WingsXI Is Fun

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WingsXI Is Fun
Posts: 81
By Onimaru 2022-09-03 06:20:45
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Quetzalcoatl.Khajit said: »
Isn't that the private server where if you camp NMs vs the owner's friends, they ban you?

Lmaooo!!! that sounds like a private server alright with their little power trips over scraps.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Creaucent
Posts: 1360
By Odin.Creaucent 2022-09-03 06:24:24
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RadialArcana said: »
Thunderjet said: »
il take a official classic server over current FFXI every new content is just rehashed *** with time limit and obnoxious objectives New content = Old hallways with mobs what the F the only good thing about retail right now is the VR story that's it.

The problem with Square is they create Business Divisions, which is large groups of developers all put into one unit under a leads control.

XI is in Business Division 5, this division was made purely for mmorpgs. However they decided to make a single player game (ff16), which is really stupid considering they have dedicated divisions for that.

This means all spare staff in 5 are being pushed into working on ff16, since it's a year from release. Even XIV is being starved of developers and getting bare minimum while all hands on deck towards 16. Yoshi stated this in an interview a few months ago on the vana site, in a roundabout way.

Hopefully 16 is a financial disaster, then the other divisions can go back to making single player games and BD5 can stay making mmorpg content. Then we can get more gravy.

Creative Business Unit III is MMOs/Online.
Posts: 865
By Seun 2022-09-03 08:29:35
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Pantafernando said: »
I really miss what for me was the prime era of playing this, and it saddening this era will never come back because, well, time never come back

It wouldn't be out of place for the content that brings us +3 empyrean to function in a similar way as the original. They refer to both the same way as "battle content". I think hoping for Abyssea V2 is overly optimistic, but I wouldn't be shocked if they gave us something similar.

As divided as players are about it, Abyssea did give us plenty of alliance sized content while still accommodating low-man and solo. It was also very easy to maintain a schedule as an event for larger groups due to the KI/lockout system.

My ideal:

1- Abyssea V2 for empyrean armor upgrades.

2- Dyna D glacier/xarc to augment relic up to the empy standard.

3- Limbus V2 to augment AF up to empy standard.

Finally once all the dust settles on the upgrades, resume where they left off with the job adjustments to smooth it all out.

Posts: 42659
By Jetackuu 2022-09-03 08:36:22
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GetHelpNerd said: »
Tarage said: »
GetHelpNerd said: »
didn't you just come back to the game?

it's always weird seeing people stan retail ffxi development after taking 3-4 year breaks.

FFXIAH isn't the target audience for what people "want" out of a 75 era server, not to mention there's literally no posts stating what they want in this thread. what are you reading bud?

Been playing the game solid for it's entire life. I never left. I never took a break. Get off yourself.

Why am I reading this thread? Because I was curious as to what it was about. Got to see your idiotic ramblings, so that's a plus.

Seriously, the sooner you admit that it's never going to happen and get on with your sad pathetic life, the better. Why am I in this thread? Why are you on this forum? Why are you here, talking about a game that you clearly aren't playing, don't want to play, and won't play again? Who's the pathetic little ***now?

I have serious mental issues
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Schroe
By Asura.Schroe 2022-09-03 09:45:16
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Draylo said: »
I like this era but I want more stuff
Same. Only thing I really miss is the ease of getting into a leveling party. Content wise, ToAU era was great but I don't miss taking 20 minutes to get anywhere.
Posts: 1126
By Thunderjet 2022-09-03 10:47:48
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yes very very true Abyssea TOAU Zones, SOA Vw so much potential missed

there is no way ff16 would flop too
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [487 days between previous and next post]
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: gweiv
Posts: 168
By Asura.Gweivyth 2024-01-03 14:23:53
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This was a cool server. Too bad the owner had to ruin it.
Posts: 865
By Seun 2024-01-03 15:18:11
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Are there any PS that don't run all the QoL? No sync, no tomes/manuals, exp buff/curve, ect.?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Lilianna
Posts: 1197
By Lakshmi.Avereith 2024-01-03 15:37:49
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Yeah it was fun alright...

Posts: 366
By Meeble 2024-01-03 15:48:29
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Seun said: »
Are there any PS that don't run all the QoL? No sync, no tomes/manuals, exp buff/curve, ect.?

  1. Download and install LandSandBoat.

  2. Solo up to ~10 or so in your nation's starting area.

  3. Put up your invite flag and walk away from the keyboard, forever.

Ahh, nostalgia.
Posts: 865
By Seun 2024-01-03 16:57:45
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Meeble said: »
Seun said: »
Are there any PS that don't run all the QoL? No sync, no tomes/manuals, exp buff/curve, ect.?

  1. Download and install LandSandBoat.

  2. Solo up to ~10 or so in your nation's starting area.

  3. Put up your invite flag and walk away from the keyboard, forever.

Ahh, nostalgia.

Was asking mostly because retail is currently frozen. Most of the PS I've heard of are welfare. Just wondering if there was a pre-nerf server. Not for nostalgia, mostly for people who never saw it.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Jessie
Posts: 3833
By Ragnarok.Jessikah 2024-01-03 17:25:39
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Seun said: »
Was asking mostly because retail is currently frozen. Most of the PS I've heard of are welfare. Just wondering if there was a pre-nerf server. Not for nostalgia, mostly for people who never saw it.
I don't think any private servers exist that even attempt to emulate FFXI exactly as it was during any specific era. Not only is that code totally unavailable, but no one wants FFXI without things like Level Sync and Outpost Warps.

I still can't believe we used to play FFXI without Level Sync. That actually kinda blows my mind.
Posts: 2337
By Nariont 2024-01-03 17:33:57
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Ragnarok.Jessikah said: »
I still can't believe we used to play FFXI without Level Sync. That actually kinda blows my mind.

Higher population at the time so it mostly worked, also kinda hated it tbh. Might be rose tinted glasses but once level sync became a thing i got less parties cause all the go-to camps of birds, birds, and more birds were full and noone wanted to do other areas

Level sync also brought the case of underskilled(literally) people joining parties and being near worthless, i.e. sync'd from 30~50 doing birds in past ron, go to AU with level 30 skill and unable to hit anything, or anyone getting smn burned up and then joining an actual pt after.

All that said it was very useful to helping friends/ls mates level when you were way above them, just had many cases of poor use in my experience
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-01-03 17:51:54
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Everything had(s) pros and cons

Sync without trying to hyperoptimize was nice, but it literally turned into birds only and it was over

But there would've been no one to play with at all without sync, so lesser of 2 evils and all that.
Posts: 4280
By RadialArcana 2024-01-03 17:58:41
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I don't like private servers because the people running them (mostly Horizon and initially Wings) have turned something that was originally supposed to be a common good into a community negative and personal gain.

The original idea long ago was to preserve XI in a combined effort if the game was ever taken away, what actually happened long term is all the effort of most of the people who worked on the original project was taken by a bunch of thirsty & lazy nobodies and turned into something they could take credit for. Then take this lowkey stolen valor project and make it into some kind of competition vs retail and other private servers.

So this original project that was supposed to act as a lifeboat if the worst happened, has now been turned into a weapon that attacks the game it was supposed to protect and causes chaos in the community of XI in a way wow vs ffxi or ffxiv vs ffxi never could.

Not only do the people running the servers have a them vs us mindset because they want more players for their stupid ego projects, but many of the people playing on these servers now have also taken this mindset on too. So instead of wow vs ffxi or ff14 vs ffxi arguments, you now have people offering muhlulversion of XI vs someone else's muhlolversion or the actual game itself. The main problem these people have is because "era" XI is so utterly awful in 2024 (it is btw), the only hope they have of attracting new players now is cannibalizing players via member berries from retail best they can. So that's what they do, these people still try to recruit anywhere they can from places for retail.

Wings was the main creator of this toxic nonsense mindset, and due to Ninja throwing his money around and all the people who joined that project we now have an even worse pimple on the *** version of it.

The worst part is that there is now widespread acceptance of private servers in places of importance for XI now (such as a private server section here), even though they are an inarguable negative to the game and community at a point when it can least deal with it.

The original intent of the private server project has also now been lost too because they all refuse to work together or give back to the original project, and most of the people who did the actual work long ago have become disillusioned and no longer work on it (which is why you'll barely get anything updated on private servers anymore beyond Toau...if you even get that). So if the game actually is lost, there will be no proper backup and just a bunch of cringe garbage servers run by clowns.

I feel sorry for the people who put thousands of hours into the original project and had good intentions, seeing a bunch of nobodies taking all their work and taking credit for it (in the eyes of the low information users that actually think these people did all the work) and using them as a weapon to sow dissent in the community and damage the lifespan of proper game now.

It's actually depressing to think that if this game ever shuts down, the only thing that will remain is lolclowneye and lolhorriblezonecrash. That's like having a beloved family pet you grew up with finally dying and your wife gets it stuffed, paints it pink and turns its butt into a candleholder.

If I see one more derp faced mithra with pink hair when I click a video...

Posts: 865
By Seun 2024-01-03 17:59:00
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Ragnarok.Jessikah said: »
I still can't believe we used to play FFXI without Level Sync. That actually kinda blows my mind.

There were actually enough people playing to support it back then. I understand that's why it's not a thing today.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: iamaman
Posts: 703
By Asura.Iamaman 2024-01-03 18:35:08
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Level sync is almost 15 years old IIRC, the population was still high enough to support leveling across the level ranges then. It was kindof wild and resulted in people way out leveling their skill, but it made getting to 75 much easier especially for jobs that had a harder time finding parties. Abyssea made the skill problem even worse.

I actually ran across an old forum post a while back where some player complained they reached 75 but their skill was at like lvl10, everyone was telling him he was screwed. It was a funny nostalgia moment.

Level sync was one of the most surprising changes to me during 75 cap, same with the despawn and aggro changes. Shockingly nice of them for that era. It was desperately needed for the gear scaling though, keeping gear around for the capped content was such a pain.
Posts: 865
By Seun 2024-01-03 19:26:07
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Asura.Iamaman said: »
Level sync was one of the most surprising changes to me during 75 cap, same with the despawn and aggro changes. Shockingly nice of them for that era. It was desperately needed for the gear scaling though, keeping gear around for the capped content was such a pain.

Probably more out of necessity than kindness. Competition between groups and beastmasters was a thing back then and MPK was becoming more common.

I was never really a fan of sync. As Nariont said, Ron[S] became the go to because there was no shortage of people with level 37ish subjobs to sync. It also drew people away from adventuring out into those less explored areas to find exp.
Posts: 4280
By RadialArcana 2024-01-03 20:18:43
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YouTube Video Placeholder

This is a nice video about XI, and check the comments. They literally can't help themselves, and they do this everywhere.
By GetHelpNerd 2024-01-03 20:38:53
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radial is back after a 5 month mental health break and crazier than ever
By Dodik 2024-01-03 21:20:29
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Are you saying.. he got help?

Not a bad idea for a certain other nerd.
By Draylo 2024-01-03 21:26:03
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Unreal, they are literally a plague lol. Every single video possible about FFXI and they are there.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: gweiv
Posts: 168
By Asura.Gweivyth 2024-01-08 11:40:40
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Wait does Radial actually not know that LandSandBoat is just supposed to be the "oh crap they turned off retail" restoration project? They don't even have a live server.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: gweiv
Posts: 168
By Asura.Gweivyth 2024-01-08 11:46:42
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Also I always wanted Wings to be more like Project Ascension, but the XI client is way less customizable than WoW's client. :( I still don't regret making what we did though, I think the model fit what your average gamer in 2019-2022 wanted more than "hardcore era CBT" and clearly many folks agreed.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: gweiv
Posts: 168
By Asura.Gweivyth 2024-01-08 11:48:33
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Seun said: »
Meeble said: »
Seun said: »
Are there any PS that don't run all the QoL? No sync, no tomes/manuals, exp buff/curve, ect.?

  1. Download and install LandSandBoat.

  2. Solo up to ~10 or so in your nation's starting area.

  3. Put up your invite flag and walk away from the keyboard, forever.

Ahh, nostalgia.

Was asking mostly because retail is currently frozen. Most of the PS I've heard of are welfare. Just wondering if there was a pre-nerf server. Not for nostalgia, mostly for people who never saw it.
Atavism is coming back and it's exactly what you described. I don't think he's ready to launch yet but he said he wanted to soon.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nickeny
Posts: 2049
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2024-01-08 13:23:56
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Private servers was so 2023. Gotta be a straight beta boi to enjoy that
Posts: 4280
By RadialArcana 2024-01-08 13:29:26
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Asura.Gweivyth said: »
Wait does Radial actually not know that LandSandBoat is just supposed to be the "oh crap they turned off retail" restoration project? They don't even have a live server.

That's what I said.

The original server emulation system was built from the ground up by people who loved the game, as a savior project if it ever got shut down. Now in an ironic twist people who did next to nothing to create it are using their work to damage the thing itself. Making it open source was a huge mistake, because bad actors who do not care about the game abuse it all these years later to fluff their ego and make money from it.

They also take all the credit for something they didn't do, because most of the people on the server are too ignorant to understand just how little the people running the server had to do with the creation of the server emulation software they install on them. Also, because of that they also don't get how little content will be added to their server going forward either.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: gweiv
Posts: 168
By Asura.Gweivyth 2024-01-09 07:12:06
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RadialArcana said: »
just how little the people running the server had to do with the creation of the server emulation software they install on them.
Over 3k merged code commits on Wings' Git, not including the entirely custom login server, bootloader, and port structures...

And that's just including what we used git for, we did like almost a year of work patching to a live version before that.

There are plenty of legitimate criticisms to make about private servers but this one is one of the weakest ones. Everything we did was for the betterment of the overall restoration project as well, Wings' source code was open sourced for that exact reason. We finished the missing/broken parts of CoP and RoZ and had made pretty steady progress on ToAU too. All the other servers before us had closed source so the work they did was exactly as you said - but that wasn't us.
Posts: 138
By Zehira 2024-01-15 07:13:54
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RadialArcana said: »
This is a nice video about XI, and check the comments. They literally can't help themselves, and they do this everywhere.

Oh nooo... They are advertising even harder! The Crystal War 2 just started!

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