Evolution Of The Galka Sparkbots

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Evolution of the galka sparkbots
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-04-07 21:47:49
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They're learning. Growing. Evolving.

Most of the bots don't use galka for whatever reason, interesting to see a pack of them again.

Lately all the new ones have only been bsts and the occasional pack of thfs.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: arcajeth
Posts: 64
By Asura.Hotworks 2024-04-07 22:11:03
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Galkapryme putting more rice on the table than Uncle Ben. As long as players like him exist spark botting will continue
Posts: 267
By jubes 2024-04-07 23:00:11
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they run salvage too, industrious fellas
Posts: 12844
By Pantafernando 2024-04-08 01:25:58
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No wonder that Adoulin was smelling really bad that day.
By K123 2024-04-08 05:59:00
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What are they doing in Adoulin?
Posts: 1604
By Felgarr 2024-04-08 06:05:56
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Asura.Hotworks said: »
Galkapryme putting more rice on the table than Uncle Ben. As long as players like him exist spark botting will continue

What did Galkapryme do to hold so much power over you? o_o;

Asura.Eiryl said: »
Lately all the new ones have only been bsts and the occasional pack of thfs.

Nothing seems out of the ordinary here. BSTs with a jug pet and a 119 axe has the lowest barrier for entry for fighting trash mobs. (You can do this with zero skill ups and have a formiddable 119 pet against trash mobs). THF is just great to have for TH, when farming. It's like you said, they're probably converting sparks/conquest points/whatever else they can get a hold of.

I don't see anything out of the ordinary here? Maybe they just got tired of looking at the same hume models over and over?
By GetHelpNerd 2024-04-08 07:43:09
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K123 said: »
What are they doing in Adoulin?
could have just been cashing in sparks before reset. they are just salvage bots though
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-04-08 08:24:12
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Felgarr said: »
I don't see anything out of the ordinary here? Maybe they just got tired of looking at the same hume models over and over?

Bot runners have tells/patterns. Galka are few and under represented in bots and in general,

I just found it amusing to spot a pack of them. Aside from the gustaberg bots, only ever spotted a rare pack of htmb mnk galka spammers in the wild.
(Ambu v2 bots this month are also galka)
Posts: 4311
By RadialArcana 2024-04-08 10:58:42
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Asura.Hotworks said: »
Galkapryme putting more rice on the table than Uncle Ben. As long as players like him exist spark botting will continue

The demand will never go away.

So if you stop the sparks farmers, you just create an arms race that pushes up gil prices and that arms race eventually leads to account hacking. Considering how insanely easy to hack many XI players are with account sharing and downloading random stuff that's not a good idea.

The whole point of the STF isn't to stop RMT, it's to keep it dumb and happening in ways that don't cause big problems to normal players.

I would much prefer sparks botters than people spamming omen, unm, ambuscade or something that actually makes my play time more annoying.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Richybear
Posts: 1205
By Fenrir.Richybear 2024-04-08 12:00:54
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The most frustrating part is I wanted to make a mule called Bgsdfjkfsdjkhf and it was taken
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-04-08 13:34:49
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It's the month of the galka, apparently
Posts: 1321
By Wordspoken 2024-04-08 13:58:11
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Fenrir.Richybear said: »
The most frustrating part is I wanted to make a mule called Bgsdfjkfsdjkhf and it was taken
thanks. I haven't had a laugh like this in a while
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [34 days between previous and next post]
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-05-12 22:29:34
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Jesus Christ the galkabot invasion and they're all pumped out by one bst pling a new set endlessly

(Salvage bots aren't new, but that they're all galka, is)

Bst levels them up, they bot ambuscade for a week then bot salvage nonstop, bst makes a new set, they do ambuscade for a week then spam salvage nonstop. 5 batches of 5 sets of mnk galka bots
Posts: 223
By GwenStacy 2024-05-13 00:06:01
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i wonder if they bother with free play
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: bossgalka
Posts: 167
By Carbuncle.Samuraiking 2024-05-13 00:56:37
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Long live the Galkas, may they be generous masters to you lowly species. But fear not, for race change is upon us, and you may all become glorious Galkas yourselves.
Posts: 167
By Ranoutofspace 2024-05-13 03:29:01
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These galkas are the adults; maybe even our anchors to reality.
Posts: 15
By Phex 2024-05-13 04:09:28
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Not the topic but about /anon char-hordes... :
I see these often with Novice Nurseryman title. Is the quest a new/old thing to make money?
Posts: 12844
By Pantafernando 2024-05-13 07:04:39
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I always think something is off in this topic title.

Just now I figured: the words “galka” and “evolution” arent exactly a good match
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Tesahade
Posts: 493
By Fenrir.Niflheim 2024-05-13 08:49:43
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Pantafernando said: »
I always think something is off in this topic title.

Just now I figured: the words “galka” and “evolution” arent exactly a good match
Well "reincarnation of" wouldn't make much sense, though after the bump it could :)
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: DrGonzo
Posts: 11
By Bahamut.Eisenzahn 2024-05-13 10:22:24
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Since the week reset, the conveyor belt of galkas warping behind the bastok market vendor counter next to sparks NPC will begin anew, can usually see hundreds of them after reset...
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