BLMs, Please Listen.

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BLMs, Please listen.
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Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: hypnotizd
Posts: 2400
By Garuda.Hypnotizd 2009-03-09 10:26:05
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Wooooodum said:
Hypnotizd said:
Wooooodum said:
Is anyone bothering to actually read what I'm saying? ;-;

Yes, you are saying having MAB+10 is bad because you cant one shot a statue. I disagree and saying better Damage/MP ratio is worth it.

That's not what I said at all...
Wooooodum said:
Let's consider it this way. On average statues take two nukes to kill, unless the Black Mage nuking first has exceptional gear. This means that no matter how much damage you do (with or without Sorcerer's Ring), unless you can one shot the statues, somebody else has to finish it off anyway. This makes the Sorcerer's Ring a bad choice unless it tips your equipment over the line and allows you to one shot the statues.

Otherwise, it's essentially -25% HP for nothing. Another Black Mage still has to expend their MP, and you're 25% HP lower without any visible outcome. Numbers are irrelevant on Dynamis statues unless you can one shot them with these numbers.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-03-09 10:28:46
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Wooooodum said:
The only time Sorcerer's Ring is worth it in Dynamis is if it lets you one shot statues. Then I am all for it. Other than that, /no, and I make my Black Mage's take them off, unless they can one shot the statues with it.

He was meaning that if they can one shot the statues with it ok but if not then he rather the blm have it off in dyna.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Yotevol
Posts: 1169
By Asura.Yotevol 2009-03-09 10:31:13
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The great things about the Dynamis Statues, is they have buit in Gravity.
So, I have solo'd these *** a lot.
Tier IV, run, Tier IV, dead- NEXT!

Never died on statues, I died more on regular mobs when I wanted to see how much damage I could do.
So, my death was more than expected... lol.
(read Burst II for 1600 damage on Mega-boss....hehe)

Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-03-09 10:33:44
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Hypnotizd said:
Wooooodum said:
Let's consider it this way. On average statues take two nukes to kill, unless the Black Mage nuking first has exceptional gear. This means that no matter how much damage you do (with or without Sorcerer's Ring), unless you can one shot the statues, somebody else has to finish it off anyway. This makes the Sorcerer's Ring a bad choice unless it tips your equipment over the line and allows you to one shot the statues.

Otherwise, it's essentially -25% HP for nothing. Another Black Mage still has to expend their MP, and you're 25% HP lower without any visible outcome. Numbers are irrelevant on Dynamis statues unless you can one shot them with these numbers.

Yep. As I said, that's not what I said. Quite clearly, too...
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-03-09 10:35:28
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For the Jailer of Temp, I've low manned that with just a rdm, me (blm), and think smn for blood pacts. been a while. all we did was DoT, gravity, BP the whole time while (me-blm & rdm kited it back and forth). Though it was a bit long but we did it that way.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-03-09 10:39:02
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Sovereign said:
Blazza said:

Errr... can you please elaborate on what a BLM is going to do once they solo pop Temp? I agree with the rest, but BLM's and Temp don't mix.

If you think BLMs and Temperance dont mix, you havent been in Sea long enough.

As far as solo popping Temperance goes: There are two tricks to keeping yourself alive once he spawns. The first trick is all about location of the PH when it dies. Pull the PH from the alcove to the opposite side of the kite room before you kill it. Thus, when the PH dies you will be more that 50' from the alcove, and should Temperance spawn, he will spawn unclaimed and de-aggroed.

The second trick basically involves how to keep it from despawning until your linkshell arrives to help kill it. There are only two methods that I can think of: 1. Continually sac it, or 2. "pin" it.

"Pinning" is a type of kiting that can be used when you have a fairly large circular kiting zone (in this case, the square room in the towers). When you are directly across from a mob seperated by a circular obstacle (for example you are at 12 o'clock and the mob is at 6 o'clock), the mob is forced to choose between going clockwise or going counter-clockwise. The AI is extremely poor at choosing the right direction.

First you need to get Temperance out of the alcove and into the kiting room to attempt a pin. The only safe way to do this is with Elemental Seal - Gravity. The rest is very difficult to accomplish without Herald's Gaiters, but it can be done.

When you have reached this point where Temperance is directly across from you, find the nearest pillar (there is 1 at each of the 4 corners of the kiting area). When you hit the pillar, switch directions, run a few steps and watch - Temperance will switch it's directions as well and start running that way. Now switch again when it switches - it will switch with you! Keep repeating this, keeping in mind to ONLY move 1-2 steps in each direction before switching again. Try to get your timing down. Once gravity wears, if you do this correctly, it will get stuck and can't pick a direction as long as you keep this up - hence the term "pinning".

Now, concerning the actual kill... Most people already know Temperance will take 0 dmg from nukes. What most do not know, however, is that utilizing the WAR merit ability Tomahawk will allow your BLMs to nuke Temperance for partial damage (200-400 dmg Tier 4s). With a good kite team and at least one WAR, your mages can zerg nuke Temperance during the duration of Tomahawk. In fact, Tomahawk reduces Temp's defense to all damage types. So everyone in your alliance is able to zerg it during Tomahawk. No more waiting for it to change forms. Where Temperance could become a mess real quickly, rotating the Tomahawk ability basically turns this fight down to a 6 minute zerg-fest.

I see your point, but seems pretty risky to me to rely on pinning it. I've done a lot of kiting around those square rooms in sea and I've never managed to pin anything for any length of time. It's easier to pin along the sides rather than at the corners, but then you're within casting range, and if you lose timing pinning temp for just a second it'll catch up to you and eat you thanks to it's enhanced movement speed.

I'll admit that Tomahawk is a neat trick (I knew about this, but we don't really have any wars), but thanks to the absolute shittiness that is Temps tp moves, I think I'd rather just have 1-2 jobs for each damage type so as not to feed it tp, especially when we usually do it with ~12 people and most blm's also have a melee job they can come as.

However, I may have to consider solo popping it like you suggested. I didn't realise that killing the PH from greater than 50' made it pop unclaimed, and the PH mobs are pretty easy to kill. I've never really put much effort into trying to pin something, so I could give that a proper try, and if I don't get it down I can just hot foot it to the portal. I think I'd rather continually use the portal than sac it if I can't pin it.

However, I think your whole strat sounds like it would be better with more people than we usually have, so maybe we'll just stick with what we know lol ^^ I think we failed our first temp (just) and haven't failed one since.

Basically, our strat is to throw everyone into the farming, as we farm Ghrah's on the way as well (no-one farms in their own time), and the straight tank on rings and poles and kite on blunt mode. Our first attempt we tried kiting it the whole time and throwing smn sam and blu at it as it passed, but we found it grew resistant to gravity too fast. Kiting only during blunt mode (the stupid dangerous mode) stops it's tp gain during this dangerous phase and also prevents it from building too much resistance to gravity. All in all it usually takes us about 10-15 minutes once popped, with no or minimal deaths.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: hypnotizd
Posts: 2400
By Garuda.Hypnotizd 2009-03-09 10:39:27
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I don't get it Wooooodum. I could quote 90% of your posts in this thread. You clearly say that Sorcerer's Ring is not good in Dynamis. I disagree. You say I'm not listening. I reread every post you made. You say Sorcerer's Ring is bad.

Please enlighten me as to what I'm missing.
Server: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Galactus
Posts: 550
By Diabolos.Sovereign 2009-03-09 10:41:00
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Wooooodum said:
That's, er... That's not soloing is it?


Well, it's still a definitive solo technique because obviously, it's popped and held solo. Actually defeating temperance as a solo BLM is obviously impossible.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-03-09 10:42:05
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Hypnotizd said:
You clearly say that Sorcerer's Ring is not good in Dynamis.

No I didn't... <.<
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Saiya
Posts: 372
By Cerberus.Saiya 2009-03-09 10:44:35
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Hypnotizd said:
I don't get it Wooooodum. I could quote 90% of your posts in this thread. You clearly say that Sorcerer's Ring is not good in Dynamis. I disagree. You say I'm not listening. I reread every post you made. You say Sorcerer's Ring is bad.

Please enlighten me as to what I'm missing.
Agreed, i'm struggling to see the differentiation ^^; Sorry.

And aside from that, what say you to my earlier post Wooo? If a Sorc Ring means the next BLM needs only a Tier III/II/Drain to kill a statue, then surely it's a worthwhile expenditure of 25% HP. I also added that if a BLM can be trusted to have it not adversely affect them, surely there's no reason not to use it?
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-03-09 10:48:08
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Didn't once say that the ring itself is bad, or that people shouldn't use it. The basis of my point was around our experiences and our preferences; as far as I'm concerned for the Black Mage's in my shell, it's a bad idea and I discourage them from using it. Nowhere did I directly say that using it is itself a bad idea; the sentences regarding the usage in my group and the points after made without the "within our linkshell" comments (though the context was still there if you read the posts in order) were quoted and used out of their intended context.

Unless Black Mages fall within my criteria, I tell them not to use it. As I said before, it's counter productive unless the Black Mage in question is then capable of one shotting the statues with it equipped.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-03-09 10:49:22
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Wooooodum said:
Hypnotizd said:
Wooooodum said:
Let's consider it this way. On average statues take two nukes to kill, unless the Black Mage nuking first has exceptional gear. This means that no matter how much damage you do (with or without Sorcerer's Ring), unless you can one shot the statues, somebody else has to finish it off anyway. This makes the Sorcerer's Ring a bad choice unless it tips your equipment over the line and allows you to one shot the statues.

Otherwise, it's essentially -25% HP for nothing. Another Black Mage still has to expend their MP, and you're 25% HP lower without any visible outcome. Numbers are irrelevant on Dynamis statues unless you can one shot them with these numbers.

Yep. As I said, that's not what I said. Quite clearly, too...

I totally see where Wooooooooooooooo is coming from on the dynamis/sorcerer's ring debate. If you get a mob down to 10% HP without ring, and get it down to 2% with ring, then either way you have a very pissed off stat wanting to beat you up, the difference being that with sorcerer's ring he's 25% more likely to kill you.

On the other hand, they're ridiculously slow, so you'd have to be stupid to stand around and wait for it to come and hit you (And if it's waddling past you, stop casting and move if your burst II is going to hit it as it's right on top of you). Even if Sorcerer's Ring doesn't allow you to one shot the stat, it may just provide enough damage for you (or another BLM who's paying attention) to finish it off with a drain instead of needing a T3 nuke (or w/e). You may even be able to get an aspir in there as well to make back some of your mp from burst II.

As with most job discussions, I think it comes down to knowing your own limits and capabilities. Always remember that you're better off to your LS alive and don't risk dying in order to get prettier numbers if it's not practical.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Saiya
Posts: 372
By Cerberus.Saiya 2009-03-09 10:58:58
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I wholeheartedly wish you all an army of self-aware BLMs XD
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-03-09 11:00:32
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Saiya said:
And aside from that, what say you to my earlier post Wooo? If a Sorc Ring means the next BLM needs only a Tier III/II/Drain to kill a statue, then surely it's a worthwhile expenditure of 25% HP. I also added that if a BLM can be trusted to have it not adversely affect them, surely there's no reason not to use it?

I didn't see this, sorry.

Well, from my experience it shouldn't take more than a Tier 4 and a Tier 3 to kill statues in the first place. My Black Mage is by no means "exceptional" and I very rarely struggle to kill them with a Tier 4 followed by a Tier 3, if I'm soloing for whatever reason.

If it is still alive, though, or if somebody else is nuking after my Tier 3, obviously I want their nuke to kill it. It's entirely situational; statues themselves are fine using the ring because they move so slowly. The real issues I have with people using it is when they start going "OMG WTF 2K ON MNK NM LOLZ" and subsequently get themselves owned. Usage such as this, or deliberate usage to make "the 1337 numbers" appear is detrimental to the shell and is simply wasting our available resources in runs.

The main point I was making is that I would prefer them not to use it and remain alive, so they can contribute to sleeping and their other duties (because we all know a Black Mage's role in Dynamis is not just nuking stuff) rather than have their e-peen stroked. If somebody can use it and not get owned doing so, they're doing it properly, to the point where I wouldn't even notice them using it. My main concern in Dynamis is keeping the ball rolling, not how high a Black Mage can hit. If I believe somebody using the ring is hampering their duties, I'll tell them not to use it. I only tell them not t use it when I notice them using it... I only notice them using it when they're using it wrongly...

Let's be realistic here; the majority of people using a Sorcerer's Ring do so for the high numbers, not because they believe it's more MP productive. This was the point I did made, very clearly, which you took to literally mean "Sorcerer's Ring is bad", when placed out of its context.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-03-09 11:01:37
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I'm pretty sure I just agreed with you, and you're wishing BLM's upon me? O_O
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Basilo
Posts: 650
By Fairy.Basilo 2009-03-09 11:06:44
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Wooooodum said:
Well on normal monsters, yes, the more damage the better. But the point raised was about statues, the viewpoint to which should be completely different.

Let's consider it this way. On average statues take two nukes to kill, unless the Black Mage nuking first has exceptional gear. This means that no matter how much damage you do (with or without Sorcerer's Ring), unless you can one shot the statues, somebody else has to finish it off anyway. This makes the Sorcerer's Ring a bad choice unless it tips your equipment over the line and allows you to one shot the statues.

Otherwise, it's essentially -25% HP for nothing. Another Black Mage still has to expend their MP, and you're 25% HP lower without any visible outcome. Numbers are irrelevant on Dynamis statues unless you can one shot them with these numbers.

Leey said:
why would anyone stick up for a blm using full time U pendant?... its USELESS for a first time Nuke/possible 2nd depending on MP but come on... anyone who uses that pendant full time is lazy/stupid, not hard to macro it in or equip it...

A fully merit blm whos been doing dynamis years like every other blm out there knows uggypendant/philomath stole/elemental torque/prudence torque... between 100% mp and 50%mp wtf does it matter if you are using uggy and forgot or leave elemental torque in mog house resists on normal dynamis mobs fully merrited with reasonable gear is so minimal anyway.

A blm with 75% hp fully buffed in certain fights where they have pulled hate can save them if the paladin cures them back to 100% whilst they are still fully buffed. This shouldnt really apply to dynamis unless blms are nuking the melee alliance mobs, just throwing it out there.

Taking hate on all timed nuke mobs whilst remaining fully buffed 350stoneskin phalanx and blink with sorc ring active is the best thing i can do for the other blms sake. The run requires less constant buffing for them 9 times out of 10 they know im going to be the one the mob wants dead 1st. Some blms have a tendancy to nuke a statue and not move either or nuke un buffed. Its my own choice to pay more attention and attempt to die no more than anyone else.

Generally the blms who can self proc a sorc ring also have a high dmg absorbing stoneskin build and stay buffed more imo. Two 5 int /4 int rings is perfectly reasonable still but you cant rule out sorc ring for certain dynamis mobs because of purely your blm experience in dynamis.

Saiya said:
In the event that the Sorc. Ring does enough extra damage that a statue can be killed with a Tier III / II / Drain from another BLM, then it's perfectly worthwhile in that a lot less MP has been expended overall. IF the BLM can be trusted to do it safely, I don't how how statues should be treated any differently to regular mobs.

You basically said it for me, the ring shouldnt really spring this kind of debate. Ive been using it about 2 years self proc'd besides from 1-2 new rdms my leader puts in the blm pty over the years ive not had 1 person who doesnt not understand when to cure me still and when not to.
Also dynamis can get rather monotonous bit of extra dmg, or a favourable elemental day coming up can stop me falling asleep sometimes.

You claim that no one has read what you said to reply adequately but both myself, Hypno and Saiya's counter arguements as to the use of the ring suggest we have all read what you have said.

Thing i do agree with you on is needless deaths whilst pulling because some blms are ***slow.

Im not signed up for anything atm for my dynamis shell i go for fun my conditions are ill crowd control for you as well as i can, clear stats asap, timed nuke mobs, bring my own meds, toss out cures when i have an abundance of mp but i will always full time sorc ring.

Finally i opened this thread because it said blms please listen, Korpg goes onto say if your a new blm listen to this sage advice i scroll down all i can see is rdm merit info.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-03-09 11:07:01
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Wooooodum said:
The real issues I have with people using it is when they start going "OMG WTF 2K ON MNK NM LOLZ" and subsequently get themselves owned.
Heh, I love MNK's in dynamis. If I'm being a good boy I'll diamondhide the pld before we engage it, and then use actinic burst when it starts hundred fists and then head butt spam. Actinic Burst seems to last longer than flash from what I've seen, so I can really make a substantial contribution to helping the tank survive the 2-hour.

However, if I'm bored (as was more often the case before I quit) I'd skip the diamondhide, then do everything in my power to pull hate, and then see if the alliance could kill the MNK before it killed me when it used hundred fists. I still used actinic burst and head butt spam, and I'm pretty sure I survived more often than not. But even if I died, it was way more fun :D


Wooooodum said:
Wtf Blazza I edited my post, re-quote =(

Ty :p
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-03-09 11:12:05
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Wtf Blazza I edited my post, re-quote =(

Ty :p
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-03-09 11:18:16
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Wooooodum said:
Saiya said:
And aside from that, what say you to my earlier post Wooo? If a Sorc Ring means the next BLM needs only a Tier III/II/Drain to kill a statue, then surely it's a worthwhile expenditure of 25% HP. I also added that if a BLM can be trusted to have it not adversely affect them, surely there's no reason not to use it?

I didn't see this, sorry.

Well, from my experience it shouldn't take more than a Tier 4 and a Tier 3 to kill statues in the first place. My Black Mage is by no means "exceptional" and I very rarely struggle to kill them with a Tier 4 followed by a Tier 3, if I'm soloing for whatever reason.

If it is still alive, though, or if somebody else is nuking after my Tier 3, obviously I want their nuke to kill it. It's entirely situational; statues themselves are fine using the ring because they move so slowly. The real issues I have with people using it is when they start going "OMG WTF 2K ON MNK NM LOLZ" and subsequently get themselves owned. Usage such as this, or deliberate usage to make "the 1337 numbers" appear is detrimental to the shell and is simply wasting our available resources in runs.

The main point I was making is that I would prefer them not to use it and remain alive, so they can contribute to sleeping and their other duties (because we all know a Black Mage's role in Dynamis is not just nuking stuff) rather than have their e-peen stroked. If somebody can use it and not get owned doing so, they're doing it properly, to the point where I wouldn't even notice them using it. My main concern in Dynamis is keeping the ball rolling, not how high a Black Mage can hit. If I believe somebody using the ring is hampering their duties, I'll tell them not to use it. I only tell them not t use it when I notice them using it... I only notice them using it when they're using it wrongly...

Let's be realistic here; the majority of people using a Sorcerer's Ring do so for the high numbers, not because they believe it's more MP productive. This was the point I did made, very clearly, which you took to literally mean "Sorcerer's Ring is bad", when placed out of its context.

^ This. The issue that this thread has run into is the fact that the only BLM's who have read it appear to be BLM's that actually know their ***and mis-interpreted Woooo's gripe with people that use the ring for the wrong reasons.

His main point was: If using sorc. ring gets you killed, don't use it. Clearly you guys don't get yourself killed using it, so by all means go ahead.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Saiya
Posts: 372
By Cerberus.Saiya 2009-03-09 11:18:21
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Wooooodum said:
This was the point I did made, very clearly, which you took to literally mean "Sorcerer's Ring is bad", when placed out of its context.
I wouldn't quite say that. Your last post answered the points I raised, so all's well and good^^.

Though i'd hesitate to pigeon-hole BLMs. Putting it in the light of 'omfg leet numbers' is a tad insulting to some I imagine. I know plenty of BLMs who are conscientious players, and strive for higher numbers not for e-peen, but because higher numbers are 'one' indication of a more effective BLM. It shows them a clearly visible progression in their job, and there's a difference between pride & peen in my opinion ^^.

On the subject of consecutive nukes to take down a statue, in our LS we generally stick with Tier IVs unless it happens to be an MP Statue. So the 1-shot idea is less relevant, which may be why I wasn't quite getting you initially.
For my own part finishing off a statue with a TierIII/II/Drain is quite a frequent occurence, so agreed that it's gonna have to be a tactic tailored to the group you're working with. /salute
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Basilo
Posts: 650
By Fairy.Basilo 2009-03-09 11:21:22
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Saiya said:
Though i'd hesitate to pigeon-hole BLMs. Putting it in the light of 'omfg leet numbers' is a tad insulting to some I imagine. I know plenty of BLMs who are conscientious players, and strive for higher numbers not for e-peen, but because higher numbers are 'one' indication of a more effective BLM. It shows them a clearly visible progression in their job, and there's a difference between pride & peen in my opinion ^^.

<3 This :D
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Saiya
Posts: 372
By Cerberus.Saiya 2009-03-09 11:21:36
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Blazza said:
The issue that this thread has run into is the fact that the only BLM's who have read it appear to be BLM's that actually know their ***and mis-interpreted Woooo's gripe with people that use the ring
Could you clarify this for me? I'm not sure whether i'm being insulted or complimented.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-03-09 11:21:57
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Saiya said:
I know plenty of BLMs who are conscientious players, and strive for higher numbers not for e-peen, but because higher numbers are 'one' indication of a more effective BLM.

But let's face it, you also know plenty of BLM's who:
Wooooodum said:
start going "OMG WTF 2K ON MNK NM LOLZ" and subsequently get themselves owned.

Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-03-09 11:21:58
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Blazza said:
^ This. The issue that this thread has run into is the fact that the only BLM's who have read it appear to be BLM's that actually know their ***and mis-interpreted Woooo's gripe with people that use the ring for the wrong reasons.

His main point was: If using sorc. ring gets you killed, don't use it. Clearly you guys don't get yourself killed using it, so by all means go ahead.


Yes, there is a difference between pride and epeen. You obviously know the difference, and since you're not in my linkshell, which every point was based on, why are you taking that personally? It's obviously not aimed at you, I don't know your playing style, or how you treat your jobs. I quite clearly said in my first or second post, "from my experiences with my linkshell". Why did everyone then subsequently assume I was describing their playing style?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-03-09 11:23:06
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Saiya said:
Blazza said:
The issue that this thread has run into is the fact that the only BLM's who have read it appear to be BLM's that actually know their ***and mis-interpreted Woooo's gripe with people that use the ring
Could you clarify this for me? I'm not sure whether i'm being insulted or complimented.

compliment, you're one of the blm's that actually know your ***.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-03-09 11:23:24
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He's saying that the thread is being read and answered by blm's that know their stuff but others fail to understand woody's answer for people that use the sorc ring
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Cyr
Posts: 148
By Bahamut.Cyr 2009-03-09 11:33:30
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Korpg said:
Sucks to be in Bahamut then.

I didn't bother reading past this point, simply for the fact that the thread is filled with overwhelming stupidity(as of page1).

I make all my BLMs sleepga the *** out of everything, and die repeatedly until they figure out how to do it right. They'll learn, just gotta force them.

Additionally, the listed rdm merits in the OP are HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE. Slow2 and Bio3 are the only group2 spells you need on RDM, and even then, slow2 isn't needed if your gear is good enough. As for paralyze, para1 will stick just fine if you merited your ice acc to 5/5, like every non-horrible rdm should, and use a mnd set. *** enfeebling on mnd-based debuffs.

As for gravity? Who the hell uses int on gravity. Int based debuffs are all enfeebling skill, haste, and magic acc.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-03-09 11:36:30
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Cyr said:
Additionally, the listed rdm merits in the OP are HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE.

HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE because you personally didn't choose to merit them? Right...

Cyr said:
like every non-horrible rdm should


You should really try to get your point across without the arrogance ^^;
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Saiya
Posts: 372
By Cerberus.Saiya 2009-03-09 11:37:31
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Blazza said:
Saiya said:
Blazza said:
The issue that this thread has run into is the fact that the only BLM's who have read it appear to be BLM's that actually know their ***and mis-interpreted Woooo's gripe with people that use the ring
Could you clarify this for me? I'm not sure whether i'm being insulted or complimented.

compliment, you're one of the blm's that actually know your ***.

Wooooodum said:

Yes, there is a difference between pride and epeen. You obviously know the difference, and since you're not in my linkshell, which every point was based on, why are you taking that personally? It's obviously not aimed at you, I don't know your playing style, or how you treat your jobs. I quite clearly said in my first or second post, "from my experiences with my linkshell". Why did everyone then subsequently assume I was describing their playing style?
I didn't take it personally, no worries, gripe or anything of that kidney. I did say why my understanding of your point may have been clouded, and other than that it was all in the spirit of friendly debate. Don't start the bold & italic thing though, it comes across badly :x

Edit* Wow that was fast, I couldn't even add the <3 to Blazza before you replied.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-03-09 11:38:00
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It was just to highlight my point, because you both missed it. Looks like it worked =P
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