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Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 72
By Unicorn.Yojimmbo 2008-12-18 20:59:29
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Forming a Dynamis Shell.
You get paid to show up.
You get Ancient Currency.
You can fund a run.
You don't have to put up with leaving with just an Orc Liver.
More info as it becomes available...
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Avrenia
Posts: 16
By Unicorn.Avrenia 2008-12-18 21:10:59
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Sounds interesting. Keep us posted!
Server: Alexander
Game: FFXI
user: Neph
Posts: 103
By Alexander.Neph 2008-12-18 21:58:41
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Why isn't there a ls like this on Alex. ; ;
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 72
By Unicorn.Yojimmbo 2008-12-19 17:40:32
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Actually after a very extensive search and many a trial and error,I have come up with a Dynamis plan that will render most Dynamis LS worthless.While not completley worthless,I do believe ppl will want to go by my own plan for Dynamis runs.Recieving Ancient Currency on every run plus AF every other run will have LS leaders in a panic when members begin to ask for more than an Orc Liver,Colossul Skull,or my personal favorite after 2 hours-->Infinity Core.Dynamis LS reform is needed and in January my new LS will try to set a new standard^^
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 17
By Garuda.Fishheadman 2008-12-19 21:43:41
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Props to you for going against the norm and helping everyone get a little piece of the Dyna pie.

Now someone on Garuda start a Dyna shell like this
Server: Alexander
Game: FFXI
user: nepharite
Posts: 605
By Alexander.Nepharite 2008-12-19 21:54:22
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A lot of players only join dynas so they can sponsor runs to work on a relic. With that setup, trying to get a relic weapon just isn't feasible.

Also on icelands runs, you won't always come out ahead in coins, and whats the point if everyone gets 20k each? One person gets a 100piece and everyone else gets 5-10k, that is kinda lame...

And your plan has some unanswered questions. Does everyone fund the run? How do you work out who gets what drops? and Who would actually lead a ls like this for chump change and chance at some af?

Your plan is just riddled with problems as is.
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: preluder
Posts: 47
By Ifrit.Preluder 2008-12-19 23:10:17
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I also agree with the last post, sounds good, but when you start talking details it wont work. Thats why most Dyna shells are the way they are.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Xellith
Posts: 916
By Shiva.Xellith 2008-12-20 03:28:15
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why would anyone sponsor a run where you are giving away a huge chunk of the currency to participating members? I mean I dont see the logic.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Fukinder
Posts: 2
By Sylph.Santoro 2008-12-20 07:34:36
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Nepharite said:
Your plan is just riddled with problems as is.

How can you say this? the OP hasn't actually given away any specific details apart from the overall premise of his new concept. Stop trying to flame them for no reason, it may/maynot work but they have an idea that they believe is a worth while investment of time and energy so who are you to call them on it?

Just my 2 cents.
By 2008-12-20 09:01:52
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Just every Dynamis Shell on this server are shout groups...... :( no cast lot on money but free way in Cast lots 2 win 1 piece of af
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Savannah
Posts: 7938
By Cerberus.Savannah 2008-12-20 10:24:59
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I give props to anyone who's willing to try something different. What if it does work? What if this really could be a big change that dynamis needs?

We'll never know unless this guy tries it...

So 3 /cheer's to you buddy! Keep us posted :)
Server: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Galactus
Posts: 550
By Diabolos.Sovereign 2008-12-20 10:49:40
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Yojimmbo said:
Forming a Dynamis Shell. You get paid to show up. You get Ancient Currency. You can fund a run. You don't have to put up with leaving with just an Orc Liver. More info as it becomes available...

I'm gonna have to agree that a linkshell like this will not be "successful."

the original poster has obviously not led a dynamis linkshell before, so let me break it down for those of who who havent had that opportunity either.

~ Not all Dynamis runs are created equal! You will not always see the same amount of gear and currency drop. Sometimes it will be insane, other times it will just plain suck. Either way, the cost for entry remains the same, and it will be up to the leaders how you recoup this loss.

~ Funding a Dynamis linkshell is very similar to starting a small business. You begin with startup capital (timeless hourglass purchase), and things proceed from there. As a leader, your focus should not be on how much AF you get, but how you will afford the next run. As you can probably imagine, most startup linkshells accomplish this by lotting and reselling currency.

~ Paying your members to attend would be an utter joke. From your member's standpoint, that's awesome. From a leader's view, you just raised the cost of entry by 'X' amount, and now have to recoup that loss as well. Meaning even more work for you to afford a second run.

~ Simply put, you cannot please everyone. There are always going to be members in your linkshell who get upset over how things turn out, or are simply just in it for themselves. Dude who just got outlotted on his RDM hat will now leave cause he didnt get it. Dude that did get the hat will leave cause he got what he wanted. This same story gets told over and over again... it is inevitable.

~ The most successful linkshells are made up of members who take pride in wearing the pearl. These members are thus self-sacrificing, and will do what it takes to help out their fellow linkshell members. That being said, linkshells like this spend countless hours of their time bettering the linkshell as a whole. As a leader, it is your responsibilty to instill pride in your members, if you want them to stick around after they've gotten the items they want.

There is a lot that goes into running a successful Dynamis linkshell... and while we all know there is no single best way to do it, there are many ways in which will cause failure outright.

I strongly suggest if you intend to run a Dynamis linkshell, that you do your research on other successful groups to see how they operate. Take their ideas, as well as input from your members, and build a system that works best for your group. Otherwise, you will no doubt get burned.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Savannah
Posts: 7938
By Cerberus.Savannah 2008-12-20 11:50:00
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Why should someone be completely ripped apart for wanting to try something different?

We learn from our failures, from our mistakes.

If he wants to take a chance on something he believes in then he should do it. If he fails, then he learns from it and moves on. If he successful then he can come back and here to prove anyone who doubted him wrong.

I'm not saying he'll be successful, i'm not saying that he'll fail either. I'm simply stating that much like RL, if you strongly believe in trying something new, then you should.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 72
By Unicorn.Yojimmbo 2008-12-20 12:08:28
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Its not riddled with problems lol but yes I see how it can look like a problem just waiting to burst.I have all the rules down on paper and will get it put into actual type once I start recruiting.I'll answer your questions for this ne LS once I start recruiting in January,and I do already heave answers for your questions.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 72
By Unicorn.Yojimmbo 2008-12-20 12:16:01
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True while most,not all mind you,LS leader(s) keep all the currency my new rules will be specifically aimed towards making Dynamis fun and rewarding.I hated the fact that doing Dynamis became more of a chore for me than fun,and I knew I was not alone when I asked around.The most important part of Dynamis(In my own opinion)is to have fun using strategies.What I don't like is showing up and wondering if I will get anything on this run and if I don't get anything,what random item I might have the luck of getting.So rewards will be in place so that you never leave empty handed.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 72
By Unicorn.Yojimmbo 2008-12-20 12:21:12
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Savannah said:
I give props to anyone who's willing to try something different. What if it does work? What if this really could be a big change that dynamis needs? We'll never know unless this guy tries it... So 3 /cheer's to you buddy! Keep us posted :)

I will keep posting and giving replies because this has been an issue with me since I was able to enter Dynamis.Thank you.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Toabea
Posts: 33
By Cerberus.Toabea 2008-12-20 12:26:07
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I'm going to have to go with the crowd on this one, If nobody sponsers a run, who pays for it? Surely you can't afford to maintain Dynamis Runs consistently while paying members to show up and not getting any gil back from the run?
Server: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Galactus
Posts: 550
By Diabolos.Sovereign 2008-12-20 12:27:12
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Ideas like this one are not new.

The game has been out for like what, six years? You dont think some other linkshell has already tried this?

The methods he is describing as wanting to use put a huge burden on the leader, both fundamental and financial. No leader in their right mind would pay for a glass, and watch all the currency go anything close to free lot.

The only way plans like these could be implemented with any amount of success would be in an already established linkshell, with members who know and trust each other, and have large amounts of income from other sources outside of Dynamis (i.e. HNMs, Sea, Sky, etc). Honestly, expect to get burned if you do it any other way.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 72
By Unicorn.Yojimmbo 2008-12-20 12:42:53
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Sovereign said:
Ideas like this one are not new. The game has been out for like what, six years? You dont think some other linkshell has already tried this? The methods he is describing as wanting to use put a huge burden on the leader, both fundamental and financial. No leader in their right mind would pay for a glass, and watch all the currency go anything close to free lot. The only way plans like these could be implemented with any amount of success would be in an already established linkshell, with members who know and trust each other, and have large amounts of income from other sources outside of Dynamis (i.e. HNMs, Sea, Sky, etc). Honestly, expect to get burned if you do it any other way.
Thanks for the concern lol i'll be keeping you posted for sure.I have ran a Dynamis LS before and yes there is plenty of factors to derail this idea,but it is my idea and I will be putting up 5 million of my own gil to run.If it fails it fails,but if i'm right and this plan of mine does work as I have faith in it,and i'll just stop running it.Besides its only gil.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 72
By Unicorn.Yojimmbo 2008-12-20 12:44:40
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Toabea said:
I'm going to have to go with the crowd on this one, If nobody sponsers a run, who pays for it? Surely you can't afford to maintain Dynamis Runs consistently while paying members to show up and not getting any gil back from the run?
That's exactley what i'm talking about "the crowd" I plan to think outside the box and not regurgitate only whats feed to me.The world is not flat after all lol.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Toabea
Posts: 33
By Cerberus.Toabea 2008-12-20 12:48:53
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Well its your gil, personally I can think of better ways to spend 5 Mil, but I don't see any way to make this financially possible or beneficial on a long term basis.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 72
By Unicorn.Yojimmbo 2008-12-20 12:50:56
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Toabea said:
Well its your gil, personally I can think of better ways to spend 5 Mil, but I don't see any way to make this financially possible on a long term basis.

Your right,and its that kind of thinking that has brought me into LS reform.I could just buy all sorts of stuff true,and a new thread can be made lol,but I want to go for the big fish with this 5M.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 72
By Unicorn.Yojimmbo 2008-12-20 12:58:20
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Alaura said:
Just every Dynamis Shell on this server are shout groups...... :( no cast lot on money but free way in Cast lots 2 win 1 piece of af

I plan to change all the rules,so instead of (I gtg do Dynamis D:) it will be (Time for Dynamis =D)
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Toabea
Posts: 33
By Cerberus.Toabea 2008-12-20 12:59:42
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The big fish being what exactly? From what i can tell there is a chance that you could end up with noting at all being that this idea is based on a free lot system, people aren't all nice and respectful, they can turn up, get paid to do so, get a drop they want and never come back, which in turn screws everyone over. As Sovereign said, people will leave for X reason, which will cause people to leave for Y reason. It's the butterfly effect you have to consider, but eitherway, it's your idea, you seem to be up for it, so all the best to you, let me know how it works out.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 72
By Unicorn.Yojimmbo 2008-12-20 13:03:28
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Xellith said:
why would anyone sponsor a run where you are giving away a huge chunk of the currency to participating members? I mean I dont see the logic.

Of course there is no logic.When Ifrist started playing I never ever thought I would be able to afford to buy stuff that went for 100k lol but just thinking it made me know it was never gonna be possible.Today,a few KS/BS runs later,I made it possible because I saw it that way.Ppl telling you something is impossible does not make it so.I want to change that.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 72
By Unicorn.Yojimmbo 2008-12-20 13:06:39
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Toabea said:
The big fish being what exactly? From what i can tell there is a chance that you could end up with noting at all being that this idea is based on a free lot system, people aren't all nice and respectful, they can turn up, get paid to do so, get a drop they want and never come back, which in turn screws everyone over. As Sovereign said, people will leave for X reason, which will cause people to leave for Y reason. It's the butterfly effect you have to consider, but eitherway, it's your idea, you seem to be up for it, so all the best to you, let me know how it works out.

Big fish being my idea of my new LS being fully functional,I have faith in it and i'll help it bear fruit lol I'll let you know for sure,actually,i'll post up the web address once its up and typed.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 72
By Unicorn.Yojimmbo 2008-12-20 13:08:41
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Neph said:
Why isn't there a ls like this on Alex. ; ;

I'll post up the web address once its up and i'm hoping that this LS reform will spread to other servers.I'm also hoping that more ppl will start LS based on this new system^^
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 72
By Unicorn.Yojimmbo 2008-12-20 13:23:07
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Savannah said:
Why should someone be completely ripped apart for wanting to try something different? We learn from our failures, from our mistakes. If he wants to take a chance on something he believes in then he should do it. If he fails, then he learns from it and moves on. If he successful then he can come back and here to prove anyone who doubted him wrong. I'm not saying he'll be successful, i'm not saying that he'll fail either. I'm simply stating that much like RL, if you strongly believe in trying something new, then you should.

lol I was planning on getting ripped apart from the start.All new ideas are always faced with problems,oppisition,comments,and the like.But yeah I don't mind the questions and comments,i'm suprised ppl have'nt commented on my typing lol it's all good.
Server: Alexander
Game: FFXI
user: nepharite
Posts: 605
By Alexander.Nepharite 2008-12-20 16:43:02
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As Someone stated earlier, this is not a "New Idea" and it has been done several times before and has flopped miserably.

Freelot system? Saw someone mention that previously. Lets say someone doesn't need any drops from dyna-bastok, since they are not gaining anything by going, why would they have a reason to go.

I'm not against new ideas, I'm just against bad ones.

And to Santoro, the general idea of the plan is bad enough to figure out the rest to say its riddled with problems. Definitely not a good investment of time and energy. Who are you to promote bad plans to waste time and energy of a lot of people?
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 72
By Unicorn.Yojimmbo 2008-12-20 18:45:40
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Nepharite said:
As Someone stated earlier, this is not a "New Idea" and it has been done several times before and has flopped miserably. Freelot system? Saw someone mention that previously. Lets say someone doesn't need any drops from dyna-bastok, since they are not gaining anything by going, why would they have a reason to go. I'm not against new ideas, I'm just against bad ones. And to Santoro, the general idea of the plan is bad enough to figure out the rest to say its riddled with problems. Definitely not a good investment of time and energy. Who are you to promote bad plans to waste time and energy of a lot of people?
Well if its flops it flops but i'm still going for it.I never mentioned freelot lol As far as Bastok goes,or any city for that matter,you would still recieve an incentive for doing the run.I don't want to reveal too much,but yeah,you would get something even if there was no drop for your job =D
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