cp slots.

I am dead serious though, I actually have a list of people's name I will never invite to a pt. I know I have bad days and I play like crap at 3 a.m. after 16hour binge and running low on caffeine, but simple basic things will boost your win/loss ratio just by using common sense. You don't even have to have decked out hq abj, all +1 accessories 100% vorseals, idris geo, yag whm with 4 different AG weapons. Just use common sense. I.E. don't throw melee at Crom Dubh.... Good Lord how many times have I seen shouts for melee on that thing. Seriously a pld and cor can kill that faster than throwing 3 AG melee at it, why? Because a cor will stay the hell out of range and still be able to DD. That is assuming the cor doesn't think they need to melee....
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4324
By Cerberus.Kylos 2016-07-05 14:59:06
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Asura.Thorva said: »
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Thanks Thorva. I'm not like that guy who says "DRK can't take a hit", because I know we can! I've been the last DD standing on occasion and tanked something while everyone unweakened. I do hate that I have to repeatedly ask for basic things like haste to be effective. As for being good defensively, I need to talk to Urteil again and see what he's doing with DRK, because I know he makes it work no matter what.

I have been utterly crushing things on drk since I made AG Rag, and after I made AG Apoc I have outlasted pld on several occasions and went to -dt, enmity+, and spammed cata with seigan/3eye, dread spikes, drain, stun, weapon bash etc... This has saved the group several times and got us wins. The only bad thing is when I run into a mob with dread spikes or charm, things go real bad, real fast.

There is plenty of nm AoE that causes 2.5k+ dmg to everyone in range and wipes all the DD, but here drk is swinging away still and has plenty of hp left over. (Lots of nm's I ds/vs drain2 and single cast drain 3 to keep mp in the 4k range, not like I am getting hit for more than 4k dmg by anything anyway.) So I literally full time 4k hp by anything that doesn't resist my drains, if they resist my drains I swap to a hybrid set and swing away.

Just swapping out 1 tp ring for d-ring will do you justice. All these people farm up d-ring and never even use it. The ring is for all jobs, not just pld. Can't tell you how many times I have out lived people on cor because I simply swap to -dt gear, and rdm with d-ring just isn't even fair. Telling you, if I had better AoE dmg on rdm, I would solo mass pull/AoE on rdm and sell exp/cp slots.

I am dead serious though, I actually have a list of people's name I will never invite to a pt. I know I have bad days and I play like crap at 3 a.m. after 16hour binge and running low on caffeine, but simple basic things will boost your win/loss ratio just by using common sense. You don't even have to have decked out hq abj, all +1 accessories 100% vorseals, idris geo, yag whm with 4 different AG weapons. Just use common sense. I.E. don't throw melee at Crom Dubh.... Good Lord how many times have I seen shouts for melee on that thing. Seriously a pld and cor can kill that faster than throwing 3 AG melee at it, why? Because a cor will stay the hell out of range and still be able to DD. That is assuming the cor doesn't think they need to melee....

I've heard great things about Drain III, which I've yet to get. This gives me some hope, thanks for sharing your recent experiences. Hopefully I can be like you and have fun playing my main job in the game we have now.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Phaded
By Bismarck.Phaded 2016-07-05 14:59:28
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For years I've been able to keep debuffs off myself with these.

While it isn't a cure all, it takes off most of what has been the most annoying so I don't feel like BLUs have an upper hand there. On slow... maybe.

If they are going to give DRK a bone it should be to bring back the spirit of what DRK zerging used to be... a mini but potent job ability with the old Soul Eater formula on a 10 min recast/45sec duration would be nice. You wouldn't break anything end game, and you would make mid game seem faster/easier.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2016-07-05 15:00:13
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Thorva you are ranting like a mug. A good read on lunch breaks. Keep at it.
Posts: 4028
By Blazed1979 2016-07-05 15:02:12
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Asura.Keaddo said: »
You become known as "that good Rag WAR" or "Damn that guy's DRK is amazing".

I'm known as that "amazing" everything and the entire server as well as my close friends who have seen what my other jobs can do still ask me to come blu 100% of the time.

Look, the point is Blu is a hybrid job. DD's are there to do nothing else but DD. They should have the advantage in damage output. They don't. At best they are slightly (2-3%) ahead of equally geared, skilled Blus.

Nightfire and Draylo, I'm not calling for nerfs to Blu so don't jump the gun. I'm calling for buffs for the rest of the DD jobs to give them at least a 5% lead in damage.

I don't believe in nerfs. Its like demoting an employee because another employee deserves/needs a promotion.

Smite is typical SE.
S ome
M eaningless
I diotic
T errible
E effort
By Draylo 2016-07-05 15:03:07
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Bismarck.Phaded said: »
For years I've been able to keep debuffs off myself with these.

While it isn't a cure all, it takes off most of what has been the most annoying so I don't feel like BLUs have an upper hand there. On slow... maybe.

If they are going to give DRK a bone it should be to bring back the spirit of what DRK zerging used to be... a mini but potent job ability with the old Soul Eater formula on a 10 min recast/45sec duration would be nice. You wouldn't break anything end game, and you would make mid game seem faster/easier.

Panacea can take off slow, its bought off the ROV moogle or you can get a stack every month from ambuscade. Idk why nobody carries them around.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Leoheart
Posts: 118
By Asura.Leoheika 2016-07-05 15:04:33
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Draylo said: »
Bismarck.Phaded said: »
For years I've been able to keep debuffs off myself with these.

While it isn't a cure all, it takes off most of what has been the most annoying so I don't feel like BLUs have an upper hand there. On slow... maybe.

If they are going to give DRK a bone it should be to bring back the spirit of what DRK zerging used to be... a mini but potent job ability with the old Soul Eater formula on a 10 min recast/45sec duration would be nice. You wouldn't break anything end game, and you would make mid game seem faster/easier.

Panacea can take off slow, its bought off the ROV moogle or you can get a stack every month from ambuscade. Idk why nobody carries them around.

Especially useful for when you get hit by all stats down too, you can will it away in a second.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2016-07-05 15:06:48
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So using panacea to remove all buffs and spam them when necessary on your main isn't broken, but doing the same thing to keep your pet alive via hp meds is.
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