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Mrburns said:
after reading 7 pages of this ive composed a simple formula to describe it for those new to the thread:

+lol43k/hr and the worst english grammer and spelling ever
= people that started with zilart/cop hate people that started with toau/wotg

personally I agree that if you aren't hasting me, and your meleeing, you're not in my party for long, but if you want to spam campaign outside of campaign, why not just spam campaign?


You can just cut everything out of that post down to lolmeleerdm because this thread proves without a doubt that RDMs that melee in meripo are completely retarded.

Darkvision said:
i was that RDM/NIN i DID melee, 43k/hour, now you can STFU and if you really care here was my gear:-

main - Martial Anelace
Sub - Hornetneedle
Ammo - Bibiki Seashell
Head - Walahra Turban
Neck - Spider Torque (and i never change this)
Ear 1 - Anivenom Earing
Ear 2 - Insomnia Earing
Body - Warlock's Tabard
Hands - Crimson Finger Gauntles (Yeah NQ ones coz i dont care if i get HQ)
Ring 1 - Zircon Ring or Aquamarine Ring (depends on macro)
Ring 2 - Zircon Ring or Aquamarine Ring (depends on macro)
Back - Amemet Mantle (NQ one again got something to say about it, then why dont ya gice me 200k for HQ one :P)
Waist - Swift Belt
Legs - Jet Seraweels
Feet - Deulist boots

L O L case in point. Not only is this one retarded but he also a gearset that belongs on the BG gimps/WTF thread.

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